Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 2422: see swordsman

Ling Ri Shenjun chooses to be demonized and degenerates into a demon, which not only prolongs his lifespan, but also becomes more powerful. If Xuantian Daojun does not choose to demonize, he will definitely fall into the disadvantage, and eventually he will inevitably be slaughtered.

Perhaps, it was the prohibition of overlapping and overlapping roads in front of him that protected Xuantian Daojun.

Xuantian Daojun broke into the ban and risked his life and death, but Ling Ri Shenjun did not dare to do so, because this ban on the combination of the road is extremely terrifying, even if the transformation of the gods breaks in, if one is bad, he will die and disappear. .

In the end, Xuantian Daojun hid in the ancient demon domain on the eighty-first floor, and he has survived until now.

This is a possibility that Ye Tian's mind has turned and deduced.

"It's also strange, this ancient demon of the Dao, the swallowing devil python, has already transformed into the Dao and died, why does he still leave behind this prohibition?"

"Could it be that there are some great secrets hidden in the Ancient Demon Domain on the 81st floor?"

Ye Tian continued to think, making guesses in his heart.

The answer is in the eighty-first floor of the ancient demon domain, and you can only get it if you go in.

Now that he is here, Ye Tian will naturally not choose to retreat easily.

At the very least, he would also see the face of Xuantian Saber Lord and rescue Xuantian Saber Lord from inside.

Next, for more than ten days, Ye Tian stood outside the domain gate, staring at the many restrictions in the domain gate, his eyes did not blink, and countless runes shone in the dark eyes.

His spiritual sense is like a stream of water, cautiously, bit by bit infiltrating the restriction, comprehending the mystery of the magic circle.

Although it is very difficult, it can still be broken through a little bit of research.

You must know that Xuantian Daojun entered the eighty-first floor of the ancient demon domain, indicating that he also broke the ban.

He can even break through the transformation of a god, let alone Ye Tian.

After only a dozen days, Ye Tian knew all about the many restrictions and cracked them.

In other words, this is already extremely fast. Thinking that when Xuantian Daojun broke into it, he died in nine years, and it has been cracked for thousands of years. Even the speed of a tortoise can't be compared.

Of course, Ye Tian suffered a lot of backlash, the frontal bone between his eyebrows shattered, and blood and water continued to seep out.

Seemingly ordinary, he is also in great danger.

For the next few days, Ye Tian used it to rest, drank drugs and spirit stones, and adjusted his body state to the best, preparing for the next level.

"Boy, if you dare to kill me, my ancestor Qitian Shenjun will definitely not let you go, and he will definitely slaughter Zhong Saturn to avenge me."

Ye Tian took out a Nascent Soul and was about to knock it off as a big pill, and the voice of the first prince Beichen came from inside.

After this guy's Nascent Soul was obtained by Ye Tian, ​​it was sealed and kept in the Qiankun Ring. It was originally intended to be used as a hostage, but it didn't work.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

He still didn't know that his father Beichen old royal family, Qitian Shenjun, and later Lingri Shenjun were all killed by Ye Tian.

"Oh, poor child, I will send you to reunite with your father and your grandfather."

With a pitiful sigh, Ye Tian crushed the baby and poured all the power into his body, instantly inflating his body to a height of 100 feet.

But it only took a few hours for him to completely refine the power of the **** infant, and his body size returned to normal.

A few days later, Ye Tian suddenly got up, countless golden glows appeared on the surface of the body, the rays of light circulated around the body, the laws shone, and the chains of order danced out of thin air, as if he was created by the laws.


Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian stepped into the domain gate.


Suddenly, the time and space seemed to be turned upside down, the heaven and the earth changed, and the whole world instantly turned into a magical energy, like a nether hell, the overwhelming cold gushes.

In the magic energy, there are countless magic laws, as if there is life, they will penetrate and invade the human body. Ordinary monks will be torn apart instantly when they step in. Only at the level of God Transformation, it can barely resist, but it is also in danger, and it is almost impossible to survive.


Ye Tian stood in the tide of demonic energy, hunting in long clothes, with a solemn expression, but the square inch was not chaotic.

His consciousness is like a tide, and it is released to visit the road ahead.


Invisibly, a series of magic formations are running, and these magic formations are integrated with the ancient demon domain, with unparalleled power and murderous intent.

Although I don't know how many thousands of years have passed, some of the magic circles have failed, but most of them are still open.

Fortunately, Ye Tian has already cracked the restrictions on the periphery, and all the way is unimpeded.

Entering this void passage, Ye Tiantian discovered that this passage is not only connected to the 81st floor Ancient Demon Domain, there are also some void cracks in the passage leading to the unknown world.

Suddenly, in front of a void crack, Ye Tian stopped, looked inside, and found that there was a small void inside, a figure sat cross-legged in it, as if he had been exiled into the vacuum of the universe. The thin body is only skinny. If it weren't for his heart beating every so often, people would mistake it for a mummy.

Just as Ye Tian stared, the thin figure suddenly moved, and then slowly opened his eyes.

"You're here, how long have I slept? For a thousand years?"

"You shouldn't have come. Since you have obtained the spiritual roots of the Middle Earth, why don't you return to the Middle Earth?"

The old man made a low voice, very weak, as if he might lose his breath at any time.

Before he fell asleep, Ye Tian was still on the first floor of the Ancient Demon Domain, and now he is at the innermost floor.

Thinking back then, it took him thousands of years to come here, so he would think that he had fallen asleep for a thousand years in the blink of an eye.

Ye Tian didn't point it out, it just took dozens of days.

"Xuantian Daojun, I'll save you back." Ye Tian replied, it is certain that this old man is Xuantian Daojun.

He thought that Xuantian Daojun had entered the 81st floor of the Ancient Demon Domain, but he did not expect to be trapped in the domain gate on the 80th floor, appearing in a small world of void cracks.

The distance between him and Xuantian Daojun seems to be close at hand, but there is a space restriction, and the real distance is much farther.

However, Ye Tian is proficient in the way of the void, and it is not difficult to crack it. Step by step, he enters this void small world, approaching Xuantian Daojun.

"Hehe, I never imagined that I, Xuantian, would still see visitors from my homeland in my lifetime." Xuantian Daojun laughed, his expression full of relief.

"In the blink of an eye, it is one hundred thousand years. Years! In this world, there is no more terrifying power than years." Xuantian Daojun said with emotion.

He was too weak, and after saying these words, his eyelids drooped down again.

Ye Tian was disillusioned one step at a time, and the layers of void restrictions seemed to be non-existent, and he quickly narrowed the distance between him and Xuan Tian Daojun. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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