Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 879: Brother help

"Ye Shao, I think you misunderstood. Chenguang and I are here to get your grandfather to pass a message to you. Since you are back, I'll just talk to you directly."

Compared to Qiao Chenguang, Huangfu was more calm and calm, but he also restrained his breath. Without the strength just now, he even withdrew his hands behind him and dangled on both sides of the body.

"Yeah, yeah, Jingyun and I just came to pass a message. It was a misunderstanding just now. Brother Lang, why did you fall so carelessly, quickly, I will help you up." Said, turning around will go to Fu Yelang.

Suddenly, Ye Tian reached out a large hand, and a powerful suction came. He struck Qiao Chenguang out of the ward stiffly. It was Huangfu Jingyun who stood under the door frame and couldn't stop it, and was almost knocked to the ground.

"Master Jingyun, save me!" Qiao Chenguang screamed.

"Ye Tian, ​​you dare to touch him!" Huang Fu said sharply in surprise, his eyes violently jumping.

"Why am I afraid?"


Ye Tian's palm was drawn to Qiao Chenguang's face, and flesh flew horizontally. Qiao Chenguang also flew horizontally, just like the ball kicked out.


He flew out more than 20 meters away and stopped on the wall at the end of the hallway. Half of his face was already blurred in flesh and blood, and he didn't know how many teeth had fallen.

"Ye Tian, ​​we are old classmates. You can't do this to me. I was wrong, I know it was wrong, let me go this time, and I dare not." Qiao Chenguang burst into tears and begged for mercy.

"I'm sorry to say that we are old classmates. Frame me again and again and make things difficult for me, do you think I can't see?"

Ye Tian's palm fingers shook again, and Qiao Chenguang, who flew far away, flew back again.

At this moment he really felt his own smallness, like a tadpole, and Ye Tian was a towering tree, which differed from each other by countless orders of magnitude.

"Master Jingyun, get out of his way to stop him! I will die if I hit him again." He cried, asking Huangfu for help.

Huangfu was shocked that his forehead was full of blue muscles, his hands were clenched into fists, his joints crackled, and his anger was obviously extremely extreme.

However, in the face of a divine realm, after all, he dared to anger, not to mention his help.

Although his master was the Tianmu Fawang, he was not by his side. On the same day, Yemu Fawang came over and Ye Tian was able to torture him 100 times.

Now he protects himself more than anything.

Seeing Huangfu shocked and indifferent, Qiao Chenguang rushed to the hospital and asked Qinghan for help, and shouted, "Qin Qinghan, save me, for the sake of my pursuit of you. Let your boyfriend stop."

He didn't say this, but when he said it, he felt that Ye Tian's palm strength had soared by several points.

He dared to dig Ye Tian's corner, but he still had his heart, and his sin was unforgivable.

Qinghan's small face was tense, Xiuyan's eyebrows frowned, apparently also angry.

During this time, Qiao Chenguang was stubbornly devastated, which caused her a lot of trouble.


Ye Tian took another shot, and Qiao Chenguang's other face blossomed with flesh and blood, the cheekbones were shattered, and no teeth were left in his mouth.


He hung on the wall like a mural and fell off after more than ten seconds. There was a blood-colored pedestrian mark on the white wall.

This is really a hit!

This time he passed out without screaming.

The injuries were enough for him to lie on the bed for a year and a half, and may even leave very strong sequelae, such as concussions, amnesia, and so on.

It didn't take long before a doctor came over and carried him on a stretcher.

He just said that he could not wait to set up a luxurious ward in this hospital, and now he has achieved his wish.

Huangfu was panting and panting. He was still thinking about whether to take the lead for Qiao Chenguang, but now it doesn't make sense to see him being stunned.

At his level, he couldn't find how many dog ​​legs he could find.

He has to think about how he can get away.

"My master said that if you can come back alive from Dongyu, fight with you again." Huangfu Jingyun said.

"Your master?"

"Don't you know yet? My master is Tianmu Fawang, and now I'm his close disciple." Huangfu said in a faint light, and finally there was a little pride.

"Really? No wonder your cultivation has been restored, and you have even taken it to the next level."

"It's good if you know. My words have arrived, so please do it for yourself!"

You shouldn't stay here for a long time. After you have finished speaking, Huangfu will leave in shock.

But I heard Ye Tian suddenly say, "Did I let you go?"

Huangfu stunned in his heart and said, "What do you want?"

"Hit someone, without even an apology, but want to leave. Is there such a good thing?"

At this time, Ye Lang came out of the ward with a limp, and his body was stained with blood, his face burst into a bitter smile, and said to Ye Tian, ​​"Brother, I'm fine."

"Is something going to happen if I get killed?" Ye Tian glared at him.

"Brother Ye Lang, I'm sorry, I was too impulsive just now, and I started a bit heavy. I'll give you a compensation here." Huangfu was shocked that Yun Qu could stretch and offered an apology to Ye Lang.

It is very commendable that the unicorn of his grand family, the disciple of King Tianmu Fawang, can do this.

"Go away, I don't want to see you again." Ye Lang said angrily to him, and then said to Ye Tian: "Brother, come in and see Dad, he misses you very much."

"Then I will not delay your reunion." Huangfu smiled coldly and left.

"Stop. Bullying at someone's door, bleeding someone, is it enough to apologize?" Ye Tian said strongly.

"So what do you think of me?"

Huangfu was shocked by the fact that his heart was as good as ever. At this time, he couldn't help but feel violent, and his eyes were bleeding.

He is not without reliance. He just bows his head and doesn't want to suffer any loss.

"Ye Lang, how did he hit you, now you fight back." Ye Tian said to Ye Lang.

"Brother ..." Ye Lang was a little scared ~ ~ Huang Fu was shocked, but Yancheng's first-class Tianjiao, where did he dare to fight.

"Ye Tian, ​​don't bully people too much." Huangfu Jingyun bit his teeth.

"What about bullying you? When you hit someone, did you ever think you were bullying too much?"

"Ye Xiaozi, you are playing with fire. I am the disciple of King Tianmu Fawang. If you dare to move me, you are declaring war against King Tianmu Fawang. My teacher will retract his promise and kill you in the first time."

"You can rest assured. If he doesn't come to me, I will go to him. The grudges between me and him should be settled early."

"Courageous! My master's strength is not what you can imagine. Even Xiao Qingtian has to admire three points, and he has the slightest advantage. If his old man takes a shot, he can slap you with a slap."

"Really? Then I'll shoot you to death now."

During the conversation, Ye Tian really shot, and a large golden light palm print appeared in the void, and he shot at Huangfu in shock.

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