Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 826: Helpful girl

"Qianqian, I can understand your kindness, but you can't put all of us in danger because of your kindness. It's just a stranger who has no brain at first glance, let him take care of himself."

Beside Zhang Qian, a girl wearing a red down jacket was very petite, her face was delicate, and a pearly girl said.

She is Zhang Qian's girlfriend, named Su Lingling, a white rich woman.

"Ha ha." A boy behind Su Lingling sneered, "If anyone has a brain, he won't run down the street on this knot, and openly ask local people for directions. Such a mindless person, It doesn't make sense to save him, and waste resources. "

This is a very tall boy, Su Lingling's boyfriend, named Zhao Bin, wearing a brand name, at first glance is a big family's child.

They are two couples traveling together, Zhang Qian and Su Lingling are girlfriends, while Su Hao and Zhao Bin have a normal relationship.

"I really want to go home. This ghost place doesn't want to stay any more for a second. It's too dangerous. If I was captured by the mob, I wouldn't dare to imagine what would happen." Su Lingling wrinkled Xiao Qiao nose suddenly, He pursed his mouth, but it was a bit pitiful to cry.

Zhao Bin suddenly felt distressed and took his girlfriend in his arms, comforting him: "Relax, you will be fine if you are with me. Your boyfriend has five sections of black belt in Taekwondo. I will help you Stand up. "

During the conversation, he showed his strong biceps and made his girlfriend burst into tears.

"Mad. Blame that young devil, that's awful!"

Fang Hao suddenly gritted his teeth and yelled fiercely.


He threw another fist on the table, and then said, "If it were not for the young devil, the relationship between the two countries would not have been so stiff. We would not hide in Marco's restaurant to the point of withdrawal from the museum. Not even home. "

He looked pale and hated the young devil.

Although he didn't know about the young demon king, he was in a small country, and all kinds of rumors were flying around. He must have heard a lot of things. The various negative news about the young demon king did not blink, he was cruel, and he had a close relationship with the authorities ...

"Juvenile Devil, is there such a person? It is too nonsense to kill more than 2,000 people alone? You dare not even act like this in a TV series." Su Lingling expressed a hint of doubt. In her normal person's thinking, this is really too nonsense, it is impossible.

"Oh, I also heard that the young demon king Yijian split a huge steel ship with a displacement of thousands of tons into two halves. If it is so powerful, then it won't be a fairy. Anyway, I don't believe it. It's me The coach of the Black Belt Nine Duan gave him a sword, and it was impossible to split the thick steel bar of the thumb. "Zhao Bin also shook his head unbelieving.

Then he turned around and asked the restaurant manager, Brother Brother, "Brother, do you know what's going on? You're half a local, and the news must be better than us. Tell us about it."

Brother smiled bitterly and said, "I don't know very well. I only heard that the young demon king is dead. Because there is no proof of death, the rumors are not credible. Maybe they fabricated it and deliberately made our country difficult."

This is a man of honest Pakistani friendship. Although he has lived in a foreign country for more than ten years, he still maintains a sincere patriotism.

"Impossible. The small country of Aurora is famous in the world for honesty, and it will never fail. That's more than 2,000 lives. Who dares to make a joke? This must be a bad job in China, but we want to You must deny it. "Fang Hao firmly believes that the Aurora small country is the victim, and it is all in our country, and the young devil is the culprit.

"The matter is so big, the whole world knows it, and I think it's mostly true. I also think that our country deliberately resorts to it and doesn't want to lose money. The lives of western countries are already expensive. One person has one hundred million. I think it's OK Ah! Our country is so rich that this little money cannot be taken out. "Su Lingling said surprisingly.

Brother shook his head and chuckled, all right.

"Although the young devil is dead, one of his accomplices is still alive. It is called Zhang Hongwei. It seems that he will be tried today. Whether it is true or not, is there a young demon king, has he slaughtered more than 2,000 people, and we Whether the Chinese authorities have any relationship, we will know when the trial is over. "Zhao Bin said.

"You don't have to wait until the trial is over. The trial process will be broadcast live and you can see it when you turn on the TV. You should start the trial now. Brother, turn on the TV." Fang Hao urged.

"it is good."

Brother nodded and asked a restaurant employee to turn on the TV to watch the trial live.

Just then, suddenly, with a snorting noise, Zhang Qian opened the door privately.

This sudden change shocked everyone.

"Qian Qian, stand still, if you dare to go out and try!" Fang Hao shouted, furious.

"Qian Qian, outside is dangerous, don't go out." Su Lingling also cried.

"I'll go back and go, nothing will happen."

Zhang Qian ignored it and rushed towards the street outside the door.

This little Nizi was so kind-hearted that she couldn't bear to see a fellow in danger and wanted to help.

"What are you still doing? Hurry up and chase people back!"

Su Lingling yelled loudly at the other side, Fang Hao then responded, somewhat reluctant, but eventually rushed out.

After all, that was his girlfriend.

At this time, Ye Tian asked for directions on the street and no one took care of it, and he was very depressed.

He noticed the strangeness of passers-by for a while.

As he was about to leave, he suddenly hesitated, and a rush of footsteps came over.

He looked at the sound, a girl with an oriental face, running towards him, panic and anxious. There is also a boy with an oriental face chasing after the girl, yelling while running, more panic and anxious.

"Are you Chinese?" The girl asked when she came up.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Ye Tian replied, with a grimace.

"Yes, just follow me. It's too dangerous here."

Regardless of Ye Tiantong's disagreement, the girl took Ye Tian's arm and left.

This makes Ye Tian more depressed, a mist of water plus a feather.

"Let him go and let him go."

Suddenly, the chasing boy stopped and took the lead, blocking the way for the girl and Ye Tian.

"Fang Hao, don't make trouble, let it go. You don't know how dangerous it is."

"I said, let him go, did you hear me?"

"Why? When you go out, the fellows should have helped each other ~ ~ No why, you just don't get used to him. Are you still my girlfriend? Why are you fighting me everywhere?

Fang Hao was so angry that his eyes looking at Ye Tian were murderous.

"Hurry back!"

Not far away, Su Lingling stood under the door frame of the restaurant and shouted.

"Come in, stop calling."

Zhao Bin suddenly turned wild, covered his girlfriend's mouth, dragged a person into the restaurant, and quickly closed the door.

"What are you doing? Qian Qian and Fang Hao are still outside." Su Ling reiki.

"What do you think it is?"

Zhao Bin pointed out, and Su Lingling looked at him, his face paled suddenly.

A group of thugs suddenly appeared, smashed all the way, fierce, and they rushed towards Ye Tian.

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