At the moment, in the depths of the small world, in front of a lush valley, a group of human monks stood there sneakingly.

The valley is in the shape of a gourd, with a small mouth and a large mouth. Standing in front of the valley, you can see a colorful mountain shining in the valley, the radiance overflows, and abundant spiritual energy flows out like water.

Under the nourishment of psionic energy for a long time, the flowers and trees inside are very tall, lush, with a radiant luster, and beautiful to almost dreamy, it is just a place of paradise.

"There is great fortune in this, we must go in!" The ghost and witch king's eyes were hot, his heart was ups and downs, and he was very calm.

"Everyone, we all work together, as long as we can crack this magic circle and enter the valley, all the natural treasures are equally divided." The ghostly mother-in-law's two dim old eyes were also shining, and she said.

"This is a big battle. Three people have died. Even a corner has not been cracked. What else do you want?" Some monks were dissatisfied.

In order to crack this killing array, the Ghost Witch King and his mother-in-law are very powerful, and they can even be described as bereavement. Let the three monks go to kill the array in order to see the beginning of the formation, Thereby cracking.

This method has been tried before by King Arthur and God, and many people have failed to crack it.

King Arthur and the King of God are divine realms and can't be solved, let alone the two realms of ghost witch king and ghost mother-in-law.

However, both the ghost witch king and the mother-in-law were red-eyed, and they were sure to win the treasures in the valley.

"Anyway, it was just an accident just now, with me and my mother-in-law, I can guarantee you no worries. If something goes wrong, we will definitely rescue the first time. Several lines just now have been verified incorrectly, and now I suddenly have New ideas, who are you willing to test? "The Ghost Witch King said, although he was asking, but his tone was very strong and clearly intimidating.

Five other monks followed, and when they heard that they were all furious and very angry, because letting them test the Dharma array was no different from letting them die.

"I want to try it for yourself, I won't play with you anymore." A middle-aged monk turned and left.

"I have low strength and can't help you, so I will withdraw first."

"If there is no blessing, why insist? I will withdraw it too!"


One person took the lead, and as a result, all five of them played back and tried to walk away.

This time the ghost witch king and ghost mother-in-law were furious.

"Who would dare to leave without my consent?" The ghost-in-law's mouth suddenly screamed like a nightmare, very harsh.


With a wave of her cannon, an evil ghost boy flew out like lightning, fangs were fierce, his eyes were red with blood, and he aimed at the middle-aged monk who took the lead.

Tear it!

The ghost boy rode around the middle-aged monk's neck and opened his mouth violently. The middle-aged monk's neck was suddenly torn, and the hot blood was spraying wildly.

"Ah!" The middle-aged monk screamed, reached out and grabbed the little boy's short legs, and was about to throw them out.


With five fingers like a knife, the ghost boy stabbed the middle-aged monk's head sharply, and then lifted it again, and Tian Ling Gai flew out.

Tofu brain-like white things overflowed, the ghost boy opened his blood basin and opened his mouth, sucking for a while.


The middle-aged monk glared angrily at the ghost mother-in-law, thumping to the ground with a bang, and couldn't stare.

The remaining four monks were all cold all of a sudden, almost not scared to fart.

Then, they were forced to go to the battlefield. Even if they begged for mercy, the ghost witch king and ghost mother-in-law were not relentless.

"You, two steps forward, four steps right, forward ..."


The first monk was very unlucky, and after six steps he hung up and turned into a mist of blood.

"You, the first five steps ..."


The second monk was even more unlucky and died in only five steps.

"You, I have a flying sign here. You can fly kilometers at a low altitude. You can fly over."

"Ah, Ghost Witch King, Ghost Mother-in-law, I am a fairy of yours."


Another blood mist erupted.

The third monk was even more tragic. As soon as he entered the battlefield, he burst into the air and failed to go deep in one step.

"I won't go, kill me." The fourth monk cried.


The ghost witch king dropped his sword in his hand, and a head flew up.

But after a while, all four monks died.

The Ghost Witch King and Ghost-in-law wake up like dreams, realizing that this magic array is really not something they can crack.

This killing master is like killing a chicken, it is likely to be a divine killing.


Suddenly, around the small world, a sound of shaking came from the mountain, and it was the magic wolf that came home.

The ghost witch king and ghost mother-in-law rushed into hiding.

Suddenly, three human monks appeared to enter the valley.

"It's a young demon king." The ghost witch king was shocked.

"This kid is still in a state of vision. He can't be blinded, and a big killer can't see it in front of him." The ghost-in-law satirically said.

Killing is invisible and invisible, it will only show up when excited.

However, the keen sense of the divine realm, especially the perception of danger, cannot be discovered.

At this time, a group of devil wolves also came to witness how Ye Tian was killed by the killing of the divine realm.

The devil wolf didn't follow him, and looked at the glacial mountains that were cracked, his brows frowned tightly.

Ye Tian and the Pantheon ’s King of God just fought. The iceberg collapsed and I do n’t know how many of them, like ruins.

"Strange, why is there no sign of repair?" The Devil Wolf was shocked.

"Isn't it?"

Suddenly he frowned again, panicked, and then rushed out like crazy.

After a moment, he rushed into a cave, the multicolored giant tiger ice cave where Ye Tian would rarely go forward.

The ice cave is very large, extending to the deepest part of the glacier mountains, with numerous branches inside, just like an underground maze.

Obviously, the devil wolf is very familiar with this place. He is very familiar with the road, turning left and turning all the way ~ ~ soon came to a huge ice room in the iceberg.

The cold air here is thousands of times colder than the outside, and even the devil wolf is full of **** when he comes here.

In the ice room, the clouds cover the fog, the cold air can't be turned away, and it condenses like a substance, forming dense ice crystal particles, suspended in the void.


As soon as he came here, the demon wolf found something bad, because the temperature seemed to rise a bit here. He rushed in, and didn't even sacrifice the protector of Yuanguang Shenguang, but he could bear it and was not killed by freezing.

And he came here before to sacrifice the protector of Yuanguang Shenguang, which could not bear it.

The devil wolf endured the freezing and killing power, broke through the heavy ice and cold fog in the ice room, and came to a stone platform in the middle of the ice room, which was chopped by the elemental magnetism stone.

Shitai glowed and was colorful, but the sky above was empty, and the original overcast ice spirit beads that were on it were gone.

Suddenly, the devil wolf is going crazy, roaring and roaring, rushing out of the iceberg, to find Ye Tian to settle accounts.

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