Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 902: 4 are empty

At the cost of burning the innate essence of blood, Wu Canghai climbed up the momentum to the half-step sword sage, but also the sword sacred soldier who awakened with all his strength, the sword of the dragon and the sword. One size fits all.

Everyone thought that this knife could split Ye Tian to death, but in the end, everyone stunned his jaw. This shocking sword was caught by Ye Tian's bare hands.

"Isn't he calmed down by the yin and yang tianyanfeng of the king of heavenly eyes?

Why can it still move? "

Suddenly, the same question lingered on everyone's mind.

Xie Yetian was able to move, indicating that the yin and yang eyes of the Tianmu Fawang were invalid to him.

强大 How powerful his consciousness is. He has been refined by King of Chaos Refining God, like a deep sea, majestic, and even a sword.

Faltering on this planet, few people dare to fight with him and fight mentally.

At first, he was careless, and the King of Heavenly Eyes had a moment of faltering, sealed the Sun and Moon Divine Sword, and sealed his flesh.

When he made a counterattack, exposing the consciousness of the sea like a deep sea, he easily ruled out the power of the heavenly eyes of the king of heavenly eyes.

However, Tianmu Fawang can make him lose his mind for a moment, it is already very rare, indicating that the yin and yang eyes are indeed an extraordinary pupil technique.

If you change to another **** state, it may fall.

Yin Yang Tian Yan has surpassed a category of spiritual attack, mysterious and mysterious, which can sway a trace of so-called divine power.

And the power of this **** is the imprint of law.

It is terrible to touch the law, because only the earth wonderland can touch the law, and only a small part of it can be moved. Only when the Jin Dan realm can control the law.

It's a pity that Ye Tian's mental strength is too strong, and he started to expand the God Realm again, so that his yin and yang eyes could only be stunned for a moment, and then became invalid.

"Wu Canghai, how brave you are, you dare to do something to me!"

Xie Yetian smiled coldly, his torch-like eyes vacated two lines of fire, and the void burst.

Click! Ye Tian's palm finger shook slightly, and the mad dragon sword was broken into pieces like glass.

This is a sword holy warrior, a weapon sacrificed by the ancestor Wu Wangui of Wujiadao. He tried the world with a sword and let the heroes bow their heads. The battle was so brilliant that Ye Tian was crushed by one hand. It's too sensational, and it's almost desolate.

"Child, you ..." Wu Cang's liver and gall were cold and almost scared.

死 On the observation deck, there was a dead silence.

Both Wu Jianghe and Wu Hongtao's grandson and grandson were face-to-face. They knew that Wu Canghai was about to be planted, and they could not do anything to help out.


Wu Hongtao gritted his teeth, his eyes were red.

"Father, run away!"

The Wujiang River sang loudly.

"Ye donor, when is the time to report the grievances, and I hope you can keep people."

Master Shikong also shouted in isolation.

"You old bald donkey, when Wu Canghai shot at my master just now, I didn't see you stop, but now I stop my master."

Zhao Tianlong scolded.

Su Su Mengyao also frowned and cast a fierce look on Master Shikong.

Suddenly, Master Shikong's face was ugly.

"Amitabha, old monk ..." "Shut up and don't want to listen to you."

Gu Xiaoman sneered.

A moment ago, she was so nervous that she thought her son was going to die.

She always dislikes killing her son, but at this moment, she thinks Wu Canghai should kill.

At this moment, I saw in the void, Wu Canghai retreated and fled to escape the danger.

Huh! Two clusters of flames spewed from Ye Tian's eyes, and instantly turned into two golden pillars of fire, and the sky was incinerated and burst.

The Wu Wu Cang Hai escaped hard, but was still chased by the pillar of fire, turned into a blazing flame, and turned into a stack of flying ash in the scream of heartbreaking lungs, dissipating in the heavens and the earth.

The grand master who ranked second in the grand master list died.

Countless people boo.

However, this is only an episode in the final analysis. The real battle still belongs to Ye Tian and Tian Mu Fa Wang, two divine powers.

"Juvenile, you are very good, you can even break my yin and yang eyes."

He Tianmu Fawang said, the eyebrows dripped with blood and the bleeding silk was obviously very expensive.

"But, if I say overdo you, I will definitely overdo you."

During the conversation, King Tianmufa folded his hands together, Bao Xiangzhuang, chanting the scriptures: 唵, ,, ,, 叭, 咪, 吽 ... Once this curse came out, an infinite amount of Buddha light came into the world, leaving the sky full of gold.

His eyebrows were blessed, the light was strong, but the breath was changed, no longer gloomy, no more ghosts crying, but the chanting of the scriptures rang, the Sanskrit sounded, as if there were billions The soul muttered and prayed.

"The six-character mantra is ,, ,, 叭, 咪, 吽, 吽 is the supreme sacred art of Buddhism. It has the power to open up the world, the mystery is infinite, and the horror is boundless. It contains the great power, great wisdom, great compassion in the universe, and can surrender to the heavens. Demon.

The young devil is going to be bad, and may really be crossed. "

A grandmaster exclaimed in the market.

He saw that Tianmufa King recited the sound of the sky, hundreds of millions of Buddha's light came down, and drowned a sky, and he sat in the sky to cross Yetian with the highest sacred technique of Buddha.

Of course, King Tianmufa said in his mouth that he was going to transform Ye Tian, ​​and let Ye Tianxing be destroyed.

Infinite Buddha light shines, Infinite Brahma sings, Ye Tian has not yet been transformed, but tens of thousands of onlookers on the mountain can't hold it first, one by one without eyes, muttering to himself, looking sad and joyless, six roots Purity.

"Exceed me, don't talk too much, or I'll leave you all four!"

Ye Yetian growled and shouted loudly.

His blond hair danced frantically, his eyes tore the void, and he was extremely intrusive. He burst out two blazes of fire, chaos, the golden flames burned the sky, baptized the world, immeasurable Brahma, immeasurable Buddha light, and were swept away. Every minute ~ ~ Boom! Ye Tian stepped into the void, turned into a streamer phantom, broke through all obstacles, and rushed to the Tianmu Fawang.

握 He clenched his fist in his right hand and blasted out with a golden punch like a sea, a golden horse running across the sky, breaking up the sky, unmatched in strength, like a meteor, and instantly banging on the Tianmu Fawang.

The King of Heavenly Eyes is still sitting cross-legged, chanting the scriptures, and can't even dodge it.

He also never expected that his tried and tested Buddhist stunts would not work for Ye Tian.

The young boy's strength is beyond his imagination.





Under the blessing of the quadruple boxing technique, the golden fist print is like a golden battle spear, sharp and peerless, passing through the physical body of the Tianmu Fawang.

After all, the Emperor of Heavenly Eyes has created the immortal rainbow body, and the physical body is almost immortal. This shocking fist failed to tear his physical body.

Huh! The King of Heavenly Eyes vomited blood, and his body flew up instantly, just like a disconnected kite. He flew across a thousand kilometers of sky and smashed a mountain to a smash.

"The King of Heaven's Eyes is defeated?"

Countless spectators were stunned and took a cool breath.

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