Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 790: 1 trigger

The devil wolf finally shot. With all kinds of anger, he opened his mouth and vomited. The Yuanguang Shenguang shouted like a mountain and tsunami.

With just one blow, half of the invaders fell and half of them were harmed. How strong is this?

A large group of people who were originally black and white, only a few small groups left, the Pantheon, the Knights of the Round Table, the Imperial League of God, and other people are gone.

The Pantheon and the Knights of the Round Table were preserved under the protection of God and King Arthur.

The Lord God of the Imperial League of God, Barov, did not come, and the two vice leaders died in Ye Tian's hands. Three strangers came this time, all with quasi-SS strength. But they brought high-tech weapons, armored battle suits, just like the armored suits worn last time by the Vice-League of the Titans of the Han family Jinjia.

This is a sci-fi-like combat weapon that can increase the combat effectiveness of an individual soldier to an incredible height, comparable to Iron Man's Iron Tabard.

A four-handed high-frequency knife is mounted on the outer edge of the arms and knees of the armor. It is retractable and can extend up to two meters in length.

The hand is equipped with an impact joint, and a punch can hit a force of several tons, even tens of tons, which can turn an elephant into blood mud.

The defensive armor on the chest can withstand heavy artillery bombardment, and it can withstand three rounds of fire, which is almost unsolvable and unbreakable.

The foot is equipped with an ejection device, which can walk as fast as it can, and can eject to an altitude of 100 meters. The horizontal distance can step over 200 meters.

In addition, the armor is equipped with the most terrible weapon, a shoulder laser cannon.

This sci-fi weapon cannot exist according to the technology level of the earth, but it was surprising that the great empire of the world was developed.

Now, after the three members of the Imperial League of God quasi-SS class wear armor and battle clothes, their combat power rises to the SS level, and they are all safe and sound in the face of the demon wolf's elemental magnetism.


Deep in the small world, the colorful dazzling figure suddenly moved and rushed out at a rapid speed. The whole small world was following his pace, trembling violently, as if it was about to collapse.


The devil wolf is here, and he wants to rush out of the protection from the killing of the realm and emit a stern and high-pitched roar.

His body is extremely huge, like a big mountain moving, but extremely flexible, a leap forward is a distance of hundreds of feet, the sound of booming sounds is thundering, the breath of terror is astonishing.

Almost a moment later, he appeared before everyone. His huge body covered the whole sky, as if a flying mountain came down from the sky.

His big claws were about the size of a house, and they were smashed in the air, squeezing the air.

When he rushed out of the battlefield, Poseidon's Trident Halberd in the hand of the **** King Retos swallowed endless blood, screamed and utterly killed, and he was going to shoot at the Devil Wolf.

Suddenly, one of the three members of the Imperial League of God flew out before he said, "Master God, let me first try the depth of this beast to see how capable of his ancestor Fenrir. "

This person is wearing silver armor, and there is no dead corner covering all over the body, which is full of science fiction, as if coming from the future world.

Although his realm is only quasi-SS level, but with armor blessings, the combat effectiveness has risen to SS level, and the devil wolf may be in a battle.

Therefore, God King Retos didn't take any action and watched his performance quietly.

King Arthur narrowed his eyes and didn't take any action immediately.

His feet slammed on the ground, the catapults in his legs worked, and the ground collapsed into a large hole. He was like a rocket launching, standing up straight, facing the sky, facing the volley. The devil wolf king rushing down rushed away.

Compared with the size of the monster wolf king, he looks like a small boy, not as big as the monster wolf's paw. But the fighting power he burst out was very amazing.

When his body emptied, the two laser cannons on his shoulders worked. The two beams of light were like two **** cones.

Tear it!

The hair of Devil Wolf was as hard as steel needles, and it was scorched at once.


The devil wolf is furious and spit open. The magnetism light pours down like a waterfall. It fills the entire void, and sound waves invisible to the naked eye are mixed in it. sound.

Destroyed, the two laser beams are like two flames of fire, being destroyed.

However, the members of the Silver Armor League of God were not afraid. The four-handed high-frequency knife on his elbows and legs operated at a frequency of hundreds of thousands of minutes a minute, tearing the general scour of the Yuanguang Shenguang torrent, and his body continued to rise. The wolf king was cut off.

Everyone in the field was stunned, and the individual armor of the Imperial League of God was indeed strong enough.

This is a real confrontation between scientific and technological civilization and spiritual civilization.

The monks have always sneered at scientific and technological civilization because they can't penetrate the gun, and even the shells may not be able to bear it.

But in the face of the armor of the Imperial League of God, most monks are unlikely to remain calm.

The laser cannon can burn the melting ground of heaven. Which monk dare to carry it with his flesh?

The high-frequency knife has a vibration frequency of hundreds of thousands of minutes per minute, the deck of the aircraft carrier can be easily torn, and the body of the monk and the beef fork is also difficult to be stretched.

At this moment, the face of the demon wolf king, a member of the League of Silver Armor, such as the mighty dragon ~ ~ can not help shrinking his pupils.

The Yuan Magnetic Divine Light is pouring down like a mountain torrent, and the endless sound waves are chopped up and down like a sword.

What a means of attack, but the members of the Silver Armor Alliance were on the charge, Gao Zhoubo swept everything, collided with tens of thousands of sonic swords, killed a blood path, and cut to the physical body of the demon wolf king.

The roar of the devil wolf shattered the sky, and the air of great destruction permeated.

After all, the members of the Silver Armor League of God were exhausted. After a short while, when they were ten feet away from the body of the demon wolf, they flew back.



The members of the Silver Armor Alliance fell to the ground, their armor was broken, and their body was covered with blood. Many cracks appeared in the body. Bai Sensen's bone stubbed out of the body, and suffered severe injuries. He passed out.

He was defeated, but he was defeated, because the opponent was the Devil Wolf, much stronger than him.


The devil wolf king also fell from the sky, and his figure shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye. When he landed on the ground, Hua formed a human old man, with a sloppy back, thin bones, and silver-haired white hair, but his body was extremely powerful, surrounded by colorful gods, and blazing like the sun.

"My son!"

He picked up the corpse of the devil wolf and cried out.

His cry was so horrible that it could be called earth-shaking, resonating with the sky, icebergs were falling, all the trees were falling leaves, all the birds and beasts were terrified, and they were lying on the ground, shaking.

"Aden, you leave here first."

God king Retos suddenly said to his son.

King Arthur also sent a few round table knights away.

A terrible battle, it is about to start!

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