Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1908: Resolve the crisis

"Rebirth of Peerless Abandoned Shao (

Xiao Yue'er was so frightened, she didn't dare to move, she was really terrified.

However, she has been following Ye Tian for a while, and she has gained insights. She has experienced a **** storm and her xinxing has become strong. At this moment, she is just a little frightened, not so scared to cry, not even her body trembles, try to make herself behave. natural.

Ye Tian was even more of an old god, not flustered, smiling but not smiling, and asked: "Several people, what's the matter?"

A pair of eyes looked like knives, staring directly at him, and there was a mountain of pressure coming down, but he was not moved.

His breath climbed to the peak of innateness, and a hint of basalt was released, which was completely different from the aura released during the Lihuo Sect war before, to ensure that he would not be recognized.

Normally, a person has only one kind of blood and can only show one kind of breath.

Breath is like a fingerprint. It is a fixed feature of a person. There can be no two people with the same breath in the world. Even if they are hidden in the crowd, a person can be locked through the breath.

But Ye Tian is not the case. His four changes in the shape of the gods allow him to simulate the bloodlines of the four gods and beasts, thereby expressing a variety of completely different auras.

At this moment, in order not to be recognized as his true body, he also struggled.

Just because the other party was really too powerful, he swept through his divine mind lightly, and Guang Jin Dan found four, at least four, and some of them had hidden their breath and weren't found.

If it's him, even if the war breaks out, he will have the confidence to escape. But with Xiaoyue'er, a big oil bottle, it would be difficult to escape successfully, so I had to be cautious.

Qin Yan'er and Zhang Daochen stand side by side, one is gorgeous and the other is elegant and beautiful, and they are really a pair of people.

Qin Yan'er's gaze has been fixed on Xiao Yue'er, because she and Xiao Yue'er are closest. From the back, she almost thinks this little girl is Xiaoyue'er.

However, at this moment, Xiao Yue'er deliberately released a trace of true phoenix breath, as unattainable as a nine-day phoenix girl, making her, a peerless goddess, ashamed of herself. So that she can hardly get in touch with Xiao Yue'er, because it is so different from the Xiao Yue'er she knows one day at a time.

When she looked at Ye Tian, ​​she found that the aura on this young man was equally vast, completely different from the aura of Ye Tian before, giving her a sense of sight as if facing a beast.

"It's not them, I think it's bad." Qin Yan'er shook her head.

"Jin Peng Bird who is not a master, although it looks a little similar." Zhang Daochen also said, his eyes were mainly on Jin Peng Bird, and he quickly made a judgment.

Several other elders who were away from the Fire Sect were also looking carefully, each with their eyes piercing, but in the end all shook their heads.

"This fellow Taoist, I don't know which sect you are from? Why haven't I met you before?" A young man with a long sword asked Ye Tian, ​​his tone very calm.

This is a young Ning Dan, dressed in a well-cut Tsing Yi, slender and tall, full of crystal hair, a pair of eyes shining like stars, with an elegant posture of dust.

Standing in the void, his whole body was covered with a faint brilliance. It was not an ordinary qi, but a sword qi overflowing from his body. It was very gorgeous, looking sacred and peaceful, but there was a shocking aura fluctuation.

He is surrounded by several people, including young men and women, as well as the elderly, and his identity is unusual.

"Indestructible sword body!" Ye Tian's heart moved.

This young man had a powerful physique, an indestructible sword body, just like the violent earth bear in the Outer Hidden Gate.

This physique was born for the sword, made for killing, and was born to be close to the sword. From every strand of hair, to every pore, every piece of flesh and blood, it can spray thin sword energy, sharp and unmatched.

This person looks elegant and easy-going, and it's just superficial. In a real battle, it will look different.

"Rivers and lakes are free to repair, it is not enough. If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first." Ye Tian said lightly, not wanting to get in touch with this group of people too much.

"My Zong Jianzi asked you, what is your attitude? Do you really think you are great?" Another young man shouted, his eyes widened and his tone was very unhappy.

This is also a powerful man. His cultivation is also condensing pills. He is tall and straight. His eyes are like sharp swords. There is a wild brilliance. On his shoulders he is carrying a big sword with a door plank. The weight is not known to be hundreds of thousands of near-heavy. It looks silly.

"You shut up!" the young man called Jianzi shouted.

His name is Qingxuan, he is a contemporary sword of Shushan, a monk at the peak of Pill Condensation, and he is only one step away from the Golden Pill.

Just like Zhang Daochen, he was also deliberately suppressing the realm, thinking of crossing the tribulation in the immortal ruins to prove Dao's higher quality golden core.

In the history of Shushan, he is one of the few immortal swords, and he can be called a rare genius for hundreds of years. He is highly valued in Shushan, and his status is even higher than that of some elders.

The young man who looks very wild and uses a big sword with a good door is his junior, named Situ Chixiao, whose realm is also at the peak of Pill Condensation, and he is also ready to cross the Tribulation in the Fairy Ruins.

"Don't take this brother to heart, my junior fellow has always been outspoken." Qingxuan Jianzi said to Ye Tian apologetically. UU Reading

He couldn't see Ye Tian's physique in detail, but he could vaguely feel Ye Tian's strength.

Xiao Yue'er's True Phoenix Divine Veins also surpassed his cognition, but she could also feel that this young girl was extraordinary, with a light and dusty temperament.

So he became acquainted.

"If Dao brother doesn't dislike it, you can go to my sect's boat to tell. I just admitted the two wrong and stopped you. I'm really sorry." Qingxuan Jianzi invited.

It is a great honor to be invited by the Jianzi of Shushan.

Qin Yan'er's expression was slightly unnatural, as if she didn't expect this to happen.

But in the end, Ye Tian refused, and said:

"I understood the good intentions, but there is really no need. I'm in a hurry, so I'll take a step ahead."

With that said, Ye Tian shook his seat and was about to leave. He had no intention of getting acquainted with Jianzi Shushan.

The corners of Qingxuan Jianzi's eyes twitched, showing a bit of displeasure.

His wild-faced apprentice Situ Chixiao was even more angry from his heart, and shouted: "Boy, don't be shameless. My apprentice brother invites you. It's a great honor for you, so you dare to refuse. How many People line up and want to be invited by my senior, but they don’t have this opportunity."

"What are you talking about?" Ye Tian was also angry, his eyes widened, and he looked straight at Situ Chixiao.

"Why, do you want to fight me? I don't need a sword, just a pair of fists can hit you all over the floor, believe it or not?" Situ Chixiao said viciously, his forehead fiercely with blue veins, and it looks even more coming than Ye Tian gas.

"Okay, shut up!" Qingxuan Jianzi once again blamed the younger brother, and said to Ye Tian: "Brother Dao don't care. If you are in a hurry, let's go first, and we will talk about it another day. You will meet again after all. "

Ye Tian snorted coldly and walked away.

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