Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1930: useful information


Immediately, an endless splendid divine light rushed out of his body, like a golden flame, surging surgingly, a Suzaku divine bird manifested in it, and the terrible power shocked the sky.

Although it was just a yuan pill, the breath was huge, but it was comparable to the early low-grade gold pill, and it was terrifying.

Everyone in the field suddenly changed color.

"If it's not enough, I still have a Thunder Gate here!"

As soon as the voice fell, the void behind Ye Tian vibrated, and then a space-time crack appeared, expanding to both sides, and finally turned into a thunder door.


The endless chaos thunder is surging, as if opening up the world, terrifying the world.

The old sage master of Ziwei who had been approaching Ye Tian step by step was so scared that he backed away quickly, if a thunder struck him, he would not be able to hide.

Not long ago, just under this thunder door, a group of Southern Tianjiao was hung and beaten to a complete body, bombarded to the outside and tender inside.

Immortal Master Haotian looked shocked, this was the first time he had seen the long-lost Thunder Gate supernatural power.

This can be called an immortal technique, spurring a plane of thunder sky and descending thunder calamity, which is truly capable of destroying the sky and the earth.

From the ages to the present, only a Vast Sky Great Emperor of the Vast Sky Immortal Sect has cultivated this supernatural power and controls a Thunder Gate.

When he cultivated this magical power, Emperor Haotian was already Nascent Soul.

It is incredible that a congenital condensed pill in Yetian district can repair the Thunder Gate.

Although his Thunder Gate technique is not the same as that of Emperor Vast Sky, he can't stay for a long time and will disappear after a short while, but it is enough for a few master-level powerhouses and Jade Lake Holy Land in the field to drink a pot.

"Good, good, it really is the magical power of Thunder Gate!" Immortal Master Haotian couldn't calm down, his pupils were like torches, and the thunder light fluttered continuously, staring at the Thunder Gate.

At this time, the Madonna of Yaochi, who had been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, finally couldn't sit still, and said: "Several people, if you have something to say, I am the holy land of Yaochi, it is forbidden to move."

"Junior, the Jade Lake Holy Land can protect you for a while, but cannot protect your entire life. That is, you have the technique of thunder gate, the blade of the gods, and a yuan pill. Compared with me, it is far from enough. Of course. , I have no malice towards you, I just want to see the magic weapon on your body." Said Shushan Sword Master.

His meaning is very obvious, you can't do it in the Jade Lake Holy Land, you can do it when you leave the Jade Lake Holy Land.

A handful of magical weapons, a yuan pill, and a thunder door are okay to scare ordinary people, but it is not enough to scare them, the top golden core powerhouses.

"If you can tell me of the Thunder Gate magic, I can let you go without being held accountable. Even if you want to join my Haotian Immortal Sect and seek a backer, I will agree to it and give you the position of elder. The classics can be read by you." Immortal Haotian coveted Ye Tian's Thunder Gate magic, threatening and enticing him.

"You are a little innate condensing pill with a magic weapon in your body. It is too wasteful. In this way, you will hand the magic weapon to me, and I will return it to you when you prove the gold pill." Old Sage Lord Ziwei Don't be ashamed.

Our Lady of Yaochi looked at Xiaoyue'er, this true Phoenix divinely veined girl, she really wanted to stay in the sect, so that she could be cultivated, and inherit her position as the Mother of God in the future.

But in the end, Ye Tian rejected everyone in one fell swoop.

His magical soldiers will not be out of the sheath, they will see blood once they are out of the sheath.

His Thunder Gate magical technique is to tell that with the talent of Immortal Master Haotian, don't even want to cultivate in his lifetime.

As for the old sage of Ziwei who coveted him, he directly rolled his eyes and wished to send another big ear scraper.

Immortal Lord Ren Haotian, Sword Master Shushan and others threatened and lured, Xu gave various generous rewards and threatened life and death. Ye Tian remained unmoved and had no scruples.

The domain gate of Xianxu has only one hour to open, and they don't have much time to deal with Ye Tian, ​​because they still have to go to the domain gate to explain some things to the disciples under the gate.

This time the farewell is likely to be a parting of life and death. Even the disciples of the Great Teacher will inevitably suffer casualties.

Even, they may have to hand over the magic weapon in their hands to their disciples, so that their disciples can remain invincible in the trial.

As a result, after more than an hour, several leader-level powerhouses left one after another, and got nothing from Ye Tian.

They were not worried that Ye Tian would be able to escape from the Yaochi, because there were people from the Golden Crow tribe outside the gate, as well as many powerful men in the Southern Territory guarding them, and the same enemy was bound to kill Ye Tian.

If Mother Yao Chi didn't want to miss the talented girl Xiao Yue'er, she had already expelled Ye Tian, ​​and it was only because of Xiao Yue'er's face that she kept him until now.

He almost offended the entire inner hidden door in a daze, and Ye Tian was also speechless.

"What's your plan?" The Mother of Jade Lake asked Ye Tian.

Ye Tian has offended so many people, which is a good thing for her, and she has achieved her goal even further.

Because Ye Tian might be killed one day, Xiao Yueer was alone, and she was not able to capture Yaochi.

"I heard that Yaochi had taken in the descendants of Penglai for a period of time. I don't know where the mother of Penglai knows where the descendants of Penglai are now?" Ye Tian asked Mother of Yaochi back.

Now that all the mighty powers are gone, he can say whatever he wants.

Our Lady of Yaochi frowned and was obviously startled. He didn't expect that Ye Tian would ask such a question. It was so old that she could search for a trace of information.

"It's been too long, why are you asking this? What is your relationship with Penglai?" Mother Yaochi stared at Ye Tian, ​​feeling suspicious in her heart.

Ye Tian's life experience is suspicious, and now suddenly asking about Penglai, she can't help but make some associations.

“Don’t think too much about the Virgin, I have nothing to do with Yaochi. I’m asking about Penglai, just for some personal reasons. If the Virgin can tell, I will be grateful. If the Virgin is unwilling to say more, I won’t force it.” Ye Tian Said, neither humble nor overbearing.

"Haha, is it for the starry sky teleportation platform? If so, I can only give you a direction, Immortal Ruins." The Mother of Yaochi smiled faintly.

"Xianxu?" Ye Tian was startled.

"Yes. You can find me here. You already know about the strange events in the old Penglai area. The Jinwu people set up several gates there, and they were all slaughtered overnight. In my opinion, of course, many people think so. This murder He is a powerful descendant of Penglai."

Ye Tian's expression moved. When His Highness Golden Crow Five said about this, he also guessed that he was the killer of Penglai's descendants, and he didn't want Penglai's pure land to be defiled.

When Ye Tian came to Yaochi, the person he wanted to find was the unknown god.

"Then how do you know he is in Xianxu?" Ye Tian asked.

"Because the ancestors of our sect were saved by a man in white clothes more than once when they tried in the Fairy Ruins," said Mother Yaochi.

This is a long time ago. Thousands of years ago, the Mother of God Yaochi was also recorded in the ancient books of the sect. It was a secret of the sect and was not known to the outside world.

It is not surprising that the unknown gods saved the lives of the disciples in the Yaochi trial in the immortal ruins, because Yaochi once sheltered the descendants of Penglai, and the relationship between the two sects is very close.

"Should this be true?" Ye Tian panted heavily, feeling uneasy.

"Every sentence is true. In fact, my Zong has been looking for the whereabouts of this person, and it's already a bit eye-catching."

"Why did you tell me this?" Ye Tian gave birth to a trace of vigilance

"Because in addition to my Jade Lake, several other sects have found a trace. In the end, my Jade Lake may not be able to get much benefit. If you can enter the fairy ruins and meet my sage saint, I hope you can help her. There is really a starry sky teleportation array in the secret, you can use it for yourself."

Our Lady of Yaochi had a good idea and cooperated with Ye Tian, ​​and Pingbai found a great helper for the disciples of Yaochi's trial. It could even be said to be a big backer, and Yaochi would not lose any money.

If you can really find the Starry Sky Teleportation Array, not only Ye Tian can use it, but other people can also use it. If the people of Yaochi want to go outside the territory, they can also go there.

Ye Tian didn't have much hope, and he didn't expect to get so much useful information from the mouth of the Virgin.

At the beginning, he also suspected that the unknown god-man of Penglai might have the immortal ruins, because only in the immortal ruins can there be enough resources to allow a monk to continue to grow on the path of the golden core.

And it's secret enough there that no one will find it.

In addition, it is terrible to think about it. The Xianxu domain gate is opened for only one hour each time. Every time it is opened, there will be countless monks watching by the side.

This shows that the unknown **** man probably entered and exited the immortal ruins not through the domain gate, but had a unique way to cross the boundary wall.

This is very scary, because the peak Golden Core of the Inner Hidden Gate can't do this, because it can't beat the Immortal Ruins Boundary with the use of divine weapons.

Then this person, even if it is not Yuan Ying, is not too far away from Yuan Ying, it is possible that he is a half-step Yuan Ying, who can freely enter and exit the Fairy Ruins.

This coincides with the combat power shown by the unknown gods in the old place of Penglai. Com is as powerful as the Jinwu tribe, and will be slaughtered overnight, and even the news cannot be delivered.

"It seems that Xianxu really has to take a trip!" Ye Tian thought about it, and suddenly looked at Xiao Yue'er.

The powerful enemy outside the mountain gate is like a cloud, waiting for him to go out. If Xiao Yue'er is brought along, there is really no guarantee that she will not be injured.

This time the strong are not ordinary, they are a group of elder golden cores, suzerains, or elders in the Southern Territory.

His spiritual thoughts have already radiated, and there are fifteen golden cores that he perceives, and he has already laid a net of heaven and earth, waiting for him to throw himself into the net.

"Take her, you absolutely don't want to break through, stay with me to teach, I can take care of you." Mother Yaochi said, seeing through Ye Tian's thoughts.

Frankly speaking, he didn't have much hope for Ye Tian's successful breakthrough, because there were too many strong people outside, and almost all the sects of the Southern Territory had come, gathered around the Jinwu Clan.

Even, the Jinwu clan sent a call back and informed that it was the same person who had killed the Fifth Highness and the Third Highness, and let the Golden Crow ancestor come. At that time, Ye Tian wouldn't be able to hide in Yaochi. With the violent temper of the ancestors of the Golden Crow, even the Yaochi Holy Land dared to enter.

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