Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 822: Escape the day of birth

Chaos Blood Essence is the essence of the human body, the chaotic true element contained therein is the energy of the human body, and the Divine Consciousness is the power of the spirit.

Ye Tian uses Jing, Qi, and God as swordsmen to refine the Yuan Magnetic God Mountain, and combines it with his blood and spirit, so that he incorporates the powerful spiritual energy of the Yuan Magnetic God Mountain into his body and becomes a part of his palm.

This is not the same as the ordinary refining magic weapon. It is more difficult and dangerous.

Yuanchao Shenshan's chaotic will is very strong. One is bad. If it is counterattacked by this chaotic will, the consequences will be disastrous. Formed as part of Yuan Magnetic God Mountain.

Ye Tian's blood and spirits are very powerful, and he had similar experience in making treasures in previous lives, and the masters of the arts were bold, so they dared to do this dangerous thing. Otherwise, the earth immortal is here, and the chaotic will of Yuan Magnetic God Mountain has to be frightened.

However, Ye Tian did not dare to rush too much, after all, its cultivation was not too high.

As you can see, the places where Yuanci Shenshan was penetrated by his chaotic true yuan will turn golden, while the places that are not penetrated are agate-like in color, and the main color is yellowish and reddish.

The speed of Ye Tian's refining Yuan Magnetic God Mountain can be seen from the penetration line of Chaos Zhenyuan, which is very eye-catching.

When the speed of this line is slow, it means that Ye Tian is greatly resisted by the chaotic will, and the two sides are engaged in fierce confrontation.

Fortunately, this line has been declining, with only occasional slight rises, indicating that the will of chaos is almost in a state of being suppressed.

Ye Tian Lao Shen is sitting on the mountain top, not hurry, he has some time.

Finally, when the time passed almost two months, the entire Yuanci God Mountain turned golden, as if it were a golden mountain, blooming with magnificent gold.

The chaotic will in the original Yuanshen Mountain was finally annihilated by his vitality. Now Yuanci Shenshan has been connected with its blood and spirit, and has become a part of his body to some extent, and his original spirit has replaced the original chaotic will.

He only needs to move his mind, and Yuanci Shenshan will change according to his will.


At that moment, the Yuanci God Mountain violently trembled again. The sound of Dalulun sounded like a dying person's last light, and the life that was about to perish instantly shone, struggling and shouting loudly.

This small space in the space is propped up by the Yuanci God Mountain. The Yuanji God Mountain violently oscillated. The small world space was unstable and also shook. It felt like the space would collapse.

Sima Xuankong and Liang Fei had cultivated well and were immersed in their own small world. They were suddenly awakened and returned to reality.

At that moment, they suddenly widened their eyes and saw a scene that made them unbelievable. The huge Yuanci Shenshan, which was 100 meters high, became extremely small, and the brilliance was as bright as the sun.

In just a few moments, Yuanci Shenshan became the size of a palm, and was held in the palm of the hand by Ye Tian, ​​just like a tamed wild horse, honest and no longer trembling violently.

When Ye Tianshen thought moved again, the slap-shaped Yuanci Shenshan suddenly turned into a monument, like a brick, with sharp edges and corners, with a divine pattern flashing on it, shining brightly, and diffused the air of the Tao, it was him Use the consciousness to engrave the Tao pattern.


When Ye Tian called softly, the Yuanci God Monument disappeared in his palm, turned into a light, and merged into his palm.

"Congratulations Ye, you have successfully sacrificed a superb magic weapon!" Liang Fei got up from the ground, grinned, and slapped a flatterer.

The boy's temperament has changed so much that things are coming.

When Sima Xuankong considered whether to make a flatterer and compliment, something terrible happened.


The sky shook, and the large ice sheet covering the sky shone countless cracks, and the small world shrank sharply and became smaller, like a balloon filled with air suddenly being pierced by a needle. It was about to explode. It was terrible.

"No, the small world is about to collapse." Sima Xuankong said in astonishment.

"It's over, I can't run away now." Liang Fei was also pale and frightened, desperate.

This time, not only the big ice sheet covering the sky collapsed, but also the sky collapsed. The Yuanci God Mountain, which could have been supported by him, was gone. He was desperate.

In such terrible situations, even if the immortals come, they may all return to the sky, and he doesn't think Ye Tian can take them to death.

"Bai practiced for two months. Sharpened his sword in ten years, Frost Blade never tried. Unfortunately," he sighed again.

In just two months of cultivation, he has made great progress.

He spent a month refining and finishing the beast nucleus of a giant tiger, and his body almost changed from birth to birth. The following month he practiced the guidance technique of "Frost and Ice", breathed in the cold air, and further tempered the body.

At this moment, when I saw him shirtless, he didn't feel cold at all, and his body felt a little bit shiny, like agate and jade.


On the sky, crushed ice fell down like rain. He didn't sit still, holding a long ice blade, chopped it vertically and horizontally, a blade of light sword in the void, and shattered the big ice cubes.

Sima Xuankong is even more powerful, madly stimulating the cold and cold energy in his body, condensing a thick ice wall, which means that the heavy artillery can't stand it.

Unfortunately, there is no use for eggs, the entire small world will collapse, and everything will die.

"Come here, hide behind me. After being trapped for two months, it's time to go back."

Suddenly, Ye Tian's voice sounded and called to them.

This small world is propped up by Yuanci Shenshan. Now he is refined into a monument by and integrated into the body. The small world will definitely change, shrink rapidly, collapse, and annihilate.

There is only one way to survive.


Ye Tian's palm finger shook slightly, and the chaos golden light god's palm manifested, like a golden cloud, traversing the void, the golden light flowed, and the gods were magnificent.


The emptiness trembled, and suddenly a colorful goddess bloomed in the palm of the golden palm of God's palm. It was extremely gorgeous and eye-catching. A huge monument appeared in it. Down, like the same waterfall.

As soon as the Yuan magnetic **** monument came out, a moment of terrible coercion swept the sky and the earth, making people tremble, even the shrinking speed of the small world became slower.

"Follow me and go."

Talking, Ye Tian rushed out of shape.

His body was sacred, his blood was surging, and he burst forth with golden light, as if the fire was burning.

Chaos Jinguang Shen palm held up the Yuan Magnetic God Monument and patted the boundary film severely.


The sky and earth shook suddenly, and the void shattered. The original boundary film of the copper wall and iron wall was shot like a glass, and there were countless large cracks spreading around.

This shock, the whole small world was almost broken, and powerful energy waves, such as the roar of the river, swept nine days and ten places.

Huh! Huh! Huh!

Three consecutive figures rushed out from the cracks of the boundary film and returned to the worldly world.


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