Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1932: Reappearance of Kaminarimon

"The Sect Master of Tyrant Sky Sect has taken action, so strong!"

Exclamation came from the crowd of onlookers.

The Tyrannical Sect is world-famous for body refining and is known as the number one body refining. He is good at breaking through ten thousand methods with one force.

At this moment, Sect Master Tyrant Tianzong smashed down with a spiky rod, and Tianyu was about to be collapsed, killing Jiuxiao with murderous intent.


Ye Tian directly used his palm fingers as a knife, and cut across the wolf-fanged stick.


There was a loud noise, and Ye Tian's golden palm fingers felt sore, only to cut off a few spikes on the spikes, and rushed out a large dazzling spark, without being able to truly shake it.

However, this has already shocked the overlord of the Overlord Sect enough. This is a legendary holy soldier. A golden core can use his full strength to blast out, and he can kill the ordinary golden core, but Ye Tian can use his palm. Hard shake, it's like a fantasy, very unreal.

Everyone finally knew why Ye Tian was able to kill the two Golden Core and Golden Crow His Highness, because he really had the strength to fight the Golden Core.

"I come!"

A white-haired old man opened his mouth gloomily, and as soon as the voice fell, the person disappeared in place, and there was only a huge breath that echoed between the heavens and the earth for a long time.

Whoosh whoosh!

I saw that a series of figures suddenly appeared in the void, all of which were the void images left by the white-haired old man. There were a total of seven or seventy-nine channels, each of which looked like a clone, extremely lifelike, like flesh and blood. Lifelike.

"Wuxiangzong's secret technique of town teaching, magical magic without a trace!" someone exclaimed.

A total of forty-nine phantom clones, Qi Qi attacked Ye Tian, ​​surrounded in all directions, only one of them was the real body, but the real body was indistinguishable.

Each phantom avatar stuck out a big hand, covering the world, grasping where Ye Tian was standing.

"Boy, it's not that I want to kill you, but that you seriously injured my disciple, which is really hateful!" the white-haired old man said viciously.

Among the group of Southern Region Tianjiao who wanted to come to Ye Tian to hang and beat him last time, there were his disciples without Xiangzong.

"I'm coming too!"

Boom boom boom!

Next, the Promise Sect, the Five Elements View, the Tianlong Sect, and many other powerful sects, all shot, or sacrificed magic weapons, or played the strongest supernatural powers, and attacked Ye Tian.

"Wuji Xuantian Slash!"

"Five Elements God Seal!"

"Tianlong Eighteen Palms!"

A total of more than a dozen Jindan-level powerhouses shot at the same time, without the slightest reservation, exploding out of their strongest combat power.

Seventy-seven forty-nine big hands covering the sky, like forty-nine mountains, were oppressed and trembled in the void, as if they could not bear the pressure, they would burst into pieces.

A thousand-zhang sword light slashed down, smashing the void, cutting out a long black mark, and a small amount of void turbulence swept out.

A big seal, towering like a hill, dropped ten thousand five-color lights, and shot at Ye Tian. It could seal the void and imprison people's mana.

Fortunately, Ye Tian's physical body was strong enough, and possessed the Void Avenue, and was illuminated by the five-color divine light, but was not imprisoned either.

This is just the tip of the attack power, but it is already terrifying to the extreme. The sky and the earth seem to have been beaten through, the wind whistling, rolling the remnant clouds, the mountains and the valleys are shaking.

Some people even exhibited the pictures, which are as high as tens of meters, hundreds of meters, surrounded by black fog, or blazing flames, or sacred thunder,..., looking down on Ye Tian like looking down on ants, all have the power to shake the sky and the earth.

Fortunately, Ye Tian had already rushed out of the gate of Yaochi Mountain, and now he was standing on the square in front of the gate of Yaochi Mountain. Otherwise, the gate of Yaochi would no longer exist and would be turned into powder.

In order not to be destroyed by the aftermath of the battle, whether it is the Jade Lake Holy Land or the Jade Lake Holy City, a series of protective arrays have been raised. There are as many as nine magic circles in the holy city, each of which can resist a blow from the golden core.

The array of Yaochi Holy Land is even more eye-opening. There are a total of eighteen lines inside and out. They are not all the same, but they can complement each other to build a stronger defense.

Ordinarily, a golden core holding a magic weapon may not be able to break through.


Above the mountain gate of Yaochi, Xiaoyue'er and the Mother of Yaochi stood together, teary eyes dim, crying loudly.

"Mother, please help my uncle, okay? No matter what conditions you put forward, I will agree." Xiaoyue'er asked Mother Yaochi for help

"Haha!" Mother Yaochi smiled softly and said: "Your uncle is not so easy to die. He has magic weapons on him, but he doesn't use them. Obviously he still has a hole card."

Our Lady of Yaochi saw it so thoroughly that she wouldn't help.

In other words, even if Ye Tian really fell into death, she would not take action, because doing so would offend the Jinwu tribe.

She even hoped that Ye Tian would die in battle, so that Xiao Yue'er could justify her return to the Jade Lake Holy Land.

At this moment, Ye Tian looked solemn, and suddenly squeezed out a magic formula, a crystal clear golden light shot out in an instant, which contained vitality, but also had the power to destroy mountains and rivers.

Everyone can see that this ordinary **** is constantly skyrocketing, and finally turned into a golden finger, like a pillar supporting the sky, extremely huge, as long as one hundred feet, one finger is on the white hair. Above one of the forty-nine avatars of the old man.

The white-haired old man's complexion changed wildly, but he couldn't dodge it. He was hit by a big finger volley, and his chest was almost penetrated.

"This is the real body, how did he find out?"

There were bursts of exclamation from the crowd watching the battle, which were all incredible. Ye Tian suddenly recognized the true body of the 49 phantom clones.


The white-haired old man flew upside down, and the remaining forty-eight phantoms were shattered one after another.

However, his situation is still not optimistic. This is just an attack by the white-haired old man alone. There are more than a dozen attacks behind, which are falling over the sky.

The coercion was tens of thousands of times, and the void became unstable, making Ye Tian's flashing supernatural powers unusable, unable to traverse the void.

But Ye Tian didn't retreat, his eyes were indifferent.

"Rainmen!" He heard him yell suddenly, and the sound spread for nine days.


Void is vast, a thunder gate appeared out of thin air, connected to an ancient world of Lei Xiao, inside the endless chaotic **** thunder surging.

"this is…?"

Everyone in the audience was shocked, as if they were witnessing a miracle, both shocked and terrified.

When everyone realized the danger and wanted to escape, it was too late.

In the Thunder Gate, thousands of chaotic divine thunders smashed down violently, and in an instant, the front of the mountain gate of Yaochi turned into an ocean of lightning.

A loud thunder resounded across the sky, shocking the world, extremely flaming, and chaos between the world and the earth.

The strong Jindan experts in the field had experienced thunder tribulation, and they were all frightened. God thunder struck on their bodies, blood was flowing, their bodies were scorched and painful, and it was impossible to attack Ye Tian.

This is the real Chaos God Thunder, with the purest law of God Thunder, can destroy all things, scaring people's hearts, and creeping.

At the same time, there is vitality in the divine thunder, if it can withstand the damage, the physical body will be closer.

This is the case with the Overlord's Overlord, which is even stronger after being struck by lightning.

Although Ye Tian was also under the bombardment of Divine Thunder, his physique was strong and his state was far better than a group of Jin Dan.

But he didn't attack these golden core powerhouses, because he couldn't do it, and he didn't have time.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the sky, and the smashing thunder suddenly disappeared and stopped abruptly.

Everyone looked up and saw that His Royal Highness Jin Wujiu suddenly appeared, urging the Sun God Pan, and shattering the Thunder Gate.


Ye Tian received a bit of backlash, spit out a mouthful of blood, and the golden sacred body was convulsed, as if this divine disc had hit him.

This is a divine weapon, the battle soldiers of the generation Yuanying Tianjun Jinwu Great Emperor personally forged, the divine marks have been revived at this moment, and the power is so vast that Ye Tian can hardly shake it with a physical body.

After all, his Thunder Gate's supernatural powers had just been cultivated, and it was not strong enough to withstand the blow of the sun **** and broke apart.

"You are finally willing to come out, let me die now!" His Highness Jin Wujiu said viciously, and continued to urge the Sun God Pan to suppress Xiang Ye Tian.

People exclaimed that His Royal Highness Jin Wujiu didn't even enter the Fairy Ruins, but was waiting for Ye Tian to come out.

Now the time for the domain gate to open is almost two hours, he must fight quickly, otherwise he will miss the time to enter the domain gate.

The vast expanse of thunder had all disappeared, leaving only a scorched black ground riddled with holes and more than a dozen Southern Golden Core powers who had been struck by lightning.

Ye Tian didn't really hurt the killer, but just wanted to stop these people so that he could leave. Therefore, the dozens of lightning-struck Southern Golden Core Powers are still alive. They are all anxious and disheveled, but they look a little bit. It's just embarrassing.

But in fact, they also had a blessing in disguise, which is equivalent to tempering their bodies in this Chaos Thunder.


The sun **** disc emits a divine light, which is as bright as a scorching sun, making it impossible to look directly at it, otherwise the eyes will be blinded. That ten thousand zhang divine light faintly condenses into the shape of a golden crow, UU reading has three giant feet, a feather feather is bright, huge, covering the world, faintly diffused with a trace of Yuan Ying's domineering power.

This is transformed by the scars of the Sun God Disk, and it can also be said to be the inner deity and instrument spirit of the Sun God Disk.

At this moment, everyone was terrified, and the spine swished straight out of the air.

His Royal Highness Jin Crow Jiu was also glowing, and his hair turned crimson, like a burning flame, his eyes flashed with terrible light like beasts, murderous.

At this moment, Shi Fang Tianyu seemed to be split, and His Royal Highness Jin Crow Nine was like an invincible God of War. The roar shook the mountains and rivers, and there was a mighty power that swept the world.

This is an existence that can absolutely shake the golden core with the original core, even without the help of the gods.


The disc of the sun **** fell down, even larger than the mountain. In an instant, the square in front of the gate of the Yaochi Holy Land Mountain at the foot of Ye Tian cracked, and huge cracks spread one after another, spreading to the distance.

The horrible scene shocked many people, and they all rushed away in all directions for fear of accidental injury.

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