Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 870: Invincible belief

The great empire of the world actually used nuclear weapons against Ye Tian, ​​which really shocked everyone, which was too outrageous.

That ’s nuclear weapons. When the end of the world is a great killer, it will not easily be used! Ye Tian downplayed and said lightly, in fact, he encountered a great crisis at the time.

He did not build a complete chaotic gold body, and was unable to carry the destructive power of nuclear weapons.

At that time, if it were not for the two innate treasures of Yuanci Shenshan and Taiyin Bingmo Shenzhu, he would probably be dead.

However, he would not speak to his family with these words.

"Brother, tell me the truth, are you invincible now?"

Ning Xiaoyu stared at Shui Lingling's big eyes and said amazingly, but he asked seriously.

Suddenly, everyone was thundered.

"The world is invincible, do you look at your brother too high?"

Gu Xiaoman pouted and said nothing.

Ye Tian chuckled and said, "The world is invincible, but my brother will work hard and believe that one day he will be invincible."

His tone was arrogant, but no one would doubt his ability and his determination.

He is now only twenty years old, and has already climbed to the end of martial arts in the secular world. At the level of the divine realm, it is a matter of time to be invincible from this planet.

As everyone knows, this is just the starting point. Invincibility on this planet is just the beginning. In the end, he will be invincible under this starry sky, surpassing his previous life and dominating the universe.

"It's so amazing, it's not invincible!"

As soon as Ning Xiaoyu's tone sank, he lost a bit, and then asked seriously: "Are you Dongbei Anbe's old devil's opponent?"

It was said online that the man had lived nearly two hundred years old and was extremely powerful. "

As soon as Ning Xiaoyu's remarks came out, the topic immediately turned to a battle that was about to come.

"Xiaotian, you promised not to oppose the battle with Amber Shengming.

But, fortunately, the one who decided to fight in our country, why suddenly switched to Dongying?

Is this bad for you know? "

Gu Xiaoman said sadly.

"You also know that the old devil is old, why don't I let him go?

It also seems that I respect the old and love the young. "

Ye Tian said with a smile, as if he really respected the old and loved the young, and could not bear the long journey of Amber Shengming.

"Xiaotian, you are confused! Respecting the old and loving the young also scores occasions, depending on the target.

The old devil apparently wanted to kill you. What did you make him do?

Dongshui's water is too deep, your mother and I are both worried.

Can you talk to the old devils again, and set the place of the decisive battle in our country? "

Ning Haifeng said that he was very serious.

"If you say it, the water you spill can't be recovered.

But rest assured, I will not lose. "

Ye Tian flicked his fingers, a flash of fortitude flashed in his eyes.

"That old Amber devil is unfathomable, and Lao Jin was subdued just a few rounds in his hands.

Ye Shi, I also think you should be more cautious. "

Zhao Tianlong said with regret.

The King of Corpses Jin has been promoted to Wu Sheng's level, and in his opinion is strong enough.

If the King of Corps Jin shots with all his strength, he can't afford a single move and will be defeated.

However, such a powerful existence is like a kindergarten child in the hands of Amber Shengming. It was suppressed all the way, and there was no power to fight back, and it was defeated in a few strokes.

What is more frightening is that Amber Shengming did not use his full strength, it was very good to use half of his skills.

Although Ambe Shengming is old and physically weak, the breath is like a sea of ​​deep water, and the divine power is endless. Raising his hands and feet can awaken the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and use the power of the heavens and earth for his use, just like the gods.

"Has half-step congenital?"

Ye Tian was surprised.

Half-step innate, also called quasi earth fairy, touch the corner of the law of heaven and earth, you can borrow the power of heaven and earth.

This state is the extreme state that can be reached in the world.

Amber Shengming can do this, it should be this step.

It's a pity that he can never go any further, which is a big regret.

Undoubtedly, he is a powerful opponent, better than any Divine Realm encountered by Ye Tian.

However, Ye Tian has no fear. Mo said that half-step innate, even in the face of true innate, he also has the confidence to win.

After all, he is practicing immortality, and he takes a solid step at every step. He has no lack of integrity, no physical body, no soul.

The monks on the earth, because of the decline of the Xiuxian civilization and the incompleteness of Taoism, have the same realm and have various defects in the same realm, as the gap between a sea surface and a brick of the same volume.

However, where does the world know this, discussions about this war have been posted on the Internet, and netizens around the world are discussing it.

I have to admit that the netizens have great powers. The eighteenth generation of Anbei Shengming's ancestors have been picked up, about the ancestor Anbei Qingming, about the twelve types of gods, and so on.

The more this family knows, the more terrifying it is. The ancestors have made earth gods and created a technique. It is rare in the world today.

Ambe Shengming is the most accomplished yin and yang master of Qingming's ancestors, and may even have surpassed Naizu.

Regarding him, the most relishing one is that he came to Zhongyuan forty years ago and challenged the sects of the Central Plains. In particular, he finally taught the Oriental Crane to fight against Dragon Tiger Mountain, which was called a terrible crying ghost. A rare battle in a century.

After all, only forty years have passed, and many people who experienced that war are still alive, posting messages on the Internet, and restoring the shocking world war in the text.

Countless netizens exclaimed as celestial beings after learning about Amber Shengming.

"It's too powerful. I don't think there are such old antiques in the world. It was a **** state 40 years ago. Will the young devil be his opponent?"

"The table is skeptical.

After all, the young devil is too young and courageous, but lacks discipline and does not really grow up. "

"You can't say that, it's good to be young and young ~ ~ Amber Shengming has lived nearly two hundred years old, too old, and it is still a question of whether the old arms and legs can move.

"You look down on the state of God too much, and even at the end of the years, you can burst into a terrifying combat power.

A month ago, Amber Shengming shot once, and only captured a young saint disciple of the young devil.

That's why the young demon king promised an appointment.

He has to fight! "

"real or fake?

Abe Shengming is so horrible that the young devil may really be fierce. "

"I heard that the Taishang palm of Longhu Mountain taught the old Taoist crane priests to be alive. I don't know if it will be for the sake of fellow citizens and help the young demon king."

"Then the Oriental Crane and Amber Shengming will have another fight, it will definitely be more exciting."

...... The topic was too much to discuss and talked, even shaking the Dragon Tiger Mountain's palm to teach the Oriental Crane.

Regarding Longhu Mountain, it is not unrelated to Ye Tian.

The Panlong Temple where the real people are boundless belongs to the whole line of Longhu Mountain.

Because of various reasons, the real person of the bounds relied on Ye Tian and betrayed Longhu Mountain, which has been known to Longhu Mountain.

"It was also a month ago that Longhu Mountain came and grabbed Brother Wuya. It has not been released yet."

Zhao Tianlong said to Ye Tian sadly.


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