Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1919: Enter the Holy Land

As soon as he arrived in the sacred place of Yaochi, Ye Tian suddenly felt that the spiritual energy inside was several times higher than that outside, and the flowers, plants and trees were all growing extremely luxuriantly, creating a vibrant scene.

The peach trees in the peach forest are very unusual at first glance. The leaves are crystal-clear, like the jade tree carved from the finest jade, glowing green.

Some peach trees have already produced peaches, all the size of a sea bowl, pink and crystal clear, fresh and tender, just looking at it makes people have a full appetite.

Some peach trees have just hung petals, the pink of a tree, every petal is crystal clear, the breeze blows, the petals are flying, and the falling flowers are colorful, like a dream.

Spirit spring water gurgled past the ground, watering every peach tree.

"This should be the legendary flat peach, right?" Ye Tian guessed in his heart.

These peaches are very unusual. They have been irrigated with spiritual water all the year round and they have already possessed spirituality. The peaches produced can be called spiritual fruit.

However, even if it is a spiritual fruit, it is just an ordinary spiritual fruit, and it is only comparable to an ordinary elixir. It is good for the body when taken, but it is limited.

After all, this peach forest bears thousands of peaches. If each one is comparable to top-grade or top-grade elixir, it would be terrifying.

Ahead, suddenly a few figures came into view. A group of young and beautiful female disciples from Yaochi were picking flat peaches. Each of them had a pose of dust, combining spiritual energy and beauty, and from time to time there was a silver bell-like laughter. .

Ye Tian had a feeling of being a thief and was very guilty, so he hurriedly pulled Xiao Yue'er away. Fortunately, he was not found out of Taolin, otherwise he would be embarrassed.

This is a bluestone road. I don't know how many years of history. Every piece of bluestone is stepped on so that it shines brightly, as if covered with slurry.

On both sides of the road are towering ancient trees, any one as high as hundreds of meters, like a hill, with vigorous branches stretching towards the sky.

The ancient vines climbed on the cliff like a horned dragon.

All kinds of Qihua Yaocao, and even old-aged elixir, can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

This is truly a holy land, and Yaochi calls itself a holy land, but it is also worthy of the name.

Today, the Virgin of Yaochi celebrates her six hundred years old birthday, and there are a lot of big names from all sides.

People come and go on Qingshi Road, each with a strong aura, and they are all people with identities.

Ye Tian took an eleven or twelve-year-old **** the road, which would inevitably be eye-catching.

Swipe it!

One after another, with strange gazes, they looked at them one after another.

"This person is so familiar! Isn't it the one under the city gate just now..."

"Yes, it's the man under the city gate, stepping on His Royal Highness Golden Crow Ten, and finally retreating all over."

The turmoil that Ye Tian had just made in the Yaochi Holy City was too great, and it had already spread to the Yaochi Holy Land.

Of course, there are also some people who have witnessed at the scene just now that the distinguished guests invited for Yaochi came to the sacred place of Yaochi.

Most people who can recognize him have a trace of awe.

After all, this lord even dared to hang and beat His Highness Golden Crow, let alone disciples of other sects. It was a mess, and it was possible to kill.

"Who is this person? It's really unruly to bring a child here. This is the assembly of the Mother of God in the Yaochi, and there are great powers from all over the place. Did you bring the child to the place of rice?" Suddenly, a ridiculous voice It came, full of contempt.

It was a young man who was speaking. He was very tall, his skin was bronze, he was majestic, and his breath was overwhelming.

Holding a large folding fan of animal skins in his hand, he kept moving, with sharp eyes, staring at Ye Tian and Xiao Yue'er.

Ye Tian looked up and found that this person was a little familiar, a disciple of the Southern Territory Tyrant's Sect.

When the seven members of the Tyrant Tianzong and his party descended from the sky, Ye Tian was just in his eyes. Among them was the chief true biography of Tyrant Tianzong Ba Tianye. This person should be Ba Tianye's junior, but his cultivation has also reached the middle congenital stage.

There were people coming and going on Qingshi Road. Hearing what he said, they all looked at him. Naturally, those who could recognize Ye Tian didn't dare to say anything, and those who could not recognize would inevitably add two sentences.

"Is there a rule in Yaochi not to bring children in?" Ye Tian asked a cultivator who was passing by.

Ye Tian was fighting the Golden Crow in the Holy City just now. This monk happened to be there, and he recognized Ye Tian at once. He was frightened. He was a little uncomfortable when he said good, and said: "Okay, it seems that there is no, no, no. It is said that."

"It's fine if you don't have it." Ye Tian said, taking Xiao Yue'er to move forward, not too lazy to take care of this nosy Tyrant Sect disciple.

The Tyrannical Sect came late and missed the battle between Ye Tian and the Jinwu Clan, and didn't know how powerful he was.

Seeing that he had been ignored, the Tyrant Tianzong disciple suddenly closed the folding fan, his teeth rattled.

His dignified core disciple of the Overlord Tianzong, the younger generation of Tianjiao figures in the Southern Territory, although not as strong as the brothers, is also a small name in the Southern Territory. He has never been so ignored.

"Stop!" He shouted, and said: "Today, the Virgin of Yaochi is born. It is the elders of the pope, or the core truth, that children are forbidden to enter. This is the most basic rule, showing respect for the Virgin of Yaochi. You. A little innate, bringing a child here, is he despising the Mother of God Yaochi? What a courage! You are not worthy to share a birthday banquet with me, I will let you out."

"What kind of thing do you dare to point me? I don't want to share my birthday banquet with me and go back by myself." Ye Tian stared angrily and said coldly, maintaining restraint.

"What are you talking about? I let you go, can't you hear it?" The Tyrant Sect disciple stepped out abruptly, aggressive towards Ye Tian, ​​with a fierce light in his eyes.


He suddenly opened the animal skin folding fan in his hand, and with a wave of his arm, a tornado storm that was visible to the naked eye roared out, blowing sand and rocks on the ground, and rushing away at Ye Tian.

Ye Tian didn't even look at it, and directly slapped out, the violent tornado was smashed into pieces, and then the slap continued to slap the old face of the Tyrant's disciple.

"Death!" A flame surged in the chest of the Tyrant Tianzong disciple. Relying on the tyrannical body, he blasted Ye Tian with a punch.


The tyrant's fist strength raged like a tsunami, causing the void to vibrate and rumbling.

This punch has unmatched power, which makes many people fearful.

This is the Tyrant God Fist of the Tyrant Sect. It is known to be capable of exploding the world. Many people are familiar with it.

But the result was unexpected.


First, the Tyrant's disciple's fist was cracked by Ye Tian's palm, blood was splashed, and the stubble turned over, and then the entire arm was bent in the opposite direction by ninety degrees.


The disciple of the Tyrannical Sect flew out, an animal-skin armor, a folding fan, and several magic weapons on his body, all torn apart, falling like a dead dog under the rocky mountain on the side of the road, suffering You have to twitch.

With just an understatement, a disciple of the Tyrant Sect in the middle congenital realm, a body-refining madman, was beaten into a thin body, which is really shocking.

Many people didn't even see clearly that the Tyrant's disciple flew out like a kite with a broken line.

"A little congenital disciple dared to speak up in front of me, even if your Tyrant Sect ancestor saw me, he didn't dare to speak like that." Ye Tian said coldly.

Then he took Xiao Yue'er's hand and continued to move forward.

A large area of ​​palaces in the front can already be seen in the eyes, many people can be seen walking around, and the sound of fairy music can be heard.

The Mother of Jade Lake walked out of the holy palace, and the queen welcoming the Immortal Lord of the Haotian Immortal Sect, also came here.

Almost all the people who should come are here, and the birthday banquet is about to officially begin.

There are lights and festoons everywhere, dotted with flowers, and the mist is so beautiful that it is really beautiful.

Pedestrians on the road stepped aside, and no one dared to say no.

But just before Ye Tian walked a few steps, a loud shout came from the top of the steps: "Who are you? Why did you do it to my junior?"

A huge figure stood proudly, like a copper wall and iron wall, blocked there, with a murderous look.

Everyone looked up, everyone was shocked.

Overlord, the chief true biography of the Southern Overlord Sect, has condensed its pill for several years, and is about to prove that the golden pill is about to make it into the top ten among the Tianjiao of the Inner Gate.

He had fought against Ye Tian and was beaten so decently. Now Ye Tian has changed his appearance and he can't recognize it at all.

However, even though he was hung and beaten, he was struck by lightning because of a blessing in disguise, and his breath became even greater.

"Brother Tyrant, this person has fought the Golden Crow Clan in the Holy City before, but he can retreat with his foot on the Golden Crow Ten. I think you should not provoke him." A monk kindly persuaded him.

As a result, it was okay for him not to persuade him, but Ba Tianye was even more angry from his heart upon persuasion.

The Tyrannical Sect and the Jinwu tribe are in the Southern Territory. The Tyrannical Sect regards the Jinwu tribe as the upper sect. The Tyrant has good friends with ten His Highnesses. Now when I heard that the ten His Highnesses were trampled on, it was better than seeing his younger brothers being hanged and beaten. Still coming.

Because the Jinwu tribe represents the Southern Territory, and His Highness Jinwu Ten represents the Jinwu tribe, and the footstepping of His Highness Ten represents the Southern Territory being stepped on. He cannot tolerate it.

"It's such a daring thing. The Madonna of Yaochi dare to provoke troubles, hurt people maliciously, and disrespect Mary. I killed you, and no one dared to say anything." Ba Tianye first gave Ye Tian a big button. Hat, and then stepped down the steps, a monstrous breath exploded all over his body, and he kept approaching Ye Tian.

This is a man like a **** and demon, born with a tyrant war body, born as a fighting madman, his skin is pale gold, with a little luster and shining, his body is very strong, his holes are powerful, and his tendons are raised like dragon tendons. Gives a strong sense of power.

"This little girl has delicate eyes and looks good. It's not bad to take it home to be a maid, serve tea and pour water," Ba Tianye continued, squinting at Xiao Yue'er, without any scruples.


As he took his steps, the bluestone steps were shaking, almost about to be crushed.

Fortunately, every stone step is branded with runes, which are as strong as adamantine steel.

The people around were suffocated for a while, and quickly dispersed, watching the battle from a distance.

The huge sound and noise also shocked many people in the upper palace, and they filed out to watch the battle.

The Qingxuan Jianzi of Shushan, Xiao Yiming, the **** son of Haotian, Yaoxian, the saint of Yaochi, the new prince of the Jinwu tribe, and other young leaders are all looking intently.

"Who is this person, why am I so strange?" The sage of Yaochi looked suspicious, her plump appearance, her flawless skin flashed and sheen, without a trace of worldliness, ethereal and dusty.

Qingxuan Jianzi smiled faintly, looked at Prince Jinwu, and said something beautiful.

"Hmph, a dying person, the saint doesn't need to know." Prince Jinwu said coldly.

"This person is very strong!" Haotian God Child's eyes flickered, and there was a slight thunderbolt. He stared at Ye Tian for a few times, and said suddenly.

He had never seen Ye Tian before, but made a subjective judgment.

His eyes are very special, a magical power attached to the Thunder Spirit's divine body, the Thunder Spirit's magic eyes.

With this method of cultivation to a certain level, you can also penetrate the falsehood and look directly at the source.

Fortunately, Divine Child Haotian hadn't cultivated to that level, he had only an intuition, Ye Tian was very powerful and couldn't see through him.

"And that little girl, it's not easy. I vaguely saw the shadow of a bird on her. It's vague and unspecific." Haotian Godzi continued.


Several people were shocked when they heard it, and all of them stared at it with wide eyes.

Although they don't have the Lightning Eye of the Haotian Divine Child, a person with extraordinary qualities and keen intuition can still vaguely see something.

You can't fight in the Jade Lake Holy Land, otherwise you will be expelled or punished by Jade Lake.

Tyrant's anger started from his heart, he couldn't control so much, he really wanted to kill Ye Tian's palm here.

He is a condensed pill, and Ye Tian is only innate. He thinks that Ye Tian can't be an opponent.

But some people know that he is going to be unlucky.

"What did you say? Dare to say it again?"

Ye Tian held Xiaoyue'er's hand in one hand, waiting step by step, not being suppressed by the overlord's aura at all, his expression was extremely cold.


A wave of horror, as turbulent as a vast sea, spread from his body, transforming into divine brilliance, lingering in his body.

Under his feet, on the bluestone steps, all kinds of runes flickered, the sun was transpiring, and the rhyme of Taoism was sacred.

Suddenly, the overlord's ambition was choked, and there was an inexplicable sense of fear.

As Ye Tian stepped forward, the bluestone steps flickered, and there was a roar of Taoism.

In the eyes of others, Ye Tian seemed to be pulsating with the heavens and the earth, at this moment, his physical body merged with the avenue and walked in nothingness.

This is an extremely powerful state, the body is in harmony with the Tao, and the average monk can't do it at all.

In this state, combat power will be greatly improved, although only for a short time.

From Ba Tianye's point of view, it was even more terrifying. Every foot of Ye Tian stomped on the ground and the mountain shook, like the sky broke and the ground cracked, and the huge roar sounded like a heavenly drum beating.

At this moment, he seemed to see a **** and demon coming towards him, and the sound of footsteps resounded in his heart like a curse, making his blood boil and his head buzzing, and the whole figure seemed to be mad. .

Soon, the blood vessels in his whole body, as well as a large tendon, all burst out, like horned dragons, hideous and terrifying, and people almost burst into death.

Bang bang bang!

He kept backing away, UU reading www.uukanshu. With blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, he was under a lot of mental pressure and couldn't say a word.

This is a kind of pure faith oppression, like a general trend of the world, and has nothing to do with combat power and cultivation base.

When he retreated nine steps in a row, the bluestone steps below his feet were suddenly stepped on to shatter, and the whole person was suddenly awakened.

"You're looking for death, you're oppressing me with your breath." Ba Tianye roared loudly, raised his right hand, and waved the Devil's fist, preparing to blast Ye Tian.

A Yuan Dan in his body glowed, and the power of the terrifying Yuan Dan surged out.

At this moment, Ye Tian suddenly released the breath of the last time he fought with him, the invincible will, thousands of thunder punishments, flooded him like a monstrous flood.

In an instant, Tyrant's whole person was not well, the heart demon was hooked, and it felt like he was facing an invincible demon god, being bombarded by the sky **** thunder.


Ye Tian drank, and fell to the ground again, Tyrant Ye was shaken out like a straw, spouting a big mouthful of blood.

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