Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 1993: God Temptation

The Heaven-Shaking Seal was knocked off again and rushed beyond the forbidden area. The chaotic energy spilled all the way, hazy, and the originally smooth surface was pitted and dim, and even the golden stigma was almost cut off.

   Fortunately, the main body of the Great Seal did not break. This time, the Fire Vine Flower Ceremony made the Heaven-shading Seal truly become a sacred artifact, intertwined with stigmata, and the three materials merged into a chaotic magical material, indestructible.

Ye Tian was also very sad, with disheveled hairs, golden Eucharist bloodstained, as if he had just been slashed by thousands of swords, without a complete skin, and even bones were exposed in some places, he kept coughing up blood in his mouth, the gold that was originally enveloped outside the body. The light converged as much as possible, shaking like chaff.

  If the Ziying Sword hadn't helped him withstand part of the sword power, he would have fallen and become a catastrophe by this blow.

   "Mom, a broken sword, dare to deceive me, it is unbearable!" Ye Tian spit out a mouthful of old blood, his eyes widened like a copper bell, cursing.

   Since his rebirth, he has never been humiliated like this, nor has he been so embarrassed, with a dimensionality reduction blow, scarred, and not a bit human.

  If it were someone else, he would have escaped a long time ago, and he would not dare to covet it again.

   But Ye Tian, ​​full of courage, became more and more courageous.

"what did you say?"

   In the depths of the mist, a cold voice came out again, like a sonorous sword crowing. Just listening to it was chilling, and it felt like a thousand swords pierced the heart.

   These are the words of the Sword Breaker Spirit, with anger and killing intent, obviously understanding Ye Tian's curse.

   After eternal years, this instrumental spirit is almost about to become refined, with a human-like thinking, gradually transforming from a true spirit into a holy spirit.

   But, as the saying goes, it is hard to be holy in a thousand tribulations.

   If there is no corresponding secret method of the Holy Spirit cultivation, if there is no expert guidance, the last half step, even if you get to the ground, don’t want to step out.

   This sword-breaking weapon spirit is like this at present, it has almost reached the limit on the path of the true spirit, but it is half a step short of it, and it cannot be transformed into the Holy Spirit.

   Only when you become the Holy Spirit can you be regarded as a real living body. It can transform into a human form or into other species. In the future, it will even be able to transform into blood and flesh, continue to prove the gods, and eventually break the void and become a fairy.

   "What is arrogant, if you have the ability to go out to fight with me, you will surely beat you up." Ye Tian said loudly, without any fear.


   He took out a blood phoenix fruit again, bit it into pieces, and swallowed it into his abdomen.

   The surging life essence raged in his body, and some of them rushed out of his body before refining, and enveloped him like a silkworm cocoon.

  His breath climbed again like he was holding a rocket, his injuries healed quickly, and his whole body quickly became vigorous, like a **** of war resurrected.

   A powerful divine mind, like a heavenly sword, directly broke through the black mist, communicated with the Heaven-shaking Seal dozens of miles away, and summoned the Great Seal again, floating above the head.


   The divine marks of the Ziying Sword also revived again, the whole body was purple-gold and dazzling, and the divine marks appeared one after another, exuding extreme coercion, which made this world become unstable.

  At the same time, the spirit of the Ziying Sword also revived, and a ghost-like phantom appeared, reaching up to several tens of feet, eager to be like the spirit of the broken sword.

"Go away, see you are also a talented person. If you are in the world before the ages, Yuanying Tianjun must have a seat for you. I really don't want to kill you. If you are really capable, go to the outside world to regain the spiritual roots of the earth and let the earth aura Resuscitating, what is the ability to fight in the nest?" Broken Sword's tool spirit said, blaming Ye Tian as if an elder was preaching.

   Ye Tian was speechless for a while, and his fighting spirit gradually declined.

  Duanjian’s magic words are all for this, how can he be embarrassed to make a move?

   "If I go outside the territory to fight for the spiritual root of the earth, how do you think I am the master?" Ye Tian asked, crossing his chest with his hands, showing a sense of righteousness.

   "You can take it back first." Sword Breaker Ling said coldly.

"Why? You don't believe me? To tell you the truth, I meant to take back the earth's spiritual roots. Now I have everything ready, only a sword. As long as you recognize me as the master, I will say nothing, Rush to the outside world." Ye Tianxun was good at temptation.

   "Go!" Broken Sword Spirit was furious.

   Ye Tian surged with energy and blood, backing back again and again.

   The Sword Breaker Spirit is really terrifying. The entire forbidden area is like its domain, which is daunting and can suppress Ye Tian powerfully.

   If it is outside, Ye Tian is not afraid of a fight. And in the depths of this forbidden area, it is too difficult to defeat it. It takes a lot of thought and a lot of time, slowly.

   "I want to know, are you the legendary Zhuxian sword? Who is your master? Is Tongtian leader?" Ye Tian asked.

   Broken Sword remained silent, as if he had fallen into a dormancy, too lazy to answer.

   Did not get the answer, Ye Tian was not discouraged, and said: "You have been silent for eternity, how long are you going to be silent? Do you really want to regard this forbidden land as your eternal home?"

   Broken Sword remained silent.

Ye Tian continued: "The true spirit of the Myriad Tribulations is hard to be sanctified. It is not easy for you to get to this point. You should have the splendor of your own life, instead of immersing yourself in the past, unable to extricate yourself, and forever. Depression. I have the Holy Spirit's secret cultivation method, which can help you transform the mortal into the holy, provided that you recognize me as Lord."

"You human kid, you know what the Holy Spirit is? Don't fool me here. Before I get angry, you can roll me as far as I can. Otherwise I don't mind doing that extinct thing and kill you." The voice came out, reprimanding Ye Tian.

   However, from the depths of the cold words, Ye Tian heard the Sword Breaker Spirit's deep desire to enter the Holy Spirit.

   Ye Tian laughed loudly and said, "Do you see what this is?"

   As soon as the words fell, a secret method of the Holy Spirit's cultivation flowed through his mind, using the power of divine thought to form brilliant gold characters, which appeared in the void, like a **** story.

   Then, Ye Tianyi pointed out, one by one the bright gold characters, turned into a golden streamer, and rushed towards the sword weapon spirit.

   Of course, this **** story is not complete, only a beginning, but it is enough to shock the world.


   After a while, a terrible breath vibrated from the depths of the forbidden ground, as if a storm hit the sky.

   A ghost-like figure rushed in front of Ye Tian in an instant, it was the sword-breaker spirit, imaginary and real.

   "Tell me the complete God chapter!" Sword Breaker yelled, extremely excited, and compared with the calmness just now, it was nothing short of a cloud of mud.

   "Acknowledge me as the master, and I will tell you now. And I will help you cultivate and become the Holy Spirit as soon as possible." Ye Tian said, sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, looking as if he was determined to be a swordsman.

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