Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 816: No trace

The North Pole, thousands of miles frozen, thousands of miles of snow drifting.

Near the North Pole, the climate is extremely extreme, with strong winds like dragons and snow like knives. The temperature is as low as minus fifty to sixty degrees, which is a forbidden area of ​​life.


Suddenly, there was a roar of wolves, sturdy, high-pitched, long, and passed through the blizzard, spreading far and far.

In the roar, there was a trace of sorrow and a trace of bleakness, and listening could make one couldn't help wiping a sore tear.

Four Nordic devil wolves have just lost their homes. They may be the only four remaining devil wolves in the world.

This race is at stake, because the sexes of these four monster wolves are surprisingly consistent.

The next day, the wind was still blowing, the blizzard was still falling, and the demon wolf was still roaring.

The whole snow and ice field is vast!

Suddenly, footsteps came, and the four wolves' sensitive scent could even smell human breath.

Someone came!

The four savage demon wolves were immediately alert, stopped roaring, and hid in the dark.

They now hate humans very much, because it is humans who have taken away their homes and destroyed their small world.

They are very hungry, just enough to take human belly.


The footsteps were heavy, and the four tall figures were approaching, and they were already seen by the four demon wolves.

These four people are special, all wearing special armor,

Armed to the teeth, they look like steel robots.

The four demon wolves looked surprised, because they had seen this armor.

Yesterday when the human race came to the small world to invade their demonic wolf tribe, two humans wore this armor, which was simply too powerful, showing the combat power of the level of the gods, and beheaded many demons.

The four demon wolves were frightened and gave up their hunting plan, staying still.

However, they do not want to hunt humans, but humans have their ideas.

"Hey, Tom, I seem to have found four cute little animals, right behind the iceberg."

The armored man who walked at the front suddenly turned his head and said to the man next to him.

"Little animals? Oh, if they are small animals, then there will be no big animals in this world." The armored man next to him smiled bitterly.

"It seems that the nuclear warhead was not fierce yesterday. There were actually four fish that leaked the net."

"I heard that the Nordic devil wolves are very intelligent. Adult devil wolves can generally reach the S-class combat power. Would you like to play with them?"

"Okay, I happen to be hungry. It's not too late for a snack meal of the wolf meat."


Suddenly, an armored man fired, and the laser cannon on his shoulder fired, pulling out a beam of white light, like a peerless sky knife, and immediately split the iceberg force.


A demon wolf was unfortunately cut, and his body was severed in two, and he died immediately.


A wolf roar was shocking, the remaining three demon wolves were furious, two rushed towards humans, but one slyly fled.

Human beings do not shy away, they are all eager to try.


The ice cap trembled suddenly, was stepped out of three large pits, ice debris was flying all over the sky, the armor bounce system was operating, and three figures rose into the sky to meet the three devil wolves.

This bouncing system is enough to bounce a person to a height of 100 meters, and it can pop up hundreds of meters at a long distance. The speed is astonishing, like a change of shape.


One person's elbow high-frequency knife was operating, reaching a length of two meters, oscillating at ultra-high frequency, and pulsating a pale blue halo, which was extremely sharp.


The other person waved the impact joint of the hand, punched out dozens of tons of force, the air burst, and the void seemed to be penetrated.

The third person bounced farthest, as if flying away, rushing away at the fleeing devil wolf, and a pair of iron feet slammed into the head of the devil wolf.

There was a loud bang, and the fleeing devil wolf's head was stepped on, and in the clicking sound, blood and water splashed, the skull was cracked, and it immediately fell to the ground.

At this time, the other two battlefields were almost over. One demon wolf was beheaded by Gao Zhoubo, and the other demon wolf was blasted into blood mud by iron fist.

The only remaining four demon wolves of the devil wolf clan hang up like this, and the whole group is destroyed.

The identities of these four people need not be elaborated. They came from the League of Empires, and brought a lot of high-tech equipment to the scene.

Just yesterday, a terrible nuclear explosion occurred here, but no clues were left on the scene. Not only did there not be a crater formed by the explosion, even the radiation could not be detected.

Everything is like a dream, it never happened.

This result pleased the Lord of the League of Gods Balov, which was also in line with his expectations. Because the small world is a small space and it is not in the same space as the outside world, the explosion will only occur in the small world without affecting the outside world.

This unconscious hunting was perfect and was not discovered by any country.

Although Barov did not see Ye Tian's death with his own eyes, he had good reasons to believe that Ye Tian was dead, because he knew that the small world had collapsed under the attack of nuclear weapons.

The League of Gods Eyeliner installed many detection instruments and cameras in the small world in advance. When the explosion occurred, the instrument was not destroyed in one fell swoop. Until the small world collapsed ~ ~ the time and space door disappeared, and the transmission of information was interrupted.

So Barov knew that the small world had collapsed.

Even the small world collapsed, Ye Tian is no matter how powerful the magical power is, it is impossible to survive, even the spirits will be reduced to ashes.

The four people who came to the survey now even brought in instruments to detect gravitational waves, but did not detect unusual gravitational waves, indicating that the small world had collapsed completely.

"You young devil, after all, you were buried in the hands of my imperial alliance." Balov finally breathed a sigh of relief, a sly smile on the corner of his mouth.

Without the stumbling block of the young demon king, it would be much easier to clean up the Hua Guo Long Wei.

However, he has just received news that Long Wei's old dragon head is still alive and appeared on a private occasion not long ago.

This is a terrible existence. Another kingdom in China was once awe-inspiring. The Imperial League of God had long wanted to kill him, but it never succeeded.

"There is more than one **** in the kingdom of China. There are at least five gods alive in the Heavenly Law of the Western Regions, the King Crane of Dragon Tiger Mountain, and so on. It is difficult to rely on the strength of my empire alliance They all kill, and it will pay a great price. It seems that I need to unite the Western superpowers. "

Barov began to contemplate a bigger conspiracy.

However, he said that members of the four Imperial Leagues made a probe near the North Pole, and found nothing, and left.

Suddenly, the sky above the North Pole, all the aurora vacated, extremely gorgeous, extremely brilliant, but failed to attract their attention.


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