"Master, let me go, it's because I have eyes and no beads, I just acted on orders, I have no choice. Otherwise, give me ten thousand courage and dare not offend you." This disciple pleaded bitterly and pitifully.

"Fine, I will spare your life if you explain your merits. However, living sins are forgiven, and death sins are inevitable." Ye Tian said coldly.


He didn't tolerate his action. As soon as he pointed it out, the dantian of this divine realm disciple was cleansed, and then he pointed it out again, causing his sea of ​​consciousness to collapse, and his divine consciousness power to zero, and it would be impossible to practice in the future.

"Ahhhhh, you are deceiving too much! Go to Nepal..." the divine realm disciple cried and couldn't help but swear.

Ye Tian abolished him and ruined his decades of hard work. His future life was gloomy. It was more cruel than killing him, which made him unacceptable.

However, he has nothing to do, he is a prisoner after all. Blame him for not being strong enough.

Naturally, Ye Tian couldn't have too much sympathy for him, and it was the greatest kindness to spare him a small life.

Grandpa was arrested and sent to Lihuo Sect, Xiao Yue'er couldn't cultivate at ease anyway, and she wished to rush to Lihuo Sect and rescue Grandpa now.

Of course, to go to Lihuo to save people, she does not have this ability.

"Master, will my grandfather be okay? Will they kill my grandfather? I haven't had my parents since I was a child. Grandpa is my only relative, so I can't be okay." Xiao Yueer, who has always been very strong, cried out. Speaking, grandpa is too nervous.

"Don't worry, I am the person they are looking for, and your grandpa will be fine." Ye Tian comforted, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Because Old Uncle Qin was arrested and Xiao Yue'er's grandfather, he couldn't just sit back and watch.

Although the cultivation base hasn't recovered to its peak and Chao is still alive, Ye Tian doesn't plan to practice anymore, so he will leave now.

The fragments of time really can't be refined for a while, and the wounds left in the body can't be healed in a short while. The real retreat may take a few years, and he obviously doesn't have this patience.

If you can find great opportunities, everything will be no problem.

"Go, let's go to Li Huo Jiao." Ye Tian said to Xiao Yue'er, ready to leave the customs now and go to Li Huo Jiao to save people.

It was Longtan Tiger's Den, and he also broke into it.

In other words, there were several Longtan Tiger Dens that he had rushed through, all of them were shocking and dangerous.

This Lihuo Cult doesn't even have a golden core, it's just a second-rate sect, he really didn't care about it.

If it is a real big sect, how can it be with the bandits?

call out!

At this moment, a fire suddenly rose up in the valley, and it burst suddenly at a height of several hundred meters. It was as colorful as a bouquet of smoke, and it was very gorgeous.

When seeing this firework, the other disciples of the Lihuo Sect who were looking for Ye Tian's footprints all rushed in madly.

"I want to kill my Lihuo Sect, I'm really brazen, you can live now and talk about it." The disciple whose cultivation base was abolished by Ye Tian said coldly, his eyes full of strong hatred.

This fireworks that conveys information was released by him.

By doing this, he obviously put life and death out of consideration. Ye Tian abolished his cultivation base, so that all his thoughts were wiped out, and the confidence to live was gone.

Ye Tian would naturally fulfill him, hitting a ray of thunder and smashing him into ashes.

"I don't see it, if you dare to resist, you will end up with them." Ye Tian held a small crystal ball in his hand, communicated with spirit, and said to the Jinpeng bird sealed inside.

He didn't know where he was from the position of Huo Cult, and he planned to let Jin Pengniao take him there.

This Jinpeng bird was captured from the Fairy Ruins in the early years by the Liyang real person of the Lihuo Sect, and now it is used as a car. It must be familiar with the Inner Gate and the Fairy Ruins, and it can be used by Ye Tian, ​​so it survived.

Jinpeng Bird nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, indicating that it would obey Ye Tian.


Ye Tian smashed the void crystal ball, and Jin Peng Bird rushed out of it, suddenly becoming bigger, but suddenly shaking its wings, rushing to the sky, trying to escape.

How could Ye Tian let it escape? Crashing, a chain of order rang, piercing its body at once, and the red blood spewed out, hot and hot, and then a piece of sky was red.

Where the chain passed, a void seemed to be imprisoned, and Jinpeng Bird had difficulty even flapping its wings.


Jin Pengniao roared bitterly, but Ye Tian pulled the chain of the **** of order and grabbed it back.

"This is Elder Liyang's Jinpeng Bird. How could it be in your hands? Don't you let it go?"

Suddenly a loud cry came from the sky, and then a figure rushed into the valley with a flying sword on its feet.

He was not the only one, but there were several others behind him, some with flying swords on their feet, some mounted on birds, and some with the help of other flying weapons, such as a piece of animal skin, a paper kite,...

All the people nearby who saw the fireworks for transmission came over, and they were all over the area, outflanked in all directions, to encircle Ye Tian in the middle.

The first disciple who stepped on the flying sword wanted to attack Ye Tian, ​​and the flying sword suddenly rushed out under his feet. The red sword was blood-stained and dripping, cutting through the sky, bursting with endless **** sword light. Like a **** horse, it stabbed at Ye Tianji.

Feijian's speed is so fast, in the eyes of this group of disciples who rushed over, Ye Tian couldn't avoid it, and was pierced by a Feijian, right at the center of the mouth.

"Senior Brother Zhang is so strong. If you don't use the sword, you will see blood."

"That's not the case. Since coming to Shushan to study and exchange for a year, Brother Zhang's swordsmanship has improved by leaps and bounds. This flying sword was also a gift from Shushan. It is said that it was once the sword of a Shushan elder, and it is a high-grade spiritual soldier."

"Hahaha, did the battle end so soon? It's boring."

"No, this Jinpeng bird has been with Brother Yang Zhan, why is the bird still there and Brother Yang Zhan has disappeared?"

"Look, there are blood stains on the ground and traces of fighting. It won't be..."

When seeing the blood stains on the ground and the scars of fights, all the disciples of the Lihuo Sect who came here could not calm down, and for a moment there was a bad premonition.


Fei Jian slashed straight on Ye Tian's body, but it seemed as if it had hit the hardest steel in the world, only a string of sparks spattered, not a drop of blood flew out.

"Damn it, it's impossible. How can your body be so powerful that it can withstand my flying sword blow? There must be some secret treasure on your body." The disciple who controls the flying sword suddenly shrank and shouted in a low voice: "Give me broken!"

The flying sword buzzed and vibrated, clinging to Ye Tian's body, twisted and flicked, rushing in inch by inch, and there was a harsh cutting sound, and sparks splashed like iron.

But it was useless at all. Ye Tian stood still, letting this flying sword cut for a few seconds, but failed to break even a trace of the crystal scale protection.

"Are you all here to kill me?" Ye Tian looked coldly indifferent, and a icy breath filled the bones, causing the temperature of the entire valley to drop more than ten degrees.


Seeing that the Yujian disciple couldn't capture Ye Tian's heart for a long time, he suddenly changed the sword's power, gave up the position of his heart, and flew to Ye Tian's neck like lightning, spinning and cutting around his neck.


There was another harsh cutting sound, and sparks shot out.

This is an extremely horrifying scene that makes the scalp numb.

However, it seemed horrified, but in fact there was no danger, and Ye Tian was still unscathed.

He hasn't done anything, just want to see how much the protective ability of the crystal scales has been strengthened after the upgrade.

However, the opponent's power level is too low.


Ye Tian stretched out his hand and slammed the flying sword in his hand. The movement was as easy as the dust that fell off his body, really effortless.


Then Ye Tian raised his hand again and threw, the flying sword flew out in the air, facing its owner, the imperial sword pierced away from the fire school disciple, bringing a river of blood and light, and the speed was far better than that of it. Under the master's control, even the void seemed to be distorted wherever he went.

"No, stop." The disciple yelled, desperately urging his mana to regain control of the flying sword.

Sadly, Fei Jian kept calling him, and the brand of himself in it seemed to be erased.

"Everyone act quickly and stop Feijian!"

When the other disciples reacted, a burst of light and sword shadows slashed at the flying sword fiercely.

But the speed of Feijian was too fast, all the attacks failed, and even one corner of Feijian could not be touched.

"Ah, I don't want to die!" The Yujian disciple groaned, fearing to the extreme.

In his field of vision, there was only a river of blood and light. In the river of blood and light, the sword vigorously, the wind roared, and a flying sword pierced through the world and pierced directly at him.

He had only seen this kind of flying sword in the Shushan Sword Palace, and only the elders there could control the flying sword so terrifying.

"This is a top-level swordsman!" His heart shook, and then he realized that his intestines were about to regret.


Suddenly, just when he was desperate, a sword light broke through the sky.

This sword is extremely terrifying and sharp. It is shining like a dragon, dancing between heaven and earth. UU reading www.uukanshu. com splits the void, and the sea of ​​clouds is shattered.


The flying sword thrown by Ye Tian was smashed by a sword, a loud noise was heard, and then it flew out horizontally.


The void vibrated, and the air exploded.

A beautiful woman in a red dress is holding a silver long sword, which is falling from the sky.

She is slender, with a nice face, and looks delicate and weak, but she has a terrifying aura exuding, like a female leopard, quiet like a kitten, and ferocious can roar in the mountains and forests.

"Sister Yan'er, you, why are you here?" Xiao Yue'er shouted. Very shocked.

Yes, the person who came was Qin Yan'er, a proud girl of heaven who walked out of Taohua Village.

"If your elder sister doesn't come, you won’t know if you were sold. Are you coming to your elder sister soon?" Qin Yan'er reproved loudly, as if her sister was teaching her sister, her two black gem-like eyes stared again Big and round. _

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