Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 873: Chasing your girlfriend

It was snowing in Yancheng, and it was covered with silver and cold.

Downstairs from a female dormitory on Yanda campus, a romantic confession ceremony is underway.

The man came in a sports car, both handsome and gold. It is said that he is a senior student at the next university Huaqing University. He is a native of Yancheng and has billions of dollars.

Candles, lanterns, flowers, ... many good students gathered around, three circles inside and three circles outside, very lively.

However, I only saw the male lead, but not the female lead.

"Seven days in a row, every day like this, even the stone girl should be touched.

Why doesn't the girl come out yet?

I'm dying. "

"You look down on my school too.

It's only been seven days, and it's not too much to chase a month. "

"Yes, why is the school flower of our school chased by boys from outside schools?

Is there no boy in our school? "

"There are a lot of boys in our school, but there aren't many handsome and golden! Also, I heard that this young man is still a person from Huangchenggen, who is superior."

... Many discussions sounded, all kinds of envy, envy and hatred.

The girls were anxious to replace the heroine with themselves and give them away directly.

The mood of boys is much more complicated, and the voice of hatred and jealousy is more.

Maybe he was worried that he would be stabbed. Gao Fushuai brought four bodyguards. One of them was tall and powerful, and he looked very scary.

"Mad, just a native, is a fart.

Fourth, don't pull me, I'll kill him. "

Zhao Chuyi of the Department of Archeology said with excitement.

"Just leave it.

Didn't you see someone with a bodyguard?

You go up too much. "

Wang Yan persuaded.

"Well, **** is chased, I can't see it."

"What **** is not a bitch, and who hasn't received a marriage certificate, whoever chased it after him."

The boss himself has left, leaving his girlfriend behind and not asking, what do you say you care about? "

"Well, the boss hasn't heard from him for two months, and the second child has disappeared for a week. He can't be contacted. What do you say?

Is our 508 dormitory going away?

Should I also consider whether to go back and repeat? "

Zhao Chuyi said sadly.


The old man Wang Yan also sighed softly and said, "Let's go, let's go.

Anyway, I won't go. With me, the position is there. "

As Zhao Chuyi said, their 508 dormitory was about to go away. The boss Ye Tian walked for two months, and the second child Huo Tingxuan disappeared for a week.

At this moment, the girl who was being confessed downstairs in the girl's dormitory was Qin Qinghan. Yanda ranked second among the four major college flowers, second only to Huang Fuying who was the first.

In the two months that Ye Tian disappeared, as many as dozens of boys showed him favors, all kinds of school tyrants, all kinds of big and small, black crickets were like flies, crickets couldn't leave.

No way, as a school flower, as Bai Fumei, her charm is too great, walking on the road is a beautiful scenery.

The boy from the university next door was particularly persistent. Qing Han clearly told him that he had a master of the famous flower, but he was still pursuing it. For a week, he confessed to her downstairs in the girl's dormitory. Everyone in the school knew that she was very shameless.

This boy is Huang Chenggen's youngster, and his family is very powerful. It is because many Yanda boys can't see it and can only swallow it because they can't offend.

"It's gone again today."

"I guess it's over.

Nothing has happened yet. "

...... It's late, and Gao Fushuai doesn't want to wait any longer. He smiles bitterly: "Isn't he coming out?

I will come tomorrow until you promise to be my girlfriend. "

When he said this, many onlookers were moved to tears.

"There are not many persistent boys. They are handsome and good-tempered. They are perfect male gods. They are hard to find while holding lanterns! If I do n’t, I do n’t want to pay for gifts and I just give them my own."

"Yeah, I personally think that the school flower shelf is too large, and it is excessive for people to confess for a week.

Just do it, not do it, give it a pinch, is it interesting to hang people like this? "

... Gao Fushuai opened the door and was ready to leave the car.

Suddenly, a boy from the crowd who stood by and watched rushed up and hit his face with a fist.

Although he was followed by four bodyguards, he couldn't react and was hit by a punch.

"Qiao Chenguang, I warned you not to make Qin Qinghan's idea, why didn't you listen?

Are you looking for death? "

Huh! Gao Fushuai was vomited with a punch, and several teeth were broken.

He was so angry that he yelled, "Kill me."

The uninvited guest only made one punch. The four high-profile bodyguards reacted. He was immediately subdued, fell to the snow, and put one foot on his face.

"I used to be a dog you raised, now you are a dog under my feet.

Feng Shui turns, Ye Lang, Ye Lang, have you ever thought you would have today? "

Qiao Chenguang said with a sneer, his face bloodied and his face pale.

It was Ye Lang who stepped on his feet.

"let me go."

Ye Lang struggled.


Does it hurt?

Does this hurt?

I'm going to be beaten by you, what's wrong with stepping on you? "

Huh! Qiao Chenguang slammed hard at his feet, and suddenly Ye Lang issued a pig-killing participation, and his cheekbones were deformed.

In just two months, the Ye family in Yancheng had completely fallen.

Just like Ye Lang at this moment, stepped on by his brother who was once a subsidiary of the family ~ ~ Two months ago, Ye Tianqing, Ye Changqing ’s birthday feast, Ye Tian fought alone, killed the Quartet, shocked The upper society of Yancheng.

Although Ye Tian skimmed the relationship with the Ye family, after all, his surname was Ye, and Ye family's blood flowed in his body, and he had the prestige blessing on the Ye family.

For a time, Ye Jia's limelight became the hottest family in Yancheng.

The original highest-profile family, the Huangfu family, was trampled under the feet by the Ye family.

No one could think that this situation lasted for a long time, and it reversed. The Huangfu family made a comeback and the Ye family was almost trampled to death.

The main reason was that Ye Tian was rumored to have died in the Arctic and the Ye family had lost shelter.

The Huangfu family came with a "shelter god", Tianmu Fawang.

In fact, the King Tianmu is not to protect the Huangfu family, nor to worship the Huangfu family like his apprentice Master Danba, but after all, he is closely related to the Huangfu family. People come to Yancheng, and the Huangfu family can borrow from him. .

This is an old-fashioned divine realm with a legendary immortal rainbow body. It is even more legendary that he touched a corner of the earth fairy's level, and even Xiao Qingtian was short before him.

As soon as the characters in these myths and legends appeared, the entire Yancheng suddenly boiled.

The King of Heavenly Eyes was here to avenge his apprentice Master Danba, and then the Ye family was unlucky, and the blood mold fell, and the sky was falling from the sky.

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