Ye Tian actually slaps Blake to death, everyone in the audience is astonished and can't believe it.

This is a descendant of a giant spirit true god!

As everyone knows, Ye Tian slaughtered more than one of the so-called true **** descendants. Even the **** king of the Pantheon was slaughtered by him, it was a true ss-class powerhouse.

In the last life, even their ancestors, the "true god", were defeated by Ye Tian's men, and they did not know that they had slaughtered tens of thousands.


Just listening to the explosion, the four figures suddenly rose to the ground and rushed to Ye Tian like lightning.

They are the four strongest members of the Imperial League of God and can't help it. Wearing armor, as if the future soldiers traversed in the sci-fi world, raised their hands to throw out a terrifying power.

The bouncing device of the feet brought them unparalleled speed. A jump is a distance of hundreds of meters, which almost shrinks into an inch of great magical power. It almost rushed to Ye Tian's approach. №ⅰ№ⅰ


Four bright white beams of light illuminate Ye Tian. Four laser cannons on the armor of the four are in operation. The extremely high temperature can melt gold and iron, and all the flesh can be transformed into flying ash in the middle of your fingers.

However, such a fierce weapon cannot shake Ye Tian's chaos.

The chaos of the chaos is like a haze, the laser light shines on it, and it is scattered by more than one foot.


The high frequency knife oscillates fiercely, with a frequency of hundreds of thousands of minutes per minute, sharp and unmatched, cutting gold and iron, such as dying wood, and cutting into the heavenly chaos of Ye Tian, ​​it is impossible.

Immediately following the four imperial alliance powers, another shot was made, a woman, Elena, and of course, he was also a member of the imperial alliance.

She stared straight at Ye Tian, ​​her eyes closed, and her eyes overlapped, her eyebrows glowed, her mental strength was stimulated, and she tried to interfere with Ye Tian's mind to give her four companions a chance. №ⅰ№ⅰ

She is a spiritual awakener, better than Dragon Xiaoyun, and can look into each other's spirits and even hypnotize without looking into each other's eyes.


Suddenly, she screamed, only to feel that a sharp blade had penetrated her brows into her soul.

The soul is far more fragile than the physical body, and even a minor injury can cause serious injuries.

Elena was bleeding from her eyebrows, and passed out instantly.

Fighting with Ye Tian for her mental strength, how could she ever fight it? They are not on the same order at all.

Faced with the powerful offensive of the four members of the Imperial League of God, Ye Tian did not wince, and shot another hand.

Chaos Golden Light God's palm condenses instantly in the void, holding the elemental magnetic seal in the palm of his hand.

In this situation, it is as if a huge slab is held by a large hand in the sky, and when it is going to shoot people, in addition to being strong, there is so much fun. №ⅰ№ⅰ

However, no one dares to underestimate.

Chaos Golden Light God Palm alone is terrible enough, coupled with the element magnetic seal of God, even the divine realm dare not to attack the front, but just hit Black, the descendant of the giant spirit god.

A horrible coercion drew down, and the four people flying at high speed in the air suddenly felt like they were trapped in a quagmire, and their speed slowed down.

"You are not his opponents, come back!"

Suddenly, Augustus's voice sounded, shouting to the strong in the four imperial alliances.

At this time, the four also felt bad, covered by the huge palm of the **** and the seal of God, and felt that the sky was turning for a while, and the whole world turned over.


The high-frequency knife swung at a high speed, sweeping out the sword lightsaber shadows, cutting the void out of numerous cracks, and trying to break through the shackles, but it was useless at all. The shackles seemed to be a means of space control. №ⅰ№ⅰ

The four of them suddenly turned wild, and suddenly fell into despair.

The god's palm and god's seal fell down from the sky, as if the sky had fallen down, covering the sky and hiding the sun, the horror was boundless, and the sun and the moon were dim.

They are as small as a cricket ant, they dare not attack, and cannot escape.

Just when God was holding the seal of God to take pictures of the four people, Augustus shot between the flashes of light.

"Juvenile, you kill your heart too much. Let them go, let me fight you!" He whispered.

The black halberd in his hand trembled suddenly, and in the dark light flashing, a terrible breath spread out over the whole world, captivating, as if a sleeping wild ancient beast had awakened, and the endless murderous intentions swept the world.

"This is ..." №ⅰ№ⅰ

Many were discolored, trembling, and stunned by the coercion released from the black spurge.

"Zhitian war halberd!" Someone exclaimed, recognizing the weapon.

"The celestial war halberd? Impossible, but it is a rare legendary soldier in the world. Even the pope can't use it easily. How could it be given to a cardinal."

"Not really, it should be just a copy."

A group of people of insight talked.

The legendary holy warrior Chitian war halberd is the supreme secret treasure of the Holy See. It is said to be inherited from the distant ancient gods era and comes from the hand of a six-winged angel.

In the legends of the gods, the six-winged angel is the highest-ranking angel and is called the **** of heaven.

The Seraph, the leader of the six-winged angel, can be called a fighter among fighters. №ⅰ№ⅰ

Therefore, if the Seraph of the Holy See is really from the hand of a Seraph of the ancient gods, it deserves the title of the legendary holy soldier.

How rare are the legendary holy soldiers, and even the pope dare not use them, and places them in the most secret place of the Holy See, unless the Holy See encounters a deadly enemy, which is a matter of life and death.

The celestial war halberd of Augustus is certainly not true, just a copy.

However, it is an imitation, which is unusual for war halberds. It comes from the hand of the pope and has the blessing of the pope.

Paladins are patrons of the Holy See. They are distinguished and are the closest people to the Pope ~ ~ Each Paladin will personally give away a weapon he has personally sacrificed as a reward.

The momentum of Augustus also suddenly erupted. The breath was like a deep sea, unfathomable, the whole body bloomed with immense holy light, holy dust, and a piercing killing rush to the sky, as if a **** came to heaven. Alas. №ⅰ№ⅰ

With both hands holding the flaming war halberd, he stabbed out suddenly, and a vast white horse like Tianhe shot out from the tip of the halberd. It reached a length of tens of feet and shone with tens of thousands of glorious brilliance. Nether, instantly rolled onto the Elemental God Seal.

Dozens of long war halberd gods and element magnetism marks collided, and a meteor hit the earth like a loud sound.

The elemental magnetic seal of God and the chaos golden light palm of God shook violently, the speed lags a bit, and the glory of the lightness also fades a little, but it remains intact and no cracks appear.

Ye Tian was a little surprised. He saw that Augustus had only an s-class realm, and he did not expect that such a terrifying energy would erupt in a single blow.

And Augustus even stunned his jaw. How fierce his blow was, a mountain can explode into a fan powder, but did not expect to shake only the trace of Yuan Magnetic God Seal. What a magic weapon this is, he was extremely surprised.

Almost at the same time, Joseph also shot, stood still, reached out with his right hand, and opened a pentagram, an invisible energy field was released, locking up a large space.

Space controls magical powers!

Ye Tian ’s Chaos Golden Light Palm and Yuanci Shenyin lag a bit more, as if they are stuck in a quagmire. This time, the speed has slowed down a lot.

"Young devil, give it to the head!" Joseph said indifferently.

"What? He is the young devil?"

Suddenly, there was an uproar.

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