Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 810: Facing the Devil Wolf

The devil wolf once integrated into the human society, have some understanding of the human monk's cultivation realm, and know what the divine realm means, but this is the extreme state that human monks can reach in this world.

Of course, the same is true for the devil wolf.

There is always a heaven between God's Realm and Dixian, and they can approach each other endlessly, but cannot break through.

This is the suppression of heaven, the sorrow of the monks!

"Humans, please come back. My demon wolf is isolated from the world and cannot be hidden from the world. I don't want to be involved with humans anymore. You humans are too cunning." The devil wolf king said to Ye Tian, ​​and ordered a guest.

He kept coughing up blood in his mouth, and his face was pale, and the original battle had hurt his origin, almost drained his mana, and it was difficult to return to the peak without a year and a half of rest.

"If I hadn't killed the King of God for you, you might be lying dead on the ground, and your race would have been slaughtered. I saved your devil wolf clan, wouldn't you want to express some kindness? For example, Yuanyuan Send it to me? ”

Ye Tian looked at the deepest part of the small world, where the colorful Yuan magnetic **** light is overwhelming, ten thousand times more brilliant than the aurora seen by humans outside, and the Yuan magnetic spirit can flow like water.

Yuan magnetic psionic energy is so abundant, indicating that Yuan magnetic **** mountain must not be small.

He turned his eyesight on, opened the golden pupil, and could even see a mountain more than 100 meters high shining a few kilometers away, which should be the Yuanci God Mountain.

Under the conditions of the earth, it is very difficult to conceive such a large Yuanshen Mountain.

Metamagnetic **** stone is a kind of spirit stone. The psionic energy extracted from it can be used to cultivate various metamagic magic skills, and it can also be used to make magic weapons. However, the magic weapon has a greater amount of requirements for the yuan magnetism **** stone, and every mountain is even a mountain.

"Boy, you can't find death, Yuan Magnetic God Mountain is the foundation of my devil wolf tribe, and you can also make an idea? If you want Yuan Magnetic God Mountain, first ask me that this Snow Shadow Silver Knife does not agree! "Andrea was very impatient, and immediately furious, when he brought up Xueliang's silver knife, he was about to come and chop people.

His father said that Ye Tian was a god. He didn't believe it very much.

I think he is a true **** descendant of the devil wolf family. The blood power is stronger than human beings. I do n’t know that it is hundreds or thousands of times. He was born with the level of mastering the inner strength master. But now it is only the level of the human master. I want to break through. The divine realm also needs at least ten or even twenty years.

A human kid with a low bloodline, how could it be possible to cultivate in a divine state at a young age?

In fact, even the demon wolf has some doubts about Ye Tian's realm.

"Not big or small, I talk to your father, is it yours to intervene?" Ye Tian scolded angrily.

He was carrying his hands, his expression was cold and arrogant, and a little deep.

In other words, he looks really awkward like this. He won't be too old next year, but pretends to be an old bird, and reprimands others with his elder tone.

As soon as he said this, Andrei couldn't stop immediately, and when he lifted the bright silver knife, he slashed at him.


The surging mana permeates the blade, and the blade suddenly shakes, hums, and shines with a bright silver glow.

"Human, you are too arrogant, you don't know the heights and heights of the earth. Chop!" Andre growled, the hair on his neck exploded, his momentum rose rapidly, and horrific murderous spirits burst out.

"Andre, don't!" The devil wolf yelled.

But it was a bit late, Andrei didn't listen, and he cut it off.


The silver knife swept across the sky, slashing down with force, and a ten-foot-long Xueliang sword burst out suddenly, chopping the void with the horrifying atmosphere of destruction, splitting the sky, and slashing into Ye Tian's head.

Ye Tian did not shy away, not even glancing at it.

When the snow-bright sword was almost chopped over his head, he only pointed out.


A finger collided with Jing Dao Mang, his finger was okay, but Jing Dao Mang burst like glass.

The demons were stunned.

However, Andrei was clearly not shocked, and the knife rushed in and split again.

"Since you want to fight so much, I'll accompany you both."

The devil wolf was about to stop and suddenly saw a man next to Ye Tian step out, cold face, stretched out his hand and hit Andre.


Void trembled, the boundless ice and cold in the small world was spurred, spreading like a roaring torrent, falling from the sky, swept away by Andre.

This scene is too horrible. As if the sky is rising above the Yellow River, the waterfall is usually washed down. It not only has terrible physical impact, but also the extremely cold freezing force, which can freeze people instantly.

However, all the demon wolves laughed without worry.

"Is the ice power? It looks great. But you chose the wrong object this time. My demon wolf is the ancestor of the ice power, and was born with the ice power." Andre sneered.


He shouted from the sky and opened his mouth. There was a roar of devil wolves, a dragon-shaped ice cold air jet ejected, thrust up, and rushed into the ice cold that Sima Xuankong drew.

The dragon-shaped ice-cold air column was too scary. Opening its huge mouth, like a whale drinking water, began to devour the ice-cold air induced by Sima Xuankong and strengthen itself.

This is the mana of the two in confrontation. At the beginning, Sima Xuankong fell into the downwind.

Suddenly, Sima Xuankong's complexion became white, and felt great pressure.

As Andrei said, although his ice ability is very good, the demon wolf is the ancestor of the ice ability.

The frost and coldness in his body surged wildly, and he wanted to take the initiative in this confrontation.

However, he was too encumbered.

He was almost crushed, and it felt bad.

I saw that the ice cold that he had tried hard to induce was quickly consumed by half, while the ice cold dragon that Andre urged had more than doubled, more than ten feet long, as thick as a water tank, and Being further condensed from an air dragon to an ice dragon, crystal clear like a diamond, but it is extremely horrifying.

"Ying ants, do you know the gap between us now?" Andre laughed wildly ~ ~ He commanded, and the huge ice dragon raised his tail and pumped over Sima Xuankong.

But at this moment, an unexpected scene happened, the huge ice dragon suddenly broke apart, and in turn began to be swallowed by the cold ice induced by Sima Xuankong.

There seemed to be a secret gate in Sima Xuankong's body, and the mana suddenly climbed a large amount, which in turn suppressed Andre.

Everyone was surprised, unknown.

Andre blushed, yelled openly, and frantically stimulated the coldness in his body.


The devil wolf squinted.

Only he noticed that just now Ye Tian shot out from the air, hit an ice blue cold mang, and passed a mana to Sima Xuankong.

"Surprisingly, how could there be such a pure yin and chill?" Suddenly a doubt came to the mind of the demon wolf.

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