Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 860: Bow down

As soon as Ye Tian broke through the Qianjun Army, he turned the Aurora Boulevard to the bottom, the torrent of iron and steel was severely damaged, the explosion was endless, and the dead and wounded soldiers were uncountable.

The entire city is in a terrifying atmosphere, as if abandoned by this world, and is about to fall into Shura hell.

There are still many troops remaining in the city, the weapons and drugs are sufficient, and the reinforcements are coming in continuously. It is still a battle, but no one dares to fire a shot again, even if the golden figure of the young demon stands in the void, Very conspicuous.

The millions of citizens in the city also made a few snoring noises and turned into a clay-shaped wood plastic, stunned, no one dared to chew the root of the tongue again, although they did not know how many times they had greeted the ancestor of the young devil.

I don't know how long the time has passed, and finally the dust has settled. There is gradually a sound in the city, and some people start walking around. №ⅰ№ⅰ

The aurora avenue, which is riddled with apocalypse, is transmitted to the world by satellite, and it is in front of millions of households and millions of people.

At that moment, global shock!

The three views of countless people have been refreshed. One person can fight against one country, and one person can fight against the three armies. There is really such a godlike character in the world. It is too scary and unreal.

The Defense Ministry building was built next to the Aurora Boulevard, and General Ballman stood in front of the window, witnessing the horrible scene with his own eyes, and the whole person was frightened.

"No, no!" He said in shock, his teeth trembling.

Behind him was a group of officers, all of them sad.

There was nothing in the huge combat command room, no one spoke, and no combat orders were issued.

Absolute crushing of strength, this battle cannot be fought! №ⅰ№ⅰ

A golden light flashed, and a figure came to the sky and landed on the roof of the military building.

The location here is very good, and it overlooks the entire city.

Ye Tian lightly shook his palm, and a number of people flew out and landed on the rooftop. It was the Longwei, Zhang Qian, and General Padre.

The small world in the Seal of the Yuan Magnetic was used by him as the world in the palm of his hand. The space inside it was more than the space contained in his Qiankun Ring and Dragon Pattern from the Fire Baoding, and he was more friendly to life.

If he rebuilds it carefully, he can even recreate the small world of the Arctic Oasis, and move the small world of the Dongshan enchantment into it.

"Where is this? What happened?" Long Xiaoyun was surprised.

When she saw the aurora avenue full of wounds, she smelled acrid **** smell, and her eyes widened, her head was a little dazed, and she felt unreal. №ⅰ№ⅰ

She just had a fuss for a moment. She hid in the world in Ye Tian's palm for only a few tens of seconds. Why did she come out and feel that the whole world had changed? And it's not just small changes, but upside down.

"Wow!" Zhang Qian also opened her mouth into an o-shape, her face unbelievable.

"Master Ye, this is you and you, did you do it?" Liang Fei swallowed hard and asked in surprise.

Ye Tian did not reply, but glanced at General Padre, and smiled lightly, "General Padre, can you tell the truth now?"

General Padre had been awakened, staring blankly at the scene in front of him, his teeth rattled, and he was speechless.


After more than twenty seconds, he looked up and looked at Ye Tian, ​​with a hint of hatred in his eyes, but more fear, awe. №ⅰ№ⅰ

The young man was carrying his hands, looking cold and arrogant, the clouds were light and windy, and his surging golden blood had converged as much as possible, and he turned into an ordinary person. His black hair and black pupil were like a big boy next door. The mask is still on the face, but we can see the delicate face like a knife and axe.

No one can believe it. This is the young boy who looked at ordinary people. He once slashed a steel warship with a sword. Now he smashed the steel torrent on the ground, pushing the invincible Aurora into a small country, causing tens of thousands of deaths and injuries, and incalculable property damage. .

"You, you, you are the devil!" General Padre complained sadly, his eyes were red and almost bleeding.

As commander-in-chief of the Three Armed Forces, he failed to protect his people. He blame himself and he was guilty.

Of course, what he should blame most is that all of this is because of him. He is the culprit and the initiator, and there is no pardon. №ⅰ№ⅰ

"I said, I ’m not here to kill, but to be fair, to say something. If you do n’t tell the truth, and you make mistakes again and again, this will only be the beginning. You are buried. "Ye Tian said lightly.

General Padre softened his legs and almost fell.

"I, I, I was wrong. I was wrong from the beginning."

Struggling in his heart, thinking for a long time, he finally lowered his noble head.


A burst of hurried footsteps came, and General Ballman, the new commander of the three armed forces, appeared on the rooftop, followed by more than a dozen military officers and a large number of guards.

On the ground, countless muzzles and muzzles are also aimed, warning Ye Tian not to come, although there is no use for eggs.

"General, are you still alive?"

"General, you're not dead, it's really nice."


Seeing General Padre still alive ~ ~ All the officers were shocked and couldn't hide the joy.

It was General Ballman, who looked a little ugly.

"Padley, my friend, ..."

As soon as he was about to speak, he was stopped by General Padre.

"I'm going to hold a press conference. Go ahead and prepare." General Padre looked pale and helpless.


General Ballman's frown sank, and he understood what General Padre meant.

At this moment, I heard a fierce voice coming: "Did I let you go?"

"What do you want?" General Bowman glanced at Ye Tian, ​​as if the mouse saw the cat, his heart was frightened.

"Protect the general!" A follower yelled.


A group of guards moved quickly, blocking General Bowman.

But it was no use. Ye Tian waved his palm and swept away a gust of wind. A group of soldiers flew out like paper men.

"You devil, don't bully people too much. We already ..."

The follower officer didn't finish talking, and Ye Tian slapped him in the palm of his hand.

All the remaining officers were trembling, and for a while no one dared to help General Ballman.

"You ordered the attack on me just now, right?" Ye Tianxi asked forcefully.

The liquidation came, and General Ballman almost scared.

"Let him go. He is innocent. He just does it for this poor country. All responsibility lies with me. I will help you clarify all rumors, return you justice, and return to the innocence of the great power of the East. Kill as much as you want, "General Padre said mournfully.

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