Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 875: Xiuxian Road

& lt;!-go-& gt;

Ye Tian returned to the long-lost Yanda and met her long-lost lover.

I was indispensable for the two of them. If no one was there, they were unscrupulous.

The girl held back tears, blooming like a flower and smiling, but eventually couldn't hold back, tears like rain.

She was not complaining, but the joy after reunion, and she could not restrain herself. She once thought that she had lost this man forever.

"You're fine, everything else is not important," said the girl, sobbing.

Ye Tian's heart was very unpleasant.

Although they live under the same starry sky, they are people of two worlds. He strives to bring Qinghan to Xiuxian Road earlier, otherwise the gap between the two will grow wider.

Only when Qinghan has become a cultivator can he understand everything he does.

"Grandpa, my brother is back, and I see him."

Not far away, Ye Lang dialed a number and said to the phone.

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and Ye Changqing's voice rang, saying, "Tell your brother that Yancheng is too dangerous. Let him better go out and hide, and don't take risks by yourself."

Tianmu Fawang is still in Yancheng, and sits with Xiao Qingtian to discuss.

This is a legendary living deity. Even Xiao Qingtian has to admire the existence of a disadvantage, he doesn't think Ye Tian will be the opponent.

Therefore, he did not hold much hope for Ye Tian defeating the Tianmu Fawang and helping the Ye family survive the current calamity.

As long as you stay in the mountains, you are not afraid of no wood burning.

As long as Ye Tian is alive, it is better than anything.

When Ye Tian stands in the forefront of martial arts, it is when the Ye family rises again.

After all, Ye Tian is still young and has unlimited possibilities.

This is a small selfishness of Ye Changqing.

In addition, he was really good for Ye Tian, ​​and did not want a war between the two.

"Brother!" Ye Lang came over and greeted Ye Tian voluntarily.

He was swollen and blushed by Qiao Chenguang, looking very embarrassed, but smirked, as if to say: I'm fine.

After experiencing the changes in the world, he felt the warmth and coldness of the human being. Compared with before, his temperament has changed greatly.

However, it was surprising that Ye Tian didn't look at him and walked away beside him with Qinghan.

Qing Han nodded to him, giving him a reassuring look.

She knows that Ye Lang is Ye Tian ’s younger brother. She also knows the contradiction between Ye Tian and the Ye family. She even knows about the disturbances that Ye Tian made at Ye Yezi ’s birthday party last year, as well as the accidents she has encountered.

Mr. Ye had found her and had a chat with her, hoping that she could help persuade Ye Tian.

Ye Wenhua was hospitalized. She has seen it.

She knows that Ye Tian suffered a lot of grievances in the Ye family, but she still hopes to be reconciled in the end, because it is a family after all.

Ye Lang also seemed to have expected this. It was no accident and his face was bitter.

"Grandpa let me tell you that Yancheng is too dangerous, and let you go out and hide." He continued.

Ye Tian still didn't stop.

He has cleared up with the Ye family and does not want to have any relationship with the Ye family.

"Shall we say hello to the boss?" Wang Yan asked Zhao Chuyi.

"It's not the time. Now that Xiaobie wins the wedding, let's not bother first. Anyway, the old man is fine." Zhao Chuyi said.

Qing Han went back to the dormitory to change his clothes and walked with Ye Tian on campus for a while.

A golden light curtain guarded the two of them, and the howling cold wind couldn't blow on them, and the snowflakes could not fall on them.

Qing Han felt very novel and did not disable hand touch.

"It's not too hard. How can I prevent bullets? It's amazing." Qing Han said with a stare and big eyes.

"What is this? It's just pediatrics. There's something even more magical."

In order to make his girlfriend happy, the next time he performed hard, Jin Mu Shui Wutu five elements powers took turns.

Qing Han was startled.

"Is it fun?"


"Want to learn?"

Qing Han frowned, and said, "Can I learn? I don't seem to have any exercise cells except for learning, and physical education is very poor."

Xiao Nizi understood the practice as a physical education class, and Ye Tian couldn't laugh or cry.

There are so many soft girls in Xiuxian Realm, one by one looks soft, but they can break the mountains and rivers with horror.

"Actually, I am a cultivator."

Ye Tian no longer concealed from Qinghan, and told her the idea of ​​taking her to Xiuxian Road.

The so-called monasticism on earth is actually the cultivation of immortals, but it is only the lowest level of the cultivation of immortals. Compared with the real culture of cultivation of immortals, it is like a primitive society.

Of course, in the history of the earth, there should have been a brilliant civilization of cultivating immortals, because of various reasons.

Cultivation is different from martial arts. Martial arts cultivates itself and develops its physical potential. This process is too difficult. To exercise the body day by day and break through the physiological limits is simply masochistic. Therefore, there are very few people who practice martial arts, and even fewer can achieve. Looking at a province, there are tens of millions of people, but there are only a few masters of martial arts.

Moreover, the potential of the human body is limited, and it is difficult to reach a high level when practicing martial arts. Generally, the martial arts is the ceiling.

Cultivation is different. Cultivation is the Tiandi Avenue, which uses the human body as a furnace to integrate the Tiandi Avenue into its own body.

Therefore, the strength of the cultivator is mainly from this world, rather than blindly exploring the physical potential.

Of course, Xiuxian uses the human body as a furnace, and the quality of the furnace determines the amount of heaven and earth roads it can accommodate. Therefore, the cultivation of the immortal by the immortal is also indispensable, which is why the first stage of the cultivation of the immortal requires the foundation.

The level of Tiandi Avenue is so high, so the level that Xiuxian can reach is very high.

There are even extremely intelligent cultivators who can get rid of the shackles of Heaven and Earth Avenue ~ ~ Away from heaven and earth, proving the great eternity, great freedom, and self-made heaven.

"I can also repair the immortal, can I be the same as you?" Qing Han was inexplicably as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Of course you can. Your qualifications are very good, and they will definitely be higher than my achievements in the future." Ye Tian smiled.

"I don't want to be taller than you. I can just follow you. You take one step, I take one step. You don't want to leave me too much." Qing Han's eyes were sharp and he squirked.

Ye Tianneng asked her and Pan to tell her that she was a cultivator. She was very happy because she had been holding this question to her heart.

"Cultivation of immortals is very important. Only an impeccable foundation can prove eternal. Ordinary foundations are too time-consuming. I need some natural treasures, and strive to help you build them in the shortest possible time. Daojie. "Ye Tian said, his eyes were deep.

The fact that he can say this means that he regards Qing Han as a companion of his life. & lt;!-over-& gt;

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