He claims to have killed an adult polar bear's puppet society leader with bare hands. The steel strong man Bader, who was nearly two meters tall, was KO by Ye Tian, ​​and the ants were generally vulnerable and shocked everyone.

A group of mob brothers originally wanted to record a video to record the boss's cool and heroic attitude. Seeing this, they were all aggressive and couldn't believe it.

After a while, they returned to God, quickly put down their cell phones, took out steel pipes, broad knives, wooden sticks, etc., and they were about to cull Ye Tian.

"This stupid man dared to hit someone. This time it is really dead. Qian Qian will be killed by him." Su Lingling jumped anxiously.

Although Ye Tian's exposed hand is very powerful, there are more than twenty people on the other side, all of which are very capable of fighting, and they all have guys on them, and may even have guns.

Can one person fight more than 20 people?

Anyway, Su Lingling would not believe it.

And once it is countered, it's no wonder that it won't be killed, Zhang Qian will certainly be involved.

"Lingling, you don't have to worry too much." Zhao Bin squinted his eyes with a faint expression, and said, "I can't think of this stupidity as a master of martial arts. It's really unremarkable! Rest assured, these thugs are simply not enough He watched. "

In his view, Ye Tianneng can make a fist to turn over the tall and powerful Badr, and his legs and feet are definitely good, that is, he has no inner strength, at least there is a level of outer strength, which is far from his Taekwondo Black Belt Five. Can compare.

It is not a problem for an outsider to fight seven or eight ordinary people.

If it is an internal warrior, it is even possible for one person to fight dozens or even one enemy.

Therefore, Zhao Bin was not worried at all.

"Mad, go up together, hack him, I'll take care of something!"

At this moment, Bader lying on the floor growled and became extremely angry. He also wanted to stand up and turn up, but his eyes were black, his head was heavy, and he couldn't stand at all.

Ye Tian's punch was too harsh, making his whole face look like the dog was scratching, his flesh was blurry, and his head was almost shaken into a paste.

More than 20 thugs surrounded Ye Tian and Zhang Qian, each holding a weapon, Wu Yan rushed up, or slashed, or smashed, all fiercely messed up, and all were killed. People beat to death.

Zhang Qian almost scared into Ye Tian's arms, her eyes closed, and her mouth screamed. It's like ostriches in danger, burying their heads in the sand, very funny.

"Yeah!" Ye Tian shook his head slightly and sighed. Unexpectedly, it has reached his level, and one day, he will still fight with the hooligan on the street.

He really didn't want to take a shot. However, these bad guys seem to be specifically targeted at Chinese people in China. I don't know how many Chinese people have been beaten in their hands. Out of national justice, he must get his hands on and give these guys some lessons to let them know that the Chinese people cannot be deceived.

Zhang Qian was so frightened that she took hold of his arm. He was inconvenient to shoot, so he had to shoot.

Then I saw him kicking his feet like a streamer illusion, and the thugs were kicked down one by one. Each of his feet was heavily sinking, although he would not be kicked to death, if he was kicked, his cheekbones would be broken, and his skin would become flesh.

Just a minute before and after, more than twenty thugs were lying on the ground, screaming endlessly.

"I'm going, he really hit more than twenty by himself, isn't he too fierce?" Su Lingling was as if he had seen a ghost, and his eyes were straight.

"Hehe, let me just say, these small characters are not enough for him to see. His martial arts must have been in Neijin, a master of Neijin, otherwise it would not be so easy to bring down so many people." Zhao Bin is also very Shocked, determined that Ye Tian was a master of strength.

He knows that Master Neijin is a very high martial arts level. Only one of dozens of martial arts can be born, and the general age is around 40 or 50 years old. And the teenagers who can cultivate their inner strength, each one is called a martial arts wizard.

"What is Master Nejin? Is Master Nejin great?" Su Lingling asked, staring at two big round eyes.

"Of course it is great. Master Neijing can hit a hundred ordinary people."

"Wow even!"

Su Lingling's mouth quickly became O-shaped.

The restaurant manager Marco shook his head and said, "If he doesn't do it, it's okay to hit so many people now, it will really be hard to escape and he will be wanted all over the city. He can fight, but he can fight Have you ever shot a gun? Can you shoot it? "

Brother knew the power of Bader, and it was scary.

Moreover, at this juncture, the aurora small country is hostile to our country, and Ye Tian hits the locals in the eyes of the public. The authorities will certainly not let him go.

Now the streets are full of police, soldiers and soldiers, who are specifically to guard our Chinese. Ye Tian can't escape if he wants to escape.

Therefore, he sentenced Ye Tian to death and was very sorry.

At this time, Ye Tian knocked all the thugs to the ground and left.

Picking up a few rubbish, he didn't take it at all.

"Boy, I still want to leave after hitting someone, have I asked if I agree?"

Badr, who had collapsed to the ground like a dead dog, suddenly sat up and sang loudly, spitting blood.

With a gun in his hand, he pointed at Ye Tian.

Although his head was still groggy and his hands were shaking, he could roughly aim in the direction.

After all, he was only five or six meters away from Ye Tian, ​​very close.

He didn't give Ye Tian reaction time at all, and when he finished speaking, he pulled the trigger.


A bullet flew out and hit Ye Tian's body.

As a result, Ye Tian was okay, but a passerby watching behind him screamed "ah" and fell into a pool of blood.


He was surprised, hesitated, and fired another shot.

As a result, Ye Guntian was still okay, and another passerby who was on the lookout was beaten and shot in the leg.

All the passers-by who watched the crowd were scared and ran away one by one.


Badr was like crazy, firing several shots in a row, until he ran out of a bullet.

Ye Tian didn't move, he stood to let him, but the bullets all passed by him strayed.

Of course, there were also a few that didn't fail and hit others.

"Mad, this is impossible! Why can't I hit you?"

Bader collapsed, and he had to doubt his life.

He knew his hands were shaking, but the marksmanship was not so shit.

"As for your marksmanship, it's still less shameful."


Ye Tian kicked him on his head and knocked him out.

After an episode, Ye Tian continued to leave.

"You you you ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Where are you going?" Zhang Qian suddenly called to him, her face pale and frightened, the six gods had no master.

"Why, where am I going to report to you?" Ye Tian smiled slightly.

"I just saw that you were asking for directions. Where do you want to go? Maybe I know. I can take you there." Zhang Qian said surprisingly, her face slightly reddish.

It is not that she is convinced by Ye Tian's charm. Fang Xin secretly promised to follow Ye Tian to set a life for herself, but she really has no place to go now, but can only follow Ye Tian.

Being watched by so many people, she is not good at hiding in the restaurant, it will affect others. Moreover, even if she wanted to hide in, the people inside would not necessarily open the door for her.

Ye Tian frowned, thinking whether to bring this tow bottle.

Suddenly, more than one siren came from the police car.

"Stupidly standing still? The police are here, run away!"

Zhang Qian yelled and ran away as she pulled Ye Tian.

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