Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 793: Sword Stone Power

Liang Fei urged the millennium thunder to chop jujube trees to the extreme. The horrible thunder was like a small sun. It was too scary and very scary.

As the so-called thunder broke through all kinds of methods, Liang Fei's repair was not high, but he held these extraordinary instruments, making everyone frown, hate itching, and dared not to attack him.

"Let me die!"

Suddenly, behind them, a dark shadow rushed out, a large knife in his hand was lifted, and he split on Liang Fei.

Everyone saw that the East Samurai warrior who had just been split by Liang Fei seemed to have learned no lesson and wanted to revenge himself.

"Upright, ..."

He burst into tears and slashed down with a slash of force. As a result, he didn't finish his words, and a thick thunder pillar came into close contact with his body.

In a moment, he became white and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

And then, a terrible scene happened.


Amazing explosions, **** mud and bones splashing all over the sky.

A living man was exploded, even Liang Fei was very surprised.

He swallowed a saliva fiercely, pretending to be calm, and said in a very fierce tone: "See if it doesn't, this is the end. Leave me away, or you will be hacked one by one!"

Many were shocked and stepped back involuntarily.

The Ghost Witch King, Ghost-in-law, and the Serpent Lord, the three of them are, after all, the great realm of the mysterious realm. Due to their face, they did not retreat, but their hearts were in fear. They practice evil methods, and they are especially resistant to Lei Fa.

However, there was an old man who stood out from the crowd, the one-eyed old man from Tianzhu, an ancient yoga master. He is as old as a fossil, giving a feeling of dying. He walks slowly towards Liang Fei, and his one eye is full of compassion. He said, "Young man, leave the thunder in your hand and cut the jujube. Quickly leave. The water here is too deep, this is not the place for your Chinese people to come. "

"Stop, and dare to take another step forward, I believe you believe it or not? There is no respect for the old and the young!" Liang Fei acted very strongly and retorted loudly.

However, the one-eyed old man seems to have not heard it, and continues to walk forward, walking along the road: "Young man, don't listen to the old man, and suffer in front of you. You have too much heart to kill, you need to get over your demon, you might as well convert to my teaching, I I can send you a copy of your future. "

"Old blind man, you have too much nonsense."

Liang Fei could not bear it, and finally shot.


A thunderbolt burst out, and a fiery white mark was drawn in the void. The thunder rolled like an angry dragon out of the abyss, terrifying, and rushed to the one-eyed old man in an instant.

However, it turned out that the one-eyed old man raised his hand and gently pointed it out in the void, listening to the sound of a cricket, and the angry dragon-like thunder was held by his finger, and became extremely small, and eventually Turned into a small marble with a large marble ball coiled around his fingertips.




Everyone was stunned, eyes widened, and they could not think of the one-eyed old man being so powerful and fearless of Thunder.

Leifa claims to be able to break thousands of methods, but he was broken by a single finger. These methods are amazing and amazing.

Although they and their group walked together, they only met together and they didn't understand each other.

"Thunderstorm!" Exclaimed the Serpent exclaimed, recognizing the magical power of the one-eyed old man.

Lei Jie claims that it can point to the world's thunder law, of course, it can also be used as a means of killing, hitting a thunderous thunder, boundless terror.

"Is he the legendary one-eyed thunder king of Tian Zhu?" The ghost king's pupils shrank sharply, thinking of a terrible character, shocked.

"The one-eyed thunder king became famous half a century ago, shouldn't he have died?" Said the mother-in-law, with an expression of disbelief.

So the one-eyed old man in front of me is really the legendary one-eyed thunder king. It is terrible. It is by no means as simple as everyone thinks of the realm of the mysterious realm, it is not a divine realm, but also a quasi-god realm.

Judging from the old face of the one-eyed old man, it is likely that the legendary one-eyed thunder king is too old, almost at the end of his life, and his flesh is almost dry.

After pointing at Liang Fei's Lei Fa, he waved his cannon, and for a moment, the thousand-year thunder chopped jujube in Liang Fei's hand flew out and fell steadily into his palm.

He didn't seem to be too interested in Lei Cho jujube. After he closed it, he continued to walk in the ice cave.

He needed to renew his treasure, and Lei Cho Zao Ju was even more powerful, after all, it was just a magic weapon that could not save his life.

"Boy, without thunder and chop jujube, you're still arrogant."

"Mad, kill him!"


Many people are aggressive, gritting their teeth and taking Liang Fei's life.

But I saw that Liang Fei was still standing in front of the ice cave, like a great god, straightened his spine, and shouted to the one-eyed old man: "Old man, return me the thunder splitting jujube, and just retreat. I can treat it as nothing. It happened. Otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

He was holding a round round stone in his hand and was about to smash it out.

"Hahaha, laugh me to death, are you going to hit us with this stone?"

"Stupid Chinese, despicable race, mantis arm blocking the car, can't help it. Lord Lei Wang opened the net, forgive you for not dying, do you not get away? Really think we dare not kill you?"

"What's nonsense with him, let him be slashed."


Many laughed and laughed with ridicule.


A sharp sword emerged out of the air, sharp and extraordinary.


The man who said not badly said that my country of China was a despicable race, a blood hole burst into the eyebrows of the man, which was transparent before and after, and fell to the ground with his head up, dead.


It is another sword light flying.

The one-eyed old man raised his hand, pointed out, and struck a thunderbolt between the electric light and flint, but failed to intercept Jianguang.

The man who said he was going to use a big knife to chop Liang Fei, the eyebrow was drilled through the eyebrows just as he lifted the big knife in his hand, and his head fell to the ground.

The crowd was frightened again, frightened, and hurried back.

"There are a lot of treasures in your body. This sword stone has a lot to do with me. Let me show you."

The one-eyed old man directly reached out a big hand ~ ~ and grabbed the sword stone in Liang Fei's hand.

"You are looking for death!"

Liang Fei didn't expect the one-eyed old man to be so powerful, forcing him to use his tricks.

According to what Ye Tian taught him, the palm of his hand was slammed on the sword stone, cracks were cracked, and he smashed at the one-eyed old man.

"Burst!" He squeezed his sword and screamed.


As if all the swords were issued in unison, the endless rays of light in the sword stone burst, and each of the rays of light was a sharp swordman, ranging from several feet to several feet in length, killing endlessly, smashing the sky, and chopping the earth.


The sword is sturdy, like a beast of flood, covering the sky and sweeping away the one-eyed old man.

What a thrilling scene, as if a sword world broke out, terrifying.

Everyone was scared with chills in their backs, and the cold was blowing, like falling ice caves.

"not good!"

The one-eyed old man was terrified, and then he knew that he had grown up. The outbreak of Jianshi turned out to have the power of a divine strike. He was just a quasi-god and couldn't resist it.

But the speed of Jianmang was far better than the speed of his retreat. The protective gas on his body was chopped off suddenly.

Between the electric light and the flint, he took three consecutive shots in the void with his right hand, hitting three runes, and the golden light shone to form three protective barriers.

Each protective barrier is extremely hard, like the copper wall and iron wall, even the heavy artillery cannot be broken.

Click! Click!

However, it turned out that the three barriers that could resist heavy artillery bombardment did not hold on for half a second, and they were successively overwhelmed by sword gas.

"Oh no!"

In the scream of horror, the one-eyed old man was devoured by the monstrous sword.

After a while, the dust settled, leaving only a pile of scarred bones and dense sword marks on the spot.

The audience was dead!

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