Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 884: Lord Rage

On the platform, the dense fog was shattered. I saw an old man in sackcloth sitting cross-legged on it, looking like a torch, with silver hair and bright skin, and his skin was pale golden. Although he was thin and almost skinny, he had a very strong spirit and turned into one. The substantive light shines through and shines.

There was a river of magma flowing in his body, filled with a terrifying and terrifying atmosphere, the bones of people were shivering and the soul was almost cracked.

Behind his head was a golden ring of gods, dazzling, as if the Buddha manifested in the world, indicating that he had cultivated to an unbelievable state.

Yes, this is the old priest of the Western Regions Esoteric religion, the King of Heavenly Eyes, the scary old age, more than one hundred and fifty years old, but it seems to be only sixty or seventy years old.

Divine Realm has a life span of 200 years. King Tianmufa is rightly "strong".

How terrible the anger is!

If it weren't for Xiao Qingtian to play a dragon spirit and protect the three of Xiao Yun, the three would be paralyzed to the ground, and Qiqiao would bleed.

The large stone room seemed to be slamming on the shore, making a loud rumbling sound. If the rune is not engraved with a protective rune, it may be cracked.

The underground stone chamber was unharmed, and the people inside were okay, but there was a group of people on the ground. They just happened to be above the underground stone chamber. The terrifying power penetrated through the soil and swept through, crushing their hearts and soul. Trembling, many people fell to the ground, looking like a middle evil, without any reason at all.


Tianmu Fawang suddenly probed his hand, Huangfu was taken away in shock, like a little chicken, and had no power to fight back.

Xiao Yun and Demon Cat Datong were both the first time to see Tianmu Fawang, and the first time he saw his shot, they were stunned and trembling.

Although the Tianmu Fawang and their masters have never played against each other, just looking at the coercion and terror that erupted at this moment, they are better than their masters.

It's no wonder that the Tianmu Fawang is several decades older than Xiao Qingtian and has traveled farther on the road to the Divine Realm.

"Tianmu Road Brother, be calm and restless." Xiao Qingtian quickly persuaded.

"Master." Huangfu Jingyun himself was so scared to death that he did not expect his master to be so excited.

Although Tianmu Fawang participates in Buddhism, he does not have the compassion of a monk in general. He has resentment and revenge. He cultivates an invincible heart and proves invincible Taoism.

A true element condensed in the palm of his right hand, showing a pale golden color, brilliance and crystal clearness, tenderness and softness, and slammed the back of Huangfu Jingyun.

Zhenyuan is like water, penetrates into Huangfu Jingyun's body through pores, enters meridians, and runs the whole body.

In this way, he can test the wounds in Huangfu's Jingyun body and see how his apprentice was abolished.

This is a very simple operation, but with terrible consequences.

Tianmu Fawang's true Yuan came into the body, Huangfu Jingyun once again felt a thousand swords, and the five internal organs and six centuries seemed to be torn, and could not help but utter a scream of heartbreaking lungs. .

This feeling is so painful, it is cruel and harder to bear than the cruelest torture in the world.


There was a sound of Jianming, clearly from the body of Huangfu Jingyun.

The temptation of the King Tianmu Fawang before being able to move the whole body through the meridians was beaten to pieces.

Then a more terrible scene happened. Alas, a cloud of blood burst out from Huangfu Jingyun's body, accompanied by a sound of swords, and wounds were formed. The true energy that was broken into the true yuan escaped from these wounds.

What a terrible scene at this time, Huangfu was shocked and almost fainted, and even Tianmu Fawang was shocked.


There was also a sword air flying from the apprentice's body hitting his palm, and a sound of metal collision sounded, forming a small wound, the red blood flowing out.

But he repaired the immortal rainbow body, how arrogant the physical body, can be called a copper tendon and iron bone, can withstand heavy artillery bombardment, was actually injured by sword gas, it is incredible.

I saw that the blood and water flowing from the wound on his palm was very amazing. Although it was red, it actually shone through the color of the metal. It had a sense of transparency and brilliance, which was very different from ordinary blood and water.

He repaired the immortal rainbow body, reborn physically, and sublimed his blood, so it will become like this.

Ye Tian is the same. The blood is more exaggerated than him. It is golden, like flowing liquid gold.

This sudden change shocked everyone.

It was as if Ye Tian had set up a restraint in Huangfu's shocked body, and the violent operation of the King Tianmufa triggered this restraint and almost killed his apprentice.

Huangfu Jingyun almost didn't pierce his eyes into a sieve. He was full of sores, his blood was blurry, and the dead dog collapsed on the platform like a dead dog. He was sad that his vitality was too stubborn and he couldn't pass out. It is full of pain.

"Master, master ..., save me!"

The first death in his life was so close to him that he almost cried.

It is not difficult to see that Ye Tian has planted a Gengjin Jianqi in his body. When the mana is operated, the true elements flow in the meridians and they will be excited.

The previous excitement only consumed a small part of Geng Jin's sword energy. There is more in his body, which can kill him more than ten times.

"Brother Qingtian, this Ye Xiaodao friend is declaring war on me!" Tianmu Fawang drank, his eyes were like a torch, and the golden **** ring behind his head glowed, almost burning, like a round Little sun.


Another horrible coercion swept out, more powerful than before, shaking the entire stone room, shivering in the void, and an earthquake above the ground, and a group of tourists were paralyzed.

At this moment, Tianmu Fawang didn't look like a monk at all. He was more like a demon god.

Xiao Qingtian stepped forward, as if shrinking into an inch, stepped a few feet away, and walked to the stage in a few steps.

"It's important to save my life ~ ~ I will talk about the revenge later." He said to Tianmu Fawang.

In this situation, he is not good at speaking for Ye Tian.

Even he felt that Ye Tian was doing too much, planting sword energy in the human body, and it would be cruel to kill this person.

However, when you think about what the Tianmu Fawang did to Ye Wenhua, Ye Tian is just treating his person with his own way, understandably.

The Tianmu Fawang obviously did not think so, and now he just wanted to kill Ye Tian.

But his apprentice was severely wounded, and it would not last long without treatment.

It is not difficult to rescue Huangfu from the cloud. He was planted with sword gas in his body, as long as the sword gas was drawn out.

However, don't take it too fast.

After all, the sword qi is too sharp, and if it is not good, it will pierce countless blood holes in Huangfu Jingyun as before. To work slowly and carefully, what is needed is water-milling, just as Ye Tian is giving Ye Wenhua acupuncture in the hospital to continue the pulse. URL ()

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