Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2071: Secret of the Old Star

"Rebirth of the Peerless Abandoned Shao (

Ye Tian followed the seventeenth princess, rushing all the way, towards the exit of the Penglai Ruins and Divine Land.

Even though Princess Seventeen had Lightning Magic Rune Talisman, Ye Tian's speed was only fast or slow, rushing in front of her from time to time, and then slowed down and waited for her to catch up.

This shocked the seventeenth princess, and she couldn't expect that the world could be so fast, surpassing the lightning magic rune.

On this ancient star, she really couldn't think of anyone who could be faster than him.

She was very curious about Ye Tian's identity, and kept asking questions along the way.

Naturally, Ye Tian couldn’t tell the truth, so he fabricated an identity, saying that he came from a small mountain village isolated from the rest of the world. There is a powerful corpse, and there is a masterpiece left behind.

His superb martial arts and martial arts, including the peerless light skills he performed at the moment, were cultivated in the cave.

This was the first time he had left the small mountain village and saw the colorful world outside. He was very at a loss. He didn't understand the sins of the world, and only knew he wanted to walk for the sky.

This story is very refreshing and refined. I didn't expect the Seventeenth Princess to be convinced, and while admiring Ye Tianbao, she still had some sympathy.

"No wonder, no wonder, you have never heard of the Peacock tribe, even the little bird king dare to kill. Most of the cave you found was the retreat of a certain Yuanying Tianjun, leaving behind what you learned, and you picked it up. Good luck." Princess Seventeen whispered, looking relieved.

"Hehe, maybe, I don't know either." Ye Tian smiled, then asked humbly, "Why is our ancient star called Penglai ancient star?"

"Why is it called the ancient star of Penglai? It should be related to the ruins under our feet. Tens of thousands of years ago, there was an immortal sect, Penglai Xianzong. It is recorded in ancient books that Penglai Xianzong is the oldest sect on this ancient star. It was also the most powerful sect for a long time, disregarding the entire star. Therefore, they named this ancient star after Penglai."

"Oh, that's the case." Ye Tian nodded, as expected.

"However, I have also heard of another version of the story, which is absurd. It is said that Penglai Xianzong is not the native sect of our ancient star, but is inherited from another distant life star. They came to us. At the time of this star, this star was still in a wild state, and the indigenous people lived a life of slash-and-fire. It was Penglai Xianzong who sowed the fire of civilization here, and also left the cult of immortality. That’s why we will be there. Today." Princess Seventeen said seriously.

This story is too absurd. Although there are rumors in the arena, not many people believe it.

But after Ye Tian heard this, he was a little moved.

Some rumors have been circulated for too long and have lost credibility, but they are not groundless. After careful consideration, some plots may really exist.

Speaking of Penglai Immortal Sect, I have to mention the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl.

On the ancient star of Penglai, the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl is like the Nine Heavenly Profound Girl on Earth, or Nu Wa, with a legendary color like the creation of the world.

For a long time, there were statues and temples of the Nine Phoenix Goddess everywhere on this ancient star, which was worshipped and believed by the world.

However, with the gradual decline of Penglai Immortal Sect, the worship of the Nine Phoenix Goddess gradually went downhill, and fewer and fewer people believed in her. In the end, people smashed and demolished almost all the statues and temples.

The reason for this is that it is rumored to be related to the rise of indigenous people.

At that time, the aboriginal groups had already entered the civilization of cultivating immortals, and they were able to come forth in large numbers.

The Penglai Immortal Sect became more and more decayed and degenerate in the later period, pretending to be immortals, and exercising high-handed rule over the natives on the ancient stars.

In the end, the indigenous people on the ancient star rebelled, and a protracted battle took place, which eventually destroyed the Penglai Xianzong.

These are stories from a long time ago. What happened tens of thousands of years ago is indistinguishable. But since this statement has spread, it is somewhat credible.

The Daxi civilization has invaded the earth more than 100,000 years ago.

It should be about one hundred thousand years after the Nine Phoenix Heavenly Girl stepped into the ancient starry sky.

One hundred thousand years ago, this ancient star was in a wild state, and it might be impossible. It was the Nine Phoenix Goddess and the several golden core abilities brought here that brought a civilization of cultivating immortals, making it a great star of cultivating immortals, which was comparable to the civilization of immortal cultivation at the peak of the earth.

This is a great merit. Even if it is not much worse than Nuwa who created human beings on the earth, it is not much different. No wonder the indigenous people will set up statues for her to worship as faith.

"There are also rumors that the Penglai Immortal Sect was not completely destroyed. Some people fled and took away a lot of wealth." Princess Seventeen continued.

"Oh?" Ye Tian suddenly became interested, and walked side by side with her, listening attentively.

"It is rumored that they fled from land to an island in the sea. This island is called Penglai Xiandao, and it is rumored to be in the depths of the East China Sea. But generations after generations continue to search, some for wealth, Some are for the purpose of Penglai’s Immaculate Method, UU Reading, etc., but they can’t find a trace."

East China Sea? Penglai Fairy Island?

Ye Tian suddenly felt like he had returned to the earth, because the Penglai Xian Island on the earth was also in the East China Sea.

This is probably not a coincidence.

The Nine Phoenix Goddess and others came to the ancient star and became the dominators here. It is very likely that they will transform this planet according to some established patterns on the earth, and the Penglai Fairy Island in the East China Sea may be one of them.

The seventeenth princess told Ye Tian that the ancient star of Penglai was too big to imagine. The land is mainly divided into 18 continents, and each continent has a radius of at least a dozen miles. The largest Zhongshen Continent will also go to Penglai. The continent where Xianzong's old land was located had a radius of more than eighty thousand miles. Not to mention that ordinary people are ordinary monks, and they can't get out of this land for a lifetime.

Although Penglai’s old ruined land is large enough to hold the earth, it is only a small part of the vast expanse of Central China.

The Dashang Dynasty was in Yuezhou in the east, and the East China Sea was separated from Zhongshenzhou by an endless ocean.

On this big star, although the land area is very wide, it is only one-tenth, and the rest is all the ocean. It is truly vast and no one can come to an end.

The ocean is endless, and there are even more scattered islands. No one can tell how many islands there are. Except for a small part of it is occupied by the human race, most of the rest are the territories of the sea race, and the human race is not allowed to get involved.

The sea race on the ancient star of Penglai has evolved to an incredible level.

The seventeenth princess knew a lot, and was extremely talkative, and told Ye Tian a lot of information about the ancient star of Penglai, which benefited Ye Tian a lot.

The two talked about it, unknowingly, the exit of the ruins of God's soil was near.

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