Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1937: Life hanging by a thread

At this time, there was only a small hole left in the domain gate, almost disappearing.

As soon as His Royal Highness Jin Crow Nine rushed into the domain gate, before he had time to watch the scenery here, he violently urged the sun **** plate, guarding behind the domain gate, waiting for the rabbit. As long as Ye Tian dared to come in, he would kill him as soon as possible.


As soon as he entered the Fairy Ruins with his front foot, a purple magic soldier on his back pierced into the domain gate, violently agitated, and unexpectedly expanded the domain gate that was about to close.

"This is my sect's magic weapon, Ziying sword, stop him, and can't let him in." Shushan Sword Master suddenly shouted, very sure, and finally recognized this sword.

Although he was not hit by the Ziying Sword just now, the power fluctuations erupting from the Ziying Sword made him feel real, and he was definitely the ancient **** soldier of the Shu Mountain, the Ziying Sword.

As for why the remnants became intact, and why they appeared in Ye Tian's hands, he didn't have time to think about it for the time being, and now he just wanted to leave Ye Tian and interrogate them carefully. Intuition told him that there must be a big problem.

When he said this, everyone in the room was shocked.

Almost everyone knows that there is a purple warrior in Shushan, which is incomplete.

If the Wuwei God Soldier in Ye Tian's hands is really the Ziying Sword, it means that Shushan repaired the Ziying Sword, and Ye Tian stole it.

The dignified top sect has lost a magic weapon, which is simply a big issue in the world. It can also be seen from the side that Ye Tianzhen is a talent, a peerless figure in the "Miaoshou" family.

A few people know that the Ziying God Soldiers of Shushan are not in the sect, but are kept in the sword forest of the Sun Moon Sword Palace of the Outer Yinmen.

Then the problem that this can explain is terrible, Ye Tian came from the outer hidden gate, passed through the boundary passage between the inner and outer hidden gates, and repaired the Ziying God Soldier himself.

This kind of existence is simply not too scary!

"Is this really true?" Immortal Master Haotian asked incredulously, his expression drastically changed, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

He thought of a lot in the electric flint flower room, and even connected Ye Tian and the elders who had lost Haotian at the hidden gate.

The golden Crow clan elders in the court suddenly opened their eyes, their eyes were splitting, and they couldn't believe it either. Their old prince, the old patriarch, all fell at the Outer Hidden Gate, and the loss was not too heavy, even more so than Shushan and Haotian.

"It's true!" Shushan Sword Master said firmly.


As he spoke, he snapped a palm.

The void vibrated violently, and there was a loud thunderous noise, and the endless Gengjin sword energy overflowed from between the palms and fingers, quickly condensing into a huge silver palm with a radius of hundreds of meters.

Hundreds of feet away, a mighty coercion spread throughout Ye Tian's body, and the surrounding void was distorted as if to collapse.

Even the immortal market domain gate became unstable, it was cracking, and it was about to collapse.

"Little thing, did you really come from the Outer Invisible Gate?" Immortal Master Haotian yelled, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, and now he has finally changed his color and can't calm down, because Ye Tian may have something to do with the elders who fell on the Outer Invisible Gate. .

"What? He comes from the hidden door?"

Everyone in the field was stunned again and couldn't believe it.

Because in their cognition, the Outer Hidden Gate is a dilapidated place, and there is no way to prove the Golden Core, and the highest can only give birth to Condensed Core.

How could such an evil spirit be born in a dilapidated place?


While speaking, Immortal Haotian flicked his finger sharply, and a drop of scarlet blood flew out, and the electric light flashed continuously in it, as if opening up the world.

This is not real blood water, but blood energy, only as big as broad bean grains, in everyone’s field of vision, it seems to be an endless sea of ​​blood, with incomparable power, roaring at Ye Tian go with.

At the same time, the body of Immortal Master Haotian quickly disappeared from the place, and his steps were disillusioned. One step was tens of feet, and he rushed towards Ye Tian extremely quickly, trying to catch the person and not let him leave.

"Little beast, does the fall of my clan prince and clan chief have something to do with you?" a clan elder of the Jinwu clan cried out, with bloodshot eyes and scarlet scarlet.

After all these reminders, everyone understood how big the secret hidden in Ye Tian's body was. It might have come from the Outer Hidden Gate, and might have killed several great powers in the Inner Hidden Gate.

This is simply!

Everyone looked at Ye Tian no longer at a person, but at an invincible monster.

"Little beast, where do you go? Kneel me to death!"

In the distant sky, a burning cloud was rolling in, like a meteorite falling to the earth, with fire blazing to the sky.

If you look closely, you will find that this is not a burning cloud at all, but a figure, and the monstrous blood emanating from the figure.

This is a tall and mighty old man, full of golden light, like a burning flame, the blood radiating from his body rolls like a vast sea, cutting through the sky, and his long golden hair is dancing wildly, and his body is also flowing golden light. Looks like a **** descending from the sky, powerful enough to suffocate.

"Look, it's the ancestor of the Golden Crow!"

I don't know who exclaimed, which caused everyone in the audience to look at him.

Yes, the person who came was the ancestor of the Jinwu tribe, a Gedai figure, who was older than the Mother of Yaochi, nearly a thousand years old, and he was immortal.

The ancestor of the Golden Crow held a spear in his hand with a dazzling light. After thousands of feet away, he stabbed Ye Tian abruptly and threw it like a javelin.

The void was directly penetrated, and the halberd ignited flames, like a mountain, almost crushing the world.

In an instant, Ye Tian fell into a desperate situation of death again!

This time is far more dangerous than the situation encountered before, because it is the most powerful and powerful players in the inner hidden door, the sword master of Shushan, the immortal master of Haotian, the ancestor of the golden crow,...

"Give it to me!" Ye Tian roared, holding a purple sword, violently stirring in the narrow domain gate.

Because the domain gate is too small, only the ball is big, he can't pass it through.

However, this domain gate came from the hands of Yuan Ying, and even the power of the golden core could not be shaken. How could Ye Tian break open if he wanted to, even with a magic weapon.

In the past years, the golden core powers of the inner hidden door have used the magical weapon and magic weapon to harden the domain door, and want to change the domain door restriction, in order to allow themselves to enter the retreat, or allow more disciples to enter, but all Can't do it.

Otherwise, the Fairy Ruins would have been occupied by some old antiques.


The whole world is in riots, and the rumbling is endless.

The golden palm of the Shushan Sword Master covers the world, and the endless sword aura is intertwined into a sword field, like a small world, to imprison Ye Tian.

The drop of blood that Immortal Haotian popped out was like a sea of ​​blood, a small drop that seemed to have the weight of a mountain, like the "water drop" of a science fiction weapon in the three-body system, capable of destroying everything in the world and nothing can be stopped.

The ancestor of the Golden Crow is even more terrifying, like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus, tearing the sky and the earth, and throwing a halberd, like a bolt of lightning, piercing the sky, cold and cold, and the air is strong, letting the endless grass and trees below. All withered, and boundless leaves fluttered.

And this is only on the side of the domain gate. On the other side of the domain gate, the Golden Crow Prince holds the Sun God plate, waiting for the rabbit, watching him, just like playing a game of whack-a-mole. There is only one cave and only one place. Rat, as long as the eyes are not too blind, it's hard to miss it.

At this moment, the hearts of everyone in the audience mentioned to their throats, watching whether Ye Tian could escape and ascend to heaven, or would he be killed, or captured alive.

"It's useless, the domain gate is closed, you can't enter." Shushan Sword Master said, the golden light overflowed between his palms, his five fingers suddenly closed, the void around Ye Tian was distorted, and the whole person was about to be grasped by a big hand. Hold your hands tight.

"I'm not interested in your divine soldiers, I just want to know if you are from the Outer Yinmen? Are the elders of my Haotian who fell at the Outer Yinmen related to you? Or if you know the inner reason, you can tell me "The Immortal Master Haotian said in a deep voice, wearing a golden dragon robe, with the dragon aura around him, and the dragon walking and tiger stepping, giving people a majestic and majestic feeling, like the emperor's coming to the world, and people can't help but worship.

"Little beast, who is not good for you to provoke, you must provoke me the Golden Crow clan. Die to me, and the ancestor will teach you to be a human again." The ancestor of the Golden Crow roared, full of blood and energy.

A halberd pierced the air, tearing the sky into a long black mark, and was about to rush to the door of the domain.

The domain gate at this time can no longer even be called a domain gate. There is only a small piece that can't even be inserted into an adult's fist.

But Ye Tian did not give up, still struggling in front of the domain gate.

Everyone in the audience was speechless, and the domain gate was almost left with the afterimages, and he didn't even give up. It was really a **** who had eaten the weight and was determined.

If he escapes at this time, there is still a glimmer of hope, although it is very slim, it is almost equal to zero after rounding.

But standing still, trying to open the closed domain door, the hope of survival is really zero, or if caught alive, the ending will be more tragic than death, and in the end will still be completely dead.

"Uncle, um, Virgin, can you save my uncle? I beg you." Xiao Yueer cried loudly.

At this moment, she was also standing not far away from the domain gate, together with Our Lady of Yaochi.

Our Lady of Yaochi shook her head, wondering if she couldn't save it or didn't want to save it.

She really can't offend the three top powers, UU reading to save Ye Tian.

If Ye Tian dies, her Jade Lake will be the only beneficiary, and she will have won a goddess Tianjiao girl. After decades, when she grows up, she will be able to enter a glorious era and aspire to the entire hidden gate.

"Oh, it's not that I don't want to save you, I really can't save you! To blame, I blame you for being too sharp and not knowing how to constrain. Is it true that my inner door is your outer door? Sweeping invincible?" Mother Yaochi muttered to herself, her eyes full of indifference and alienation.

Then she said to Xiao Yue'er: "Yue'er, let's go. From now on, you will be the true disciple of my Yaochi. I will teach you personally, and all resources in the sect will give you priority. Don't let me Disappointed."

After that, the Mother of Yaochi turned and left, regardless of whether Xiao Yueer agreed, she was accepted as a disciple of Yaochi.

But just as she turned around, a loud tearing noise suddenly came from behind, and then countless people exclaimed.

She looked back and saw that the domain gate was torn open again, and Ye Tian got in like a loach. Behind him, the attack that destroyed the world was only a few minutes away from him.

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