Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 808: King of Destruction

True blood has indeed a much higher recovery ability than ordinary people. Like vampires, they all claim to be undead Xiaoqiang.

However, if it is said that it is impossible to kill, it is nonsense. Even the Jindan true **** has a day to fall.

The reason why the king of God spoke out is because he had never met a real opponent and looked at himself too high.


The next two were another fierce confrontation. They played dark and dark, and the sun and the moon were dark. The iceberg didn't know how many seats were broken. The boundary of the small world was almost penetrated.

Several onlookers were unlucky and were caught by the pond fish and died. The rest are all how far to run.

The King of God burned the essence and blood like a perpetual motion machine. He was inexhaustible and gave out real fire. His eyes were red and bloody. There was a bit of magic. He was so determined to kill Ye Tian.

His thick blond hair turned gray, his face was yellow, and even wrinkles appeared.

He burns the essence of blood, which is equivalent to burning Shouyuan, overdrawing life, which will cause great trauma to the body.

This price cannot be reversed!

Therefore, the monk will not burn his essence blood until the moment when life and death are at stake. Even if it burns, it burns only a little bit. It is like the King of God now. It burns without stopping, like a medicine, it is excited.

"Go to death!"

Accompanied by the roar of the God King, a huge foot with a large mountain foot fell from the sky, just like the giant god's divine foot, covering the sky and covering the sun, casting a large shadow, weighing more than a million tons, with all the horrors that crushed Breath, stepped on Ye Tian.


The sky trembled, like a picture fluctuating violently.

The King of God once again performed the magical powers of the Fa phase, this time using only the Fa phase.

The performance of the magical powers of the Fa phase is too energy-intensive. It is still a bit difficult to perform at the level of the divine realm.

Therefore, the monk in the realm of the gods is performing magical powers, and will not perform them continuously.

Like the King of God, burning the essence of blood and performing the magical powers of the law, it should not be, it is clearly joking about life.

His physical body is aging at a rate that is visible to the naked eye, and his bloodline is insanely overdrawn, for fear that it will not last long. If he can't kill Ye Tian, ​​he will certainly die.


Ye Tian stepped up into the sky and rose up from the ground, a fist like a dragon, cracked in the void, against Jiuxiao.

He was bathed in golden divine brilliance, dazzling and dazzling, almost turning into flames.

This is the natural spillover of the horror machine in his body, like a magic furnace, with a continuous flow of divine power, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

At this moment, he is like a **** who dominates this world, standing under the sky, overlooking the sea and the wasteland.

As I saw, another golden fist print with a large grinding disc emerged out of the air, chaotic golden spirits, and several types of fist blessings.



The huge foot-like aspect of the hill was broken like a piece of paper under the punch and turned into an endless void storm.


The King of God screamed, and his foot burst into pieces, turning into a mud of blood and broken bones.

He flew upside down again, like a meteor, and smashed a huge pit in the ground.

His flesh was blurred again, and his bones were broken and broken, almost broken, but he was still tenaciously alive.

"It's useless, I am a descendant of the true god. The blood veins have given me an incomparable divine power. You can't kill me." The king shouted, standing up from the deep pit, his whole body glowing, his blood flickering like sea, and the wounds were moving at extremely fast speed. restore.

"I suddenly changed my mind and left you a dog. Your blood veins are really good. Refining your true blood veins for refining medicine must have a good effect."

As soon as Ye Tian said this, God King suddenly turned black.

A crowd of onlookers were also shocked.

However, no one thinks that the young devil is joking. With his character, he can definitely do such things.

I don't know if he was scared by Ye Tian's words. The God King didn't fight Ye Tian anymore, and the speedy exit to the small world ran over.

"Juvenile demon, you wait for me. Today's affairs are not over. I'll pick your dog's head next day!"

Just escaping, the King of God is still very verbal and very strong.

He used the blood occult technique, lingering scarlet blood light all over the body, and the escape speed was very fast, a step of dozens of feet, but in a moment, people ran far away.

"I've always loved what happened today. So leave it to me."

A peerless **** bow appeared in Ye Tian's hands, the bow was full of strings, and a hundred-joyed god's rainbow hole penetrated through the void and followed the **** king closely.


This was an astonishing arrow that almost broke the distance of ten thousand meters and appeared behind the King of God.

"No, you can't kill me!" The King of God was furious, the essence of blood was burning madly, and the blood puppet technique was urged to the extreme, and the speed suddenly climbed a large section.

His state, the essence of the blood is almost dry, even if it survives, it is almost a waste.

The arrow of the **** is like a rainbow, like a bone-wrapped cormorant. He was eventually chased.


The king's body froze suddenly, and an old blood spurted out, his face was unbelievable.

His heart was pierced, and a huge blood hole with a thick mouth opened, and hot blood poured out.


He fell to the ground.

Ye Tian chased over, carrying the dragon pattern away from the fire Baoding.

It is a corpse, which is also good. Using dense method, it can peel the bleeding vein.

"You don't want to get my true blood!"

God King's last roar.

I saw that his entire body, starting from the blood hole in the back of the heart, was cracked like porcelain, and dense cracks like spider webs appeared. Eventually, in a loud noise, his body exploded and turned into **** mud and broken bones, and even the spirits exploded.

"Ah, it's a pity." Ye Tian sighed a long time, and for a long time there was no benefit.

The onlookers were all stunned.

"The King of God was finally defeated by the young demon king."

"God King would rather explode ~ ~ wouldn't want his true blood to be used by the young demon king for refining medicine. A generation of **** kings, in the heavens and the earth, ended up in this field, making people boo!"

"After today, the young devil is afraid that he will really be invincible and the world."

"The invincible world is not enough. The blood king of the blood tribe alone is better than the **** king. The young demon king wants to be invincible to the world and must pass the blood king first."

"Yes, there is the Pope of the Holy See. It is even more leisurely. It has gone a long way on the road to the divine realm, and it is expected to preach to the immortals. There are many other masters who are not hidden."


At this time, in the depths of the small world, a war is coming to an end.

When the demon wolf king patted a paw of the members of the League of God into flesh, King Arthur finally couldn't resist the pressure and escaped.

This is also a descendant of true blood, which makes Ye Tian's eyes light up.

Lost in the East, closed in Mulberry!

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