Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2057: Keep going

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

Even if he was armed to the teeth and was carrying a dozen void protection magic weapons, Ye Tian did not have full assurance that he successfully reached the fortieth transit star.

Frankly speaking, his own confidence is only 50%, half of life and half of life, so this struggle is very gambling.

Having said that, if it can really pass, what will happen to the road behind, will there be a big star of life? Can you reach Daxi?

He still doesn't know.

If there is a dead end, he wants to come back, which is even more difficult.

Therefore, the ancients said that this is a path of no return, sincerely not deceiving others.

Without the courage to regard death as home, I would not dare to embark on this road.

The half-step Ning Ying in the Fairy Ruins Spirit Well, a genius descendant of Penglai, must have set foot on this ancient road, and probably came to this ancient star, but facing the broken void passage, he was timid. , Did not dare to pass. Otherwise, he would not fall to the earth, but would be in the starry sky.


The broken void passage is full of violent spatial power, like a small world being shattered, there are space cracks everywhere, and space debris everywhere. Any mistake may lead to killing.

It is that Ye Tian has a wealth of experience in void passages, and he dare not take it lightly here and play a hundred thousand points. But because of this, he quickly became dizzy, like a flat boat in a storm, constantly being beaten by big waves, and might overturn or even break at any time.

If it hadn't been for the Void Battle Armor, he might really not even be able to enter the broken void channel, and he would be shattered by the void turbulence at the exit, and he died.

I have to admit that the Void Battlegear does have some effects. Although it can't make him look like a Void Predator, it can be like a fish in the void turbulence, but it minimizes the physical damage.

Countless void fragments were cut like knives, and there was a deep clanging sound on the void armor, but it was never able to cut the armor, leaving only a series of scars.

But as the scars increase, the protective performance of the armor will decrease, and the situation will become less and less optimistic. Therefore, he must pass through this broken passage as soon as possible to reach the complete section.

This passage connects two stars far apart, and it is impossible for the whole to be broken. The broken part should be only a small part, and a large part is intact.

Space cracks are everywhere, like a black hole in the abyss, leading to the lonely space, and even the unknown dangerous Jedi. Once exiled, with the power of the golden core, it is impossible to survive.

On the wall of the incomplete passage, you can occasionally see all kinds of bizarre scenes, clusters of galaxy vortexes, crystal rivers flowing in the void, and even if you are lucky, you can even see living creatures.

All kinds of bizarre scenes are the virtual projections of real images in the universe, like mirages, which can be dizzying and produce all kinds of illusions, and then get lost in the empty passages, or make stupid actions and leave along the void cracks. , Exiled himself to the unknown deep space of the universe, thinking that he had entered a world of colorful flowers, but in fact there was nothing.

Naturally, Ye Tian would not be fooled by this false scene.

I don’t know how long or how far I’ve traveled. A terrifying scene suddenly appeared in front of me, with broken limbs, scarlet flesh and blood, broken but still shining magic weapons...

You don't need to guess that there has been a big battle here, and it may be the battle that happened when the group of people and horses of the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl were chased and killed by the void predators in the void passage.

Of course, it is also possible that other people are fighting.

After the Nine Phoenix Goddess had walked this road, some of Penglai's descendants should have tried to follow the footsteps of the Goddess.

Today, every item in the void channel, even a broken limb or a piece of flesh and blood, hides a great danger, because it will absorb a large number of void fragments, so you can avoid touching Ye Tian as much as possible. Choose Detour.


Suddenly, a huge void predator corpse appeared in front of it. It was completely fragmented, but it was still connected by muscles, tendons, skin and flesh. The flesh and blood were scarlet. It looked like it had just died not long ago, and the entire void passage was about to be blocked. Really.

What shocked Ye Tian even more was that from the broken body, he felt a terrible breath, as if he was not completely dead.

This was actually a Nascent Infant-level predator, Ye Tian was certain that he was shocked.

Only the corpse of the Primordial Infant Predator can be preserved in the void passage, and preserved intact, otherwise it would have been washed away by the turbulence of the void, and even shattered.

There were obvious knife marks on the body, which was obviously killed by someone.

Who can kill an infant and a predator?

Needless to think about it, the person who did it was at least one Yuan Ying.

If the battle took place in the Void Channel, the main battlefield of the Void Predator, this Nascent Soul would be incredibly powerful.

Perhaps, there is a great possibility that this unknown Yuanying is related to the earth.

Ye Tian didn't dare to neglect, holding the void shield in his left hand and the bone stick in his right hand, approaching cautiously, constantly adjusting the position, trying not to touch the body of the void predator.

At the moment when the distance between the two sides was getting closer and it was about to pass by, the void predator almost burst open its head, a closed one-eyed, suddenly opened, and its lifeless eyeballs suddenly fell. Stare, bursting out a series of heroic mans.

Just this one stared, bang bang bang, four consecutive void protective shields in front of Ye Tian shattered and turned into dusty powder.

It's too late to say, it's fast, the white bone stick in Ye Tian's hand was pierced out as a growth spear, and all of a sudden, the one eye of the void predator was smashed. Later, Ye Tian didn't even want the bone stick, and rushed past.

This void predator is not resurrected, it is just a trace of power remaining in the corpse at work.

With just one stare, Ye Tian's four void protective shields were broken, and it was already evident that they were powerful before they were alive.

Fortunately, this was a corpse. If it were a living void predator, it would really be enough for Ye Tian to drink a pot, and an arduous battle would be indispensable.

Ye Tian wiped a cold sweat, took out a new protective shield and a white bone stick, and moved forward cautiously.

However, not long before the journey, another wave of danger came unexpectedly.

It was a group of colorful things. If you look closely, you will find that they are all scattered crystal fragments, shooting at an extremely fast speed, and each piece contains a powerful destructive force that makes his heart beat faster.

And the fragments covered the entire passage, and it was impossible to dodge it at all.

"Void debris clusters!" Ye Tian exclaimed in his heart.

If it is hit head-on, this Void Battle Armor, which is already covered in bruises, is considered to be scrapped.

Ye Tian quickly took out all the protective shields and built a line of defense in front of him, and then suspended the Heaven-shaking Seal over his head, hanging down the chaotic energy to protect his body.

In the end, he even took out the dragon pattern Lihuo Baoding, and he drew in.

Most of the seven-colored flames in the treasure cauldron were used when he sacrificed the void magic weapons, only a few remained. He hid in for a while and it didn't hurt him. He couldn't burn him.

Bang, bang, bang,...

In the sound of thunderous impact, all the void shields burst into pieces one after another, as if they had been bombarded by a super heavy artillery.

Immediately afterwards, even the Chaos Qi that was hanging down from the Heaven-shading Seal was torn apart, and sparks shot out from the Heaven-shading Seal, leaving a series of scars.

In the end, even the dragon pattern broke away from the fire treasure cauldron, but it did not burst.

Ye Tian hadn't had time for the situation, and a piece of squirming flesh and blood rushed forward. It was a living creature, exuding a terrible aura that seemed to swallow everything.

"Is this mass of flesh and blood become refined?" Ye Tian's heart tightened.

As Ye Tianzhong was still approaching, this group of squirming flesh and blood suddenly stretched out nine tentacles, like a squid octopus, quickly grabbing towards Ye Tian.

The breath of Yuan Ying!

This is actually the flesh and blood of a group of Yuan Ying.

Ye Tian can definitely come from humans, not the flesh and blood of the void predator.

A piece of Nascent Soul's flesh and blood, after tens of thousands of years in the Void Channel, turned out to be refined, which is incredible.

The owner of this piece of Yuanying flesh and the one who killed the Void Predatory Flesh are probably the same person.


Ye Tian shook the dragon pattern away from the fire treasure cauldron, and the seven-color flames rushed out like a torrent, burning the void passageway to collapse.

The tentacle blood monster was immediately submerged by the seven-colored flames, and UU reading was burned mercilessly, making heart-piercing screams, like a knife scraping glass, piercing and piercing.

In the screams, the seven-color flames were gradually shaken away, and the tentacle blood monster continued to slaughter Ye Tian.

Seeing that the situation is not good, Ye Tian enlarged the dragon pattern away from the fire treasure cauldron, and simply collected the tentacle blood monster in, and then sealed it up, staring at a void in the crack, and threw it directly out.


The moment it was thrown out, the dragon pattern exploded from the Huobaoding. But the tentacle blood monster finally failed to rush back, and fell into the lonely universe.

The dangers are almost one after another, since Ye Tian rushed into the void passage, it has not stopped.

He overcomes all the dangers one by one, and the magic weapon on his body is getting less and less.


In front, a group of terrifying black storm rushed in, mixed with countless gossamer-like crystal lights, and the entire void passage shook as it passed.

This is a time storm!

One of the most terrifying phenomena in the universe, there are both space debris and time debris.

Ye Tian took out a space magical instrument made from the skin of a void predator animal, the void bag, and the entire body escaped into it.

At the same time, the animal skin void bag was shrinking, wrapping him in it like a leather ball.

Just when he had just done this, the space-time storm arrived and swallowed it suddenly.

It didn't last long before the empty bag of animal skin shattered and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the void protective armor on Ye Tian's body also broke apart every inch.

In the end, the sky storm rushed past, and the crystal scales on his body could not be protected. He was torn into pieces, and the golden body was also scarred.

However, a life was saved.

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