Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 802: Devil's Wrath

The King of God struck from the air, the sky was falling apart, the earth was full of scorched earth, and the whole small world was violently shaking. These means were almost heavenly.

A group of onlookers were dumbfounded, fortunately that they had retreated far enough, otherwise, they would be struck by the aftershocks of horror, and they would have to peel off their skin if they died.

The power of the divine realm is not at all reachable by the monks below.

Divine realm, also called human fairy, is already another level above human beings.

Everyone looked at the field, and saw that there was a gray area, the ground collapsed, and a huge pothole was settled, endless smoke and dust filled, ice debris flying, and a mushroom cloud soared into the sky and saw nothing.

Under this attack, the young devil is still alive or dead.

However, in the final flash of light, many people saw that the young demon king shot, and pointed like a sword, sweeping out a golden wave, like a galaxy across the sky, blocking the fatal blow.

The young devil should not die, and most monks think so.

After all, they just saw the amazing means of the young demon king and were impressed.

The **** king of the pantheon is strong, but is the young demon king leisurely?

Both are divine realms. They do n’t break the sky, the sky is turned upside down, and the sun and the moon are dark. It should be difficult to tell the difference. Just like in the depths of the small world at this moment, a war of miracles has been going on for a while, and there is still no winner.

But he said that the demon wolf king had been confronted by the **** king Retos and king Arthur. They had been suppressed and worked very hard. Now that God King Retos had left, the pressure on him was suddenly relieved, which in turn suppressed King Arthur.

Deep in the small world, on the top of a huge iceberg, a stupid old man stood on it, and Ren Biao roared and roared like thunder, and he remained motionless.

Although his figure is inconspicuous, the breath in his body is extremely powerful.


A terrifying wolf roar came, and the sky shook.

As I saw, a huge devil wolf appeared behind the old man. His whole body was white, almost a hundred feet in length, so huge that it was heartbreaking and terrifying.

This is his true body, the King of the Devil Wolf!


The devil wolf was furious, and his figure leaped from the top of the mountain, rushing down, like a white lightning.

The stupid old figure gradually became blurred, and the figure of the demon wolf behind him gradually became solid, and finally the two figures merged into one.

The demon wolf manifested himself, waved the big iron claws of the house, and patted him towards Arthur below.

"Go to death!" King Arthur growled and fired, his eyes were red.

Holding the golden sword, he stepped up into the air and slammed it out.


A golden sword rushes to the sky, nearly a hundred feet long, peerless and horrible.

Under the sword, a stark fissure, colorful magical light, appeared a straight crack under the sword.

The 10,000-year-old iceberg was cut like tofu, and the ground cracked.


The sky is shaking!

Under one sword, the situation changes and Tianyu loses color!

The demon wolf king opened his mouth and shouted, and Yuanci Shenguang poured down like a torrent, sweeping the sky.

However, unlike the previous one, the seven colors of the Yuan Magnetic Divine Light that suddenly poured out suddenly dispersed, and finally condensed into seven Yuan Magnetic Light Swords with different colors.

Each Yuan magnetic lightsaber has a length of one hundred feet. Although it is a lightsaber, it is as substantial as a haircut, with sharp hair.

"Cut!" The devil wolf shouted.


The seven-handed magneto lightsaber came out at the same time, just like the nine days of the Milky Way falling down, vast and terrifying.



As soon as the sound of Jin Ge's symphony sounded, the hundred feet of golden swordman that the golden sword split in King Arthur's hand was split, and his arms were all numb, and the golden sword almost came out of his hand.

"King Arthur, since he is here, stay!"

The devil wolf raised his big paw like a house, dangling the endless magnetism **** light, almost the weight of a mountain, and patted it fiercely.

"You just want to kill me with an old, almost dry-blooded thing?" King Arthur's face turned wild, but his tongue wasn't forgiving.

He sacrificed a golden shield and slammed into the devil wolf king.

The Golden Shield is a magic weapon that is imprinted on the avenue **** pattern and can be used to protect itself or to attack the enemy.

Once the Golden Shield was sacrificed, it was like a small sun bursting out of the golden light, and it became very fast, and it became a mountain in a moment, weighing more than a million kilograms, and the void was rumbling.

The devil wolf turned the big iron claws of the house, horrible brute force came out, and smashed a corner of the void, and a fierce claw shot on the golden shield.


As if the two mountains collided, an earth-shattering sound erupted, and the force of destruction swept through the sky like a ocean, rushing to all directions.


There was another loud noise, the huge iceberg collapsed, and a golden shield was embedded in it.

The demon wolf was unstoppable, and an iron claw flew the golden shield.

King Arthur was ashamed!

"King Arthur can't die right now, you go ahead!"

Two members of the League of Gods wearing the mech who waited on the sidelines were ordered at the same time.

This order was transmitted from the Lord of Gods, Barov.

There is his eyeliner in the small world, and everything he sees here can be seen. Not only this decisive battle in the depths of the small world, but also the battle in which the peripheral young demon king participates.

He hated the young demon king, but also stunned the magnetism **** stone of the demon wolf tribe.

And if you can pull out the two old divine realms of King Arthur and God King Retos, he will be more pleased.

As mentioned earlier, all the powerful gods on this planet are the eyes of the Imperial League of God.

The two Alliance members took the lead and entered the battlefield against King Arthur against the Devil Wolf King.

At this time, on the periphery of the small world, God King Retos rushed over and launched a shock.

This blow did not seem to kill the young demon king.

The **** king Retos should also think that the young demon king is still alive. When he flew close to him, he did not stop, but plunged into the smoke and smoke like a dive fighter ~ ~ The target was facing him. The center point of the bombing just now.

"Juvenile devil, die for me!" The king of gods roared like a hairy lion.

The hatred of the killer is not shared!


The trident stabbed sharply in his hand, and another azure blue mang burst out, pierced through the void, and pulled out a dark deep mark, freezing and biting, peerlessly sharp.

The King of God operated his eyesight, and burst out two Shenmangs in his eyes, piercing the imagination, looking directly at the origin, everything in the dense smoke was clearly seen by him.

In the dense smoke, there was a huge deep pit with a diameter of nearly ten feet. There was an island in the center of the deep pit. A teenager was standing with his hand on his back, just above that island. He propped up a golden curtain of light all over him, a piece of ashes remained untouched.

The golden eyes of the boy were burning, as if the two golden flames were burning, and he looked at him with great hatred in his eyes.

Enemies meet, jealous!

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