Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1913: Step on the Golden Crow

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

"Little beast, dare to hurt your Highness. I really don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. Kneel to me and die on the ground!" said Leng Sensen, the defender of the Golden Crow tribe. Die in it.

This is a golden core power, thunderous in his palm, and a tragic breath that covers the sky and the earth, truly has the power to destroy the world.

All the people in the audience were shocked and frightened by this breath, they kept backing away.

Even the protective pattern on the tower seemed to be wiped out, and the light became dim.

"I'll just say it, it's unavoidable in the end. If you don't prove the golden core, you want to be a blockbuster. It's a dream." In the crowd, the princess Wang Lu of the Wang family sneered again and firmly believed that Ye Tian had committed a crime and could not live.

"Although he is dead, he is proud enough." Wang Cheng said immediately, but there was a trace of awe in his eyes.

Because Ye Tian at least dared to fight the Golden Crow clan, and he just murmured and begged for mercy, so he almost knelt down. In contrast, the high judgment made him feel a little embarrassed.

As a cultivator, you must have a heart to move forward courageously and an invincible heart, otherwise, this road will not go far at all. This is a consensus, widely circulated among the cultivators of the Inner Gate, and is the supreme creed.

Many other onlookers shook their heads with regrets, not worth it for Ye Tian. Of course, there are some people who admire Ye Tian's courage and dare to provoke the majesty of the top sect, even though they are defeated.

This is a golden core power that is taking action, and it is also a strong Jinwu power. No one thinks that Ye Tian can survive because the gap is too big.

It is common for a golden pill to shoot a dozen or so congenitals to death, as if it was a dimensionality reduction blow.

"Senior Jin Crow, I hope he can be merciful and spare his life. He offended the Jin Crow tribe, although he was at fault, but the crime is not dying." Shushan Qingxuan Jianzi suddenly said, actually defending Ye Tian to the Jin Crow. Beg for mercy.


Many people looked over and showed surprised expressions. They couldn't believe it. He was the sword of Shushan. He was aloof, and he couldn't plead for a person unless he had a relationship.

However, the Golden Crow Guardian was unmoved, as if he hadn't heard his words, and continued to kill Xiang Ye Tian.

This is about the glory of the Jinwu Clan, how can Qingxuan Jianzi be able to control it with a single word.

Boom boom boom!

The black light cage is getting bigger and bigger, covering the sky and the earth, making a sky-shaking rumbling sound, like a **** mountain, majestic and heavy.

Facing the earth-shattering palm of the Golden Crow Guardian, Ye Tian didn't evade, his expression was solemn, and he directly blasted his punch.

Wu Ji Shenquan!

Ye Tian urged this world-class boxing technique with his unparalleled golden body. The strength of his boxing was like a tsunami, and a piece of void seemed to be shattered. He was blown away by a punch, giving out a thunder-like sound effect.

"Not good!" The Golden Crow Guardian's pupils shrank, and suddenly he discovered that Ye Tian's fist was terrifying, like a world-sharing disc wielded by a **** and demon. To destroy the world, the Qi machine obviously overwhelmed his Golden Crow's claws. One end.

However, he wanted to stop or dodge, it was too late.


There was a strange sound, and the black light cage was directly blasted by Ye Tian's punch. It turned into a terrifying storm of vitality, swept the world, and blew many onlookers out, even the huge gate tower shook for a while, more The runes were obliterated and dimmed.

"Ah!" The Golden Crow Guardian let out a scream, backed back again and again, and the palm of his hand was dripping with blood, and he was smashed by Ye Tian's punch, with broken bones and flesh flying across.

"what happened?"

"how can that be?"

"What kind of body is he? Was he beaten with iron?"

All this happened so quickly, everyone thought that Ye Tian would be killed, but found that the Guardian of the Golden Crow retreated as if he had seen a ghost, one palm was broken and blood dripping.

On the other hand, Ye Tian's palm didn't have a trace of injury, it looked crystal clear and smooth, and it was more delicate than a woman's hand.

The Golden Crow Claw, known as the No. 1 Divine Claw in the world, was smashed. It was like a fantasy, and everyone in the audience was surprised to the extreme.

"Brother, did I make a mistake?" Wang Lu's beautiful eyes bloomed with brilliance, and she didn't dare to believe in it.

"That's right, he shook the golden core hard and got the upper hand. Maybe, he was really a blockbuster, it might not be impossible." Wang Cheng swallowed wildly, and his jaw almost fell in shock.

His father is a golden pill, so he knows better than anyone the terrible golden pill. The gap between him and his innateness is like the gap between an adult strong man and a kindergarten child, hundreds of times thousands of times.

"How is it possible to fight the Golden Core innately? It's just one move, and it doesn't mean much. If you continue to fight, he will definitely die." Wang Lu was very convinced, and she felt a little disgusted with Ye Tian for no reason, because Ye Tian always made her judgement wrong, and the two red faces were cracked.

"This kid is a bit stiff, it's not as simple as it seems on the surface." Situ Chixiao's mouth twitched slightly, and he glanced at Ye Tiangao, and the urge to fight Ye Tian in his heart became stronger.

Because the stronger Ye Tian was, the more powerful he defeated Ye Tian.

"Why do you look familiar? Is it him? But the aura is very different, it's completely another person." Qin Yaner, who was also in the crowd watching the battle, muttered to herself, looking at Ye Tian's eyes full of suspiciousness.

Ye Tian's fighting state made her faintly familiar, whether it was boxing, posture, or invincible posture.

However, the breath was completely different, she was not sure.

Zhang Daochen stood with her with a solemn expression, thinking that if he were to be replaced by him, he would have a chance of winning in the face of the fellow of the Jinwu Clan.

After rounding, it is almost equal to zero!

This made him feel uncomfortable.

"I want to enter the Fairy Ruins, I want to prove the Golden Core, I want to become stronger, I want to avenge the Master!" A voice resounded in his heart, making his heart wave a little surging.

There are some other arrogances in the field, and they are considering them all in their hearts.

Competing among peers, anyone is an opponent and can be called an enemy.

Now, they saw a high mountain that stood in front of their path, which was a big obstacle.

"Let's shoot together and kill him!" Another highness of the Jinwu tribe sneered coldly. He was tall and long, with a sturdy back and waist, and was shrouded in a layer of splendid fire, like a fire, mounted a unicorn beast in his hand. A long spear, murderous.

This is the Three Highnesses of the Jinwu Clan, and the most powerful of all Highnesses today.

Three of the ten Highnesses of the Jinwu Clan have proved the Golden Core. They are the old Highness Prince, the Five Highnesses who have just been abolished by Ye Tian, ​​and the Third Highness.

The other members of the Jinwu tribe also moved stubbornly, and they all exploded with a murderous aura that reached the sky.

At this moment, Ye Tian started to move suddenly, turning into a glimpse of light, rising up and stepping down.


The tower shook violently, and His Royal Highness Jin Wushi let out a scream, but he couldn't avoid it. Ye Tian stepped on the ground with one foot, and one foot was crushed on His Highness Ten's chest and abdomen.


The whole audience immediately fryed the pan, and the noise rang into one.

No one thought that Ye Tian dared to take the initiative and stepped on His Royal Highness Golden Crow.

This is really going to die endlessly, and the Jinwu tribe will fight to the end.

"Who is this guy? He dares to offend the Golden Crow tribe? Are you afraid that Man Sect will be slaughtered?"

"I don't know him. The young Tianjiao of the Five Domains are as precious to me, but there is no such person."

"Are the hermit masters who came out of the mountains? This is a blockbuster rhythm!"

"No, it should have died young."

Everyone started to look at Ye Tian squarely, talking, envy, jealousy, and all kinds of voices intertwined.

"Made, let me go..." His Royal Highness Jin Wushi shouted.

He couldn't believe that Ye Tian dared to attack him with so many masters of the Golden Crow.


Ye Tian's feet smashed, and the sound of ribs broke from inside His Royal Highness Jin Wushi, screaming in pain.

A group of masters of the Golden Crow tribe was furious, and their anger reached the extreme, but the ten His Highness was stepped on by Ye Tian, ​​and they did not dare to act rashly.

Ye Tian just hit the palm of a Golden Crow Golden Core elder with a punch. The physical body was so powerful that it was even above the Golden Crow body. It was not impossible for Ten Highnesss to be crushed with one foot.

"Go back, or step on him to death with one foot." Ye Tian said coldly, but his delicate face gave people a sense of sight like a devil.

"Little beast, let go of your Highness quickly, or you will regret coming to this world." The Golden Crow Exchanger whose palm was beaten just now said viciously.

He saw his palms glowing, freeing up clusters of small flames, and his injuries were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I don't know how to live or die. If you dare to kill, I will destroy your soul and soul, and slaughter your nine clans." His Royal Highness Jin Wusan also said coldly, his eyes like a knife and a hideous expression.

Several other great powers of the Jinwu clan also spoke up one after another, uttering all kinds of shocking and cruel words.

But Ye Tian didn't move. Instead, he kept using his feet to squash the chest of the tenth majesty. The pain caused the tenth majesty to grin, vomit blood, and scream.

Everyone realized that Ye Tian really dared to kill Ten Highnesses, instead of just being so simple.

The Jinwu people also found out that it was not good, so they didn't dare to act rashly, and didn't say anything cruel.

"Release my tenth brother, today's matter will be revealed, I will let you go." The new prince of the Golden Crow tribe suddenly spoke, sitting on the back of a golden core of golden core, with clear eyes.


The scene was boisterous again.

Prince Jinwu has made such a big concession. Is this a compromise?

This is not the way the Jinwu people always act like this!

"Little beast, the prince of my clan has spoken and said everything, why don't you let the people go?" The Golden Crow protector yelled coldly, and his breath rose to an incredible height. The dry flesh expanded several times and filled the sky with monstrousness. Bloody.

He stared at him, feeling that he could pounce on Ye Tian at any time.


Ye Tian responded by stomping his feet, stomping off a few more of His Royal Highness's ribs, convulsing all over, almost fainting.

"You..., you really don't know how to live or die, today I will kill you and grind your soul into dust." The Golden Crow Guardian almost couldn't control it, and rushed to fight Ye Tian desperately.

"Old Gu, don't be impulsive!" Prince Golden Crow quickly stopped.

Although he is not very old, he has the dignity of a superior, and his words are very deterrent.

The Golden Crow Guardian gritted his teeth, his chest filled with anger, but he had to hold back.

"I am the prince of the Golden Crow clan, and I promise you with the glory of the Golden Crow clan. As long as my tenth brother is released, I will bear the blame." The prince of the Golden Crow said, his expression a little more solemn than before.

"Brother Dao, enough is enough." Qingxuan Jianzi of Shushan also persuaded.

Ye Tian groaned and said, "Don't provoke me anymore!"


He kicked His Royal Highness out with one kick and slammed into the Golden Crow Protector.


Blood splattered, and the flesh of His Royal Highness Ten was almost turned into mud, most of his ribs were broken, and his chest was pressed against his belly.


Everyone in the audience took a breath, and their spine was swishing cold.

I have seen a ruthless person, but I have never seen such a ruthless person.

"It's really unscrupulous. In the presence of a group of powerful people of the Golden Crow tribe, he wounded His Royal Highness like this. However, he did a beautiful job."

"In history, has anyone ever done this? This boy made a history."

"What kind of honor does he have? There is a master of Yuan Ying who can't do it?"

The onlookers were shocked again and again, and their worship of Ye Tian was like a surging river, endless.

The Jinwu Clan has always been strong and used to being strong at the Neiyinmen, and they often bully other sects, and the world dares to be angry and dare not speak. Now that a hero has stepped up and swept the face of the Jinwu tribe, it was an eye-opener and a big heart.

"You little beast, I killed you!"

The guardian of the Golden Crow was frantic and his whole body burned. A Golden Crow appeared behind him, filled with earth-shaking fluctuations, and rushed towards Ye Tian. Ling Yu Zhengzheng, sending out thousands of feather arrows.

"Old Gu, that's enough! I said let him go, so let him go!" Prince Jinwu suddenly shot, UU reading raised his hand and threw a red jade plate, like a small sun, glorious and dazzling.

"The Sun God Disk!"

People exclaimed.

This is an artifact, well-known at the Inner Gate, and one of the few artifacts.

According to legend, this is a **** left by the great emperor of the Jinwu tribe. It was sacrificed and refined in the sun. The sun fire essence contained in it is said to be capable of destroying mountains and rivers and evaporating the ocean.

The Golden Crow tribe actually delivered the Zhenzong divine instrument, the Sun God Plate, to the Golden Crow Prince's body, which was incredible.

It can also be seen from the side that the Jinwu people attach great importance to the new prince of Jinwu.

If what is expected is not bad, in the upcoming trial, the Golden Crow Prince will bring the Sun God Pan into the Immortal Ruins.

This will put a lot of pressure on the other Tianjiao in the inner hidden door, and it is inevitable that more artifacts will be brought to the fairy ruins, and a bad one may lead to disaster.


The Sun God Disk zoomed in at an extremely fast speed, and in an instant it turned from a small sun into a big sun, with a radiant light, and the bar was between the Golden Crow Guardian and Ye Tian.

There was no resurrection of the divine mark. Just the natural pressure exerted on it made people unbearable, and there was an urge to kneel down.

Click, click!

The tower does not break open, and all the formations are constantly being wiped out like paper, and it is precarious.

Bang bang bang!

Ye Tian retreated extremely quickly, a burst of blood surged, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Let's go!" said Prince Golden Crow, and the golden ya under the seat moved forward.

All the Jinwu people have also left, and they dare not follow the words of the prince.

As he passed by Ye Tian, ​​Prince Jinwu gave him a cold look. Although he didn't say a word, it was that murderous aura that could be felt as long as it wasn't a dead person.

His Royal Highness Jin Wusan even made a move to wipe his neck, and his murderous intent was completely unconcealed.

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