Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 904: The end of the war


The devastating fire raged like a torrent, flooding Ye Tian, ​​and the void seemed to be burnt and distorted, and it could burn everything in the world.

Up and down the Laoshan Mountain, countless people who watched the battle all had fleshy seed coats, their souls were burned, and the screams of wailing and sorrow were heard.

Hey, hey, hey!

There was also a puffing fire falling from the void, as if a black fire rain had fallen.

The mountains are dying, the snow is melting, the trees are burning, and they are becoming barren.

Afterwards, even the rocks at the top of the mountain melted, forming a layer of reddish liquid, which flowed towards the foot of the mountain.

How terrible it was to burn the mountain to death, as if it were destroying the world.

In the face of this devastating scene, even Xiao Qingtian was horrified.

This is the fire of the black lotus industry. It uses evil karma as fuel and is immortal.

Bad karma, born of people, who dares to say that there is no trace of karma?

In the heartbreaking screams, someone at the foot of the mountain has been affected by the fire of the black lotus industry. From the flesh, the burning to the bones, eventually the soul is burned out, and it is completely wiped out.

"Tianmu Daoyou, you are not quick to collect the spell, how many killings do you want to cause? Are you not afraid of encountering karma?" Xiao Qingtian yelled and shouted at Tianmu Fawang.

"After refining this little beast, I will accept the technique. Xiao Daoyou, you just watch the battle, don't step in. At this level of you and me, it ’s like a celestial being, and you see mortals like ants, and die hundreds. What about the thousand? Taoism and Buddhism are essentially fighting against heaven and walking against the sky. What fear of retribution? "Tianmufa King Jiechi sat down, the whole body shrouded in layers of golden light, Baoxiangzhuangxiong, complexion No sorrow or joy.

He really went into the devil and went to the devil with the Buddha, and went the wrong way.

Perhaps it was caused by his yin and yang eyes.

Yun Tianyan was able to communicate the two realms of yin and yang and appeared on a Buddhist monk.

Ye Tian was already surrounded by the fire of the black lotus industry and disappeared into the sight of everyone.

The karma that fell into the ground was only a few. Most of them floated in the void, like the sky fire, burning the sky, like a large oven, to refining Ye Tian.

Although only a small part of the karma fell, it also caused terrible consequences, turning mountains into barren land, melting rocks and magma, flowing down like waterfalls, and killing many innocent people.

"Tenmu Taoyou, you are forcing me to shoot!"

Xiao Qingtian finally couldn't help it. As the patron saint of Hua Guo, how could he ignore his compatriots?


The mighty fighting spirit broke out, and nine round dragon spirits flew from Xiao Qingtian and rushed towards the Tianmu Fawang.

"唉!" Tianmu Fawang sighed softly, "You still do it, why bother? It's all at your level, why can't you let it go?"

Tap lightly at his fingertips, the black lotus cremation turns into a nine-strength flame, and the black dragon flies out to meet the nine dragon spirits produced by Xiao Qingtian.

In the eyes of all the people, the nine dragons of the Jiuye industry fire entangled with nine dragons, just like the bones of the cheekbones.


There was a loud noise coming down from the void, and the nine industry fire black dragons blew up one after another, blowing up the nine dragons to death.

Xiao Qingtian was so proud of his big killing that he was so easily broken by the Tianmu Fawang.


On the sky of heaven, a golden lightning descended from the sky, marking a dazzling golden light, falling into Xiao Qingtian's hands, squealing.

This is a dragon gun, about nine feet long, with a bright black light, and a carved dragon coiled around it, because after drinking too much blood of the soul, the tip of the gun has turned blood red, and it can swallow blood-like cold mansions, killing Ying Shiye, attractive.

With the dragon gun in his hand, Xiao Qingtian's overall momentum changed, his breath quickly rose, and lightning flashed in his eyes, as if a **** was killing himself.

"Xiao Daoyou, are you not my opponent, do you still want to be obsessed?" Tianmufa Wang glanced slightly and glanced at Xiao Qingtian.

At this time he was refining Ye Tian and did not want to be disturbed.

The black lotus industry fire can burn everything in the world, also known as the fire of extinction. Even the nine-day fairy can burn to death.

The guilt burns down, the more sinful people are, the more terrible it is to burn.

Ye Yetian's hands were stained with blood, and his body was like a gasoline. As long as a trace of industry fire splashed on his body, he could instantly get off the ground.

"Meng Yao, don't be impulsive." Zhao Tianlong grabbed Su Meng Yao who wanted to come forward.

This kind of warfare does not have the power of Divine Realm, and anyone must die up.

"I believe Xiaotian can survive. He can do it." Ning Haifeng was also comforting Gu Xiaoman, who was pale.

Shen Qingyue's palms are about to bleed and her heart is quietly pumping up Ye Tian.

"Grandpa, you can say Ye Tian will die." She said to Grandpa suddenly.

"Why?" Shen Yunlong stunned.

"Every time you say Ye Tian is gone, he can survive it."


Shen Yunlong suddenly became a black line.

The gangsters at Yancheng were eager to move again, thinking carefully and lively.

"Tianmu Daoyou, you are a Buddha, but you are in the magic path, you are obsessed with obsession!" Xiao Qingtian was distressed.

"Are you going to walk for the sky?"

"If you don't stop, I can only do that."

Xiao Qingtian held the dragon gun and shuddered suddenly. A sudden murderous rush to the sky, the void burst, and the black lotus fire that was thick like a cloud was shaken out of a large cave.

"General Xiao, please step back and give it to me here."

In the black lotus industry fire, a voice came out, loud and powerful, and it was Ye Tian's voice.

"What, he's not dead?"

"The karma is not dead, is it too strong?"

Uh ...

I suddenly exclaimed countless people.

I heard Ye Tian's voice came out, the dark cloud-like black lotus industry fire suddenly separated, and a young man stepped out of it, holding the tripod with one hand and behind the other, like a walk in a leisurely court.

A golden wave filled his entire body, as if surrounded by a golden ocean, and a golden lotus swayed in it. This is a chaos, but it cannot be invaded. The cloud-like black lotus industry fire is not contaminated at all. His body was the slightest.

手持 He is holding a small tripod, three feet and two ears, and is made of red copper with dragon pattern. The whole body is dense and dense. I do n’t know how many rune arrays are engraved. Once it is sacrificed, it will become larger in the wind and become the size of the house.

The nagging mouth looks like a bottomless pit, forming a huge vortex, like a whale swallowing a cow's drink, and taking in the black lotus industry fire. Even Tianmu Fawang felt a huge suction power, which was to be sucked into Baoding.

"Child, you ...?"

He Tianmu Fawang's pupils shrank, his face was surprised.

In such a situation, where can he remain calm, he quickly got up and walked away to the distance.


The Yetian god, the golden glaze-like jade palm, slammed on Ding's body, struck a mighty force, and suddenly a loud bell-like sound spread across Shili Yanshan, shaking countless eardrums.

"go with!"

The dragon pattern from the fire Baoding flew out like a small hill, and struck away at the Tianmu Fawang.


Ren Tianmu Fawang escaped very fast, but was still chased by Long Wen from the fire Baoding, as if being hit by a high-speed train that was so miserable that he could not bear the immortal rainbow, and was hit by half of his body. , Flesh flew, blood dripping.

"Damn, you dare to hurt me! I swear that you will be ashamed of your bones, take out the soul and burn with karma for 10,000 years, and cut off all your loved ones!" Tianmufa roared loudly, exasperated to the extreme.

A series of horrible waves erupted from his body, like a stormy sea, and roared in the void.

"I'll burn you first then."

Ye Tianyao pointed out that suddenly a torrent of black flames rushed out from the crest of the fire baoding from the dragon pattern, like a waterfall, filled with a terrifying and monstrous atmosphere.

Wang Tianmu ’s physical body was severely damaged, and his action was greatly reduced. Without escape, he was swallowed up by the fire of the black lotus industry.

"I have an undead rainbow body, immortal body, immortal soul, black lotus industry fire will not burn me." Tianmu Fawang bathed the black lotus industry fire, roaring.

黑 This black lotus industry fire is his origin, not the purest black lotus industry fire, he really couldn't burn him for a while. Moreover, his physical wounds were healed by the fire of the black lotus industry.

"Is that so? The five elements leave the fire and see if they can burn you to death?" Ye Tian chuckled.

After the black lotus fire poured clean, the fiery five elements spewed out of the fire, making a mountain-like tsunami-like sound, like the same hanging flame waterfall falling from nine days, reflecting the sky turning red, the temperature is so high that even the steel can melt .


The King of Heavenly Eyes was finally afraid, and felt the breath of death, his mana was surging, and even the essence of the blood was burned, and he fled.

He was guilty of tears, his teeth were itchy, and he secretly vowed that if he escaped successfully, he must make Ye Tian look good, not survive, not die, and kill all his loved ones.

He lost too much in this battle. His body and spirits were traumatized. Without a year and a half of retreat, he could not recover from the peak.

His rock-solid heart also cracked a wound ~ ~ It is very unfavorable to the future practice path.


He burned the essence blood and used the technique of taboo blood sacrifice. He was shrouded in a blood-colored light curtain and radiated from a distance.

But Xun saw that Ye Tian raised his hand, the sun and moon giant swords swept across the sky, and when the sky slashed fiercely, a hundred swordsman traversed the heavens and the earth, slashing away to the King of Heavenly Eyes.


In the stunned time, the void exploded, the heavens and the earth discolored, and the sun and the moon were dim.

This sword crown is extremely rare, so sharp that it is impossible to imagine, the sky seems to be split open with a knife.

Xi Jianmang was not there, but the horrifying sword intention came first, causing the soul of King Tianmufa to throb and his body to tremble.


I saw that the Baizhang Jianmang of the Sun and Moon Great Sword passed an unimaginable sword mark from the foot of Ye Tian to thousands of feet away, splitting a mountain.

As for the Tianmu Fawang, he was split in half on the spot, and the pale golden blood was sprinkled across the sky, dazzling and desolate.

God realm of heaven and man, after all, Tianmu Fawang fell.

Suddenly, there were countless spectators on the hill and down the mountain, all uttering words and deadly silence.

There is only a young man in the empty space, with blond hair and golden eyes, and a long coat hunting, as if a **** came into the world.

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