Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1890: Penglai Mixin

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Ye Tian not only took some of it himself, but also asked Old Uncle Qin and Xiao Yue'er to take it too.

It's just that Old Uncle Qin seemed to be afraid, or he was very upright, and he didn't want to take other people's things. And he taught Xiaoyue not to take other people's things.

Xiaoyue listened very much to Grandpa's words and reluctantly returned the jewels she had hung on her body one by one.

"Fire Spirit Orb, Wood Spirit Orb, Fire Purifying Glass,..."

"One superb elixir, two superb elixir,..."

"Hey, this seems to be a semi-sacred medicine, not bad."


When Ye Tian put the priceless treasures into his own bag, Zhang Tailin's face gradually darkened. He himself is not willing to use many of these treasures at ordinary times. They are reserved for the younger disciples of Tianjiao. As a result, Ye Tianhui picked out all the treasures.

However, it doesn't matter. Ye Tian is already a bird in a cage. When Shushan's rescue comes, how can he eat it in and vomit it out.

In the end, Ye Tian Xiaoxiao took over a hundred items and finally stopped.

"I ask you, have you ever heard of Penglai Fairy Island?" Ye Tian asked suddenly.

"Penglai Fairy Island?" Zhang Tailin was suddenly startled.

Then he thought about it and shook his head abruptly.

When Ye Tianxin sank to the bottom and was disappointed, Zhang Tailin suddenly said: "I have never heard of Penglai Immortal Island, but I have heard of a Penglai Immortal Sect."

"Penglai Xianzong? Where is it now?" Ye Tian asked quickly.

Needless to think about it, Penglai Xiandao and Penglai Xianzong are mostly the same sect. It's just that there is no ocean in the hidden gate, so naturally there is no island. Penglai Xiandao should be renamed because of this.

"It's gone a long time ago. I also saw it in ancient books. It's probably tens of thousands of years since Penglai's fairy island was destroyed."

"What? Destroyed for tens of thousands of years? Then do you know why Penglai Immortal Sect was destroyed? Where is the old sect?" Ye Tian asked eagerly.

Zhang Tailin's eyes turned wildly, and he was suspicious, wondering why Ye Tian was interested in the destroyed Penglai Immortal Sect.

But looking at Ye Tian's eager eyes, it seemed that he would eat him if he didn't say anything, so he had to confess what he knew.

Thousands of years ago, it was all about eating sesame and rotten millet. If you don't come into contact with similar classics, it is difficult to understand. Zhang Tailin happened to see this record in ancient books.

"According to ancient historical records, the demise of Penglai Immortal Sect was related to the Jinwu Clan." Zhang Tailin pointed out the root cause of the demise of Penglai Immortal Sect.

"Oh?" Ye Tian was very interested and listened carefully.

Both the Penglai Immortal Sect and the Jinwu Clan belong to the Southern Territory, and they are both very powerful. They are the two supreme rulers of the Southern Territory, and they have a group of followers behind them. As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two lakes, and the two top strong clans have disputes in history, and they often fight indiscriminately.

This dispute lasted for a long time, and finally ended in the destruction of Penglai Xianzong, and the family died.

Ye Tian nodded, convinced of Zhang Tailin's words.

Penglai Xianzong was not the only sect that was destroyed due to disputes in history, and it has gone too far.

The hidden gate has a history of hundreds of thousands of years, and such a long time span is enough to turn the sea into a mulberry field.

Next, Ye Tian asked Zhang Tailin about Tianlu, about the starry sky teleportation array.

Ye Tian has seen the story of the Nine Phoenix Goddess ascending to the sky in the ancient books of the Jiuli Divine Sect. There must be a similar record in the inner hidden gate, and it is more detailed.

When Ye Tian mentioned Heavenly Road and the Starry Sky Teleportation Formation, Zhang Tailin immediately understood, and Ye Tian asked what Penglai Xianzong said.

In fact, the Star Teleportation Array, the inner hidden gate, many golden core powers are also looking for.

After all, the inner hidden gate heaven is incomplete, the rules are incomplete, and it is impossible to prove the Tao Yuan Ying. Those golden core powers who have cultivated to the extreme have to look beyond the sky.

To go to heaven, there must be a way to heaven.

Regarding the story of the Penglai Nine Phoenix Goddess walking to the sky, there is indeed a record in the hidden gate, and Zhang Tailin has also seen it in ancient books.

The strength of Penglai was initially stronger than that of the Jinwu tribe. It started when the Penglai Heavenly Girl walked on the Heavenly Road, and then gradually fell into a disadvantage. Because the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Lady went on the Heavenly Road, not alone, but with a group of people. , Are all extremely powerful existences in Penglai.

It is recorded in ancient history that the Nine Phoenix Goddess took away ten peak golden cores.

The Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl took away so many top powers, not to protect herself, but to hope that they could prove the Dao Yuan Ying in the stars, and then walk back on the heavenly road.

The Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl is also a pinnacle golden core, only one step away from the Nascent Soul.

As a result, the Nine Phoenix Goddess and the ten pinnacle golden cores that he took away were all gone forever, and there was no more news.

As a result, the Penglai Immortal Sect was gradually surpassed by the Jinwu Clan, and was eventually defeated and the clan died. The Golden Crow has become the top force in the Southern Territory, and no other sect can stun the front.

In the record, after Penglai Xianzong was breached, the Golden Crow tribe looted Penglai Xianzong aggressively, instead of discovering the starry sky teleportation formation.

This is what the Jinwu people said to the outside world, and it is also recorded in ancient history.

Since then, the Star Teleportation Formation, like Penglai Xianzong, has become history.

For tens of thousands of years, countless people have searched for it, but there is no trace of it.

Since then, no one has set foot on the road to the sky and stepped into the starry sky.

"Could it be hidden by the Golden Crow? Deliberately telling the outside world that the Star Teleportation Array has disappeared?" Ye Tian asked, making a guess.

"It's unlikely." Zhang Tailin shook his head, and said: "If the Starry Sky Teleportation Array is really in the hands of the Jinwu Clan, it will definitely be used to go to the Ancient Starry Sky Road. The process of opening the Sky Road will cause a lot of turbulence. , Because of the need to tear the void, even if it is hidden, it is difficult not to reveal clues. In history, there are many powerful people who went to the Jinwu tribe, hoping to use their starry sky teleportation platform to enter the starry sky and provide various favorable conditions, but none One can make a trip."

"Could it be that the Starry Sky Teleportation Array was hidden in a hidden place in the old Penglai that the Jinwu Clan could not find?" Ye Tian asked again.

"It's possible, but it's unlikely. Throughout the ages, there is so much power to go to the old place of Penglai to pay tribute. Everything that can be searched has been searched. No one has heard of anyone discovering the traces of the Star Teleportation Array."

Ye Tian was speechless, and said, "Did the starry sky teleportation platform disappear for no reason? Since it once existed, there must be clues."

Zhang Tailin saw that Ye Tian was so obsessed with the starry sky teleportation formation, and he was even more convinced that he had the idea of ​​going outside the territory.

It's no wonder that a young Tianjiao like him, proving the golden core is almost certain, and it will definitely touch the ceiling of this world in his lifetime, looking at Yuanying and sighing.

In the history of the Inner Gate, there were too many such tianjiao powers, and they were stuck in the peak Golden Core Realm. It was difficult to break through all kinds of methods, and finally was consumed by time.

"There was a record in ancient books that when the Jinwu Clan destroyed the Penglai Xianzong, it failed to drive out the entire sect and some of them escaped." Zhang Tailin said, giving Ye Tian another idea.

"Oh? Where are the descendants of Penglai Xianzong now?" Ye Tian asked quickly.

"Haha!" Zhang Tailin smiled coldly and said: "Ten thousand years have passed, where else can the descendants of Penglai be found? It's possible that all of them are dead."

Ye Tian thinks about it, too, after all, time has passed too long.

This makes him really desperate. If Penglai Xianzong’s starry sky teleportation formation really disappears, then he can only try to repair the starry sky teleportation formation of Olympus Wanshen Mountain and Dongyue Secret Realm, which will cost a lot. Time, manpower and material resources, because the two teleportation formations were damaged too badly.

"It is recorded in ancient history that the group of people who escaped from the Penglai Xianzong were hunted and killed by the Jinwu people all over the world. They were sheltered by Yaochi for a period of time. If you are really interested, you can go to Yaochi to ask. But time has passed after all It’s been too long, and you don’t have too much hope."

Ye Tian nodded, thoughtfully.

Then Ye Tian asked something more, and then he was about to leave.

He was going to go to the old place of Penglai Xianzong first to see if he could find something, but then he would go to Yaochi to ask.

Given that he had received a lot of information from Zhang Tailin, as a grateful, he confiscated the compensation for the defeat of Li Huo Sect and returned it all. Although these information, he only needs to spend some time, and he can get it from other channels.

"Are you leaving so soon?" Zhang Tailin was shocked, but he didn't expect Ye Tian to leave now.

At this time, the power of Shushan should already be on the way, and it won't take long to arrive.

"What? Do you still want to keep me as the head teacher?" Ye Tian jokingly smiled.

"Hehe, I am small from the Huojiao Temple, how can I tolerate the Shangxian. However, the Shangxian has to leave, at least have to eat a meal before leaving. The big meal is ready, and it is all rare delicacies. There are thousands of years of fine wine and wine." Zhang Tailin sincerely hopes that Ye Tian can stay for dinner, and his attitude is very sincere.

There are some other elders who are also helping behind, and they can persuade Ye Tian to stay for a while, as if he is treating a great benefactor, and he is obviously a great enemy.

Listening to Zhang Tailin talking about delicious food, Xiao Yue'er's saliva was about to flow out, and she slapped her tongue.

"Teacher Zhang, don't you do any small actions behind your back?" Ye Tian suddenly asked in a cold voice, his expression gloomy.

"How is it possible? I'm convinced by Huo Jiao, where can I dare to make small moves behind my back." Zhang Tailin quickly denied.

" It's better not to have it. Otherwise, I promise you to leave the fire church and become history, just like the lost Penglai Xianzong."

Zhang Tailin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and a bit of fear rose in his heart.

He only felt that the young man in front of him was really terrifying, and it seemed harmless to humans and animals.

It's strange to say that this kind of powerful existence, a genius boy who has been rare for thousands of years, has never heard of it, as if he did not belong to this world, and suddenly popped out.

After all, Shushan's reinforcements came one step too late, and Ye Tian had already left.

The three Jindan elders gave Ye Tian a lot of face.

However, although the person has not been caught, he can escape for a while, and cannot escape for a lifetime. As long as the person is in the hidden gate, he may be caught.

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