"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

No one thought that the Great Eastern Congress would be so ruthless, destroying the decadent old empire in one fell swoop, returning almost all military power to zero and becoming a lamb to be slaughtered.

When the iron-blooded flag of the eastern power was planted on that piece of land, the decayed old empire became a vassal of the eastern power.

The whole world looked sideways, and all the nations showed their favor to the great eastern powers, and all nations came to Korea for a time.

With the exception of being punished by a country that was individually impure, we did not take the blame for the past and did not retaliate.

A new international order will unfold from this, and China will once again become the center, absolute center, and absolute hegemon of the world.

The analysis of rune science and technology knowledge will lead the earth's science and technology to a new revolution, bringing the whole world into a new era, and it is likely to enter the starry sky and into the interstellar.

Ye Tian couldn't see the arrival of this era for the time being, because he was leaving.

The earth is unified to a certain extent, with Middle-earth being the absolute center, with absolute power to suppress all dissident forces, Ye Tian really has nothing to worry about.

The inner and outer hidden gates, the small world of Kunxu, are also controlled by the forces of the North Ming. In the future, earth immortals and golden cores will emerge in large numbers, guarding the middle-earth and guarding this star with the ultimate power.

Maybe there are some other powers hidden on the earth, and there are some super powers in other small worlds, but I believe Bei Ming can handle them.

As long as it is not a metaphysical power, it is impossible to make waves on the earth.

Ye Tian left this time not only for himself, but also for Beiming and the earth.

The earth's power limit of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is the golden core. He didn't want Beiming's disciples to stop at the golden core, and wanted to open up a path to a higher level for them.

Even if he can't regain the earth's spiritual roots, he still has to find a star with a higher power level outside the domain, and lead the disciples of the earth to practice.

The teleportation formation in Kunlun Death Valley was brought into the Dongshan enchantment by Ye Tian, ​​so that the people of Beiming could enter and leave the Kunxu small world at any time.

Before leaving, Ye Tian visited some people.

He first met some old middle school classmates in Tianhai City, the old squad leader He Kaiwen, sports committee member Su Meng, a few roommates in the same dormitory, and so on. Everyone got together.

I haven't seen each other for several years, and everyone has changed a lot.

He Kaiwen became a civil servant in Tianhai City, and his official position was not small, he had a promising future, and he was the best among all people.

"Ye Tian, ​​I toast you a cup. I used to be young and vigorous and did some naive things, don't take it to heart." Monitor He Kaiwen said with an apologetic expression on his face.

"Haha, Ye Tian, ​​I have to apologize to you too. I was so reckless at the beginning that I dared to punch you. Thinking about it now, I'm still scared for a while." Su Meng laughed and drank a glass of wine. .

He and Ye Tian didn't know each other, and later asked Ye Tian for advice on martial arts, but in the end they didn't get on this path. Now he has opened a not-so-small travel company that specializes in receiving tourists from all over the world who come to Tianhai City. Because he is an old classmate with Ye Tian, ​​he has made no little money over the years, and he can be called a small local tyrant.

Not all the classmates mix well, and life is not satisfactory. Ye Tian will help a little bit.

After leaving Tianhai City, Ye Tian went to Chuzhou in Jiangbei, where he also had a big industry, Beiming Pharmaceutical.

Ye Tian didn't expect that Beiming Pharmaceutical has developed rapidly in recent years, and it is so powerful that it can already rank among the top three pharmaceutical companies in the world. The whole world is impressive, and the wealth earned every year is an astronomical figure.

Of course, money has no meaning to Ye Tian, ​​but it is just a number.

Ye Tian didn't even take any of the money, and it was controlled by the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect.

After all, if a large gate wants to operate, it can't do without money.

Lin Zimo's appearance is still beautiful, and the youthfulness on her body has long since faded away completely, instead she is capable and refreshing.

Contrary to Ye Tian's expectation, this little Nizi's cultivation reached the transformation realm and became a master.

Ye Tian taught him some martial arts and asked him to use it to protect herself, but she did not expect that she actually embarked on the road of martial arts, and with her own efforts, she became a realm of transformation.

Ye Tian gave her some cultivation resources, there are spirit stones, and there are also spirit medicines, so that she can practice hard. If there is any difficulty, she can go to the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect to find Qinghan. The relationship between her and Qinghan was very good, and she was once commensurate with sisters.

Seeing Ye Tian's back, her eyes were moist and teardrops rolled down, but soon her complexion became firm, and her hands became tightly clenched into fists.

She will never forget that the existence she needs to look up to is her killer revenge!

After leaving Chuzhou, Ye Tian went to Yancheng.

His college career was not perfect, it can even be said to be full of shortcomings, because he dropped out after only a period of time, but he still met some good friends, especially roommates.

This time the four roommates gathered in Yancheng, and they were very moved.

Then, Ye Tian traveled on the upper reaches of the earth, looking for possible risk factors, and then strangling in the cradle.

His spiritual thoughts are extremely powerful now, and one thought is released, but it can cover Fangyuan with all his strength, and he has really discovered a few secret realms, and there are strong ones among them.

He had discovered the old nest of the Black Dragon Beast King who had once shot him, and he had it all in one pot.

After doing all this, Ye Tian went to Kunxu.

"Wow, is this Kunxu? It's so big, you can't see it at a glance. It's amazing." As soon as he passed through the Outer Invisible Gate, Zhao Tianlong was shocked.

He is not the only one, all the people who come here are like this.

They thought that Penglai Fairy Island was already a paradise, but they didn't realize that compared with Kunxu, it was just a small place and nothing at all. Otherwise, Penglai Xianzong would not abandon Penglai Xiandao and come to the secret realm of Kunxu.

Not all people have the qualifications to enter and exit Kunxu. Ye Tian's requirement is that the cultivation base must reach the **** realm, unless there are special circumstances.

Although both the inner and outer hidden gates of Kunxu were Ye Tian's territory, he didn't want this isolated small world to be disturbed too much. The people outside came here mainly for cultivation, not for travel and pastime.

Moreover, Kunxu's resources are also limited, and Tiandi Dadao's inspiration is also on the path of decline, with limited carrying capacity.

Divine realm can be cultivated in the secret realm of Penglai Xiandao and Dongshan. Divine realm proves Daoxian can choose the outer hidden door, and Earthxian proves Dao golden pill can choose the inner hidden door.

"Welcome to you!"

Su Mengyao graciously entertained everyone in Beiming of Waiyinmen.

Seeing the familiar figures one by one, she was also very moved.

These people were named by Ye Tian, ​​not only the people from Beiming, but also the people from Longwei, the people from Changbai Longchi, and the people from the secret realm of Mount Taishan.

Everyone didn't stay at the outer hidden gate for a long time, the inner hidden gate was the final destination.

The Immortal Sect of the Northern Underworld in the Inner Gate is already crowded with people. Not only monks, but ordinary people are also coming here to watch the coronation ceremony of the Lord of Kunxu and listen to his sermons.

Clouds and mists, towering fairy mountains, towering ancient trees, pavilions and buildings dotted in the meantime, flowing springs and waterfalls, flying cranes, a fairy family atmosphere.

Hanging in the midair in the Beimingxian Palace, a handsome young man sat on a futon and meditated with his eyes closed.

No one dares to underestimate him because he is young, it is because the elders face him respectfully.

"Meet the Immortal Lord!"

An or Dixian, or Jindan monk, stepped on the ladder, came to the fairy palace, and sat around him.

In addition to those close to Ye Tian, ​​the cultivator who has reached the realm of Earth Immortal can also come to the fairy palace and sit around his body.

The cultivator under the earth immortal can only find a random place in the Northern Underworld Immortal Sect on the ground.

Ordinary people, and those who have not been invited, can only stay outside the sect.

When the people arrived, Ye Tian, ​​who was sitting in the fairy palace, finally said: "First lecture, the method of building a foundation for the immortal Dao..."

His voice was not loud, as if he was speaking in ordinary times, but it made the heaven and the earth roar, and the voice could spread far away, as if the voice of the Great Dao was resounding.

Purple Qi came to the east, revolving around his body, and golden divine light shone out, like a lotus platform, supporting him in the center.

The auspiciousness comes from the sky, and the merits are like rain. This is the feedback from this world to him.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was shocked.

However, Ye Tian didn't care about anything, bathing in purple aura and golden auspicious light, preaching slowly.

The way he preached is his true perception, hoping to benefit this world.

Everyone in the audience held their breath and listened carefully, not dare to miss a word.

Regardless of whether it is an earth immortal or a golden pill, although the foundation-building method Ye Tian is talking about at the moment is of no use to them, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is still like a primary school student, sitting upright, Listen carefully.

In fact, listening carefully is not useless to them. The way Ye Tian said is mysterious and mysterious, surpassing their existing understanding of the way to build a foundation.

The way to build a foundation seems simple, but Ye Tian talked about it for three days and three nights, and then talked about the way of refining qi.

This sermon started at sunrise and ended at sunset. It lasted for a full seven days. It not only taught various methods of refining qi, but also taught knowledge about alchemy equipment, formation mechanisms, and other related aspects.

After this preaching, the preaching was suspended for a period of time, and the preaching was not started until one month later.

Building the foundation, refining qi, and then the way of innate and immortal.

Hearing this, there are very few people who can really listen, because the way of the earth immortal requires talent, and most people will not be able to break through this realm in their lifetime.

Two months later, when Ye Tian talked about the Golden Core, fewer people listened, and even fewer people could understand it.

After a while, when Ye Tian talked about the Tao of the Nascent Soul, three powerful beings went out, the Immortal Master Haotian, the Sword Master of Shushan, and Our Lady of Yaochi.

When they came to Ye Tian, ​​they didn't dare to make a second, bowed and saluted, called the Lord of the Fairy Ruins, and then found a place to sit down by themselves.

Their power levels have reached the ceiling of this world, the golden core has been completed, and the Tao of Nascent Soul is very important to them. Although, even if they are familiar with Yuan Ying Dadao, they may not be able to break through because of the suppression of the heavens, but after listening, it is always correct.

Three days later, Ye Tian finished talking about Yuanying Avenue. He, who had been sitting still, suddenly stood up and said, "Preaching for three months, today's accomplishment is consummated, I will go!"

As soon as the voice fell, he rose up into the sky, tore up an invisible boundary film, rushed into the fairy ruins, and disappeared without a trace.

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