Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 906: Post-war

"He won. I met him a year ago and it wasn't so great. I didn't think of it in just one year, and my skill has grown so much. If my grandpa and his grandfather fought against him, I don't know how much they can win . "

At the foot of Laoshan, in the crowd, a young girl wearing a mink fur, a slender figure, and a beautiful-looking girl said with a cold voice, her face anxious.

If Ye Tian saw her, she would surely recognize it, the jewel in the palm of Dongbei's Abe family, Abe Meiji.

A few days later, Ye Tianhui and her family Shengming ancestors had a big battle. When she came to watch the war in our country, she was setting an outpost for Shengming ancestors to estimate Ye Tian's strength.

It was obvious to her that she was shocked and disturbed.

"No, I have to be prepared for the worst to keep my grandfather foolproof." Her little hand clenched suddenly, and there was a gleam in her eyes.

"Ziyue, what are you thinking?"

Then she asked a young girl in a purple dress beside her.

The young girl is about seventeen or eighteen years old. She has beautiful eyes like water, black hair like silk, slim and light body, shiny cheeks like jade, and white skin, just like a porcelain doll, so suffocating. However, the temperament of the girl is very cold, like the snow lotus on the iceberg for thousands of years, and the coldness is so cold that people can only look at it from a distance and cannot approach it.

手持 She was holding the village demon sword, her body was shaking slightly, her nerves were tense, her teeth trembled, and her sword trembled. There were screams of screaming knives, and **** knives burst out.

Her name is Miyamoto Ziyue, daughter of Cang Miyamoto from the East Raksha Ninja Village.

Mianben Cang was killed by Ye Tian in Kunlun Death Valley a year ago.

After returning to China, Ms. Anbe Meiji told the truth, and then Ye Tian became the No. 1 enemy of Tianzi in Raksha Ninja Village.

"I want to kill him!" Said the girl, her voice cold, her murderous like winter.

"Obviously, you can't kill him. If you can't bear it, you can make a big deal. If you want to kill the young demon and revenge, you and we must work together to get more chances. And we have to find as many as possible Helper, "said Amber Maggie.

Shigemiya Miyamoto didn't say anything, but her murderous spirit was gradually converging, and she seemed to agree.

Uh ...

Countless people at the scene were still in shock, just like watching a mythical movie, but also immersed in the fierce battle, and could not help themselves for a while.

Not only ordinary people, but even all the gurus who watched the battle, their heart beat and their blood boiled.

"The King of Heavenly Eyes was defeated. He was defeated. This is a legend in the Western Regions, the contemporary living Buddha. The only person who has cultivated the undead rainbow body for two hundred years is known as the Tianjiao overhaul most likely to preach the Buddha. . I never imagined that it would be the result. "A guru who had great expectations for the King of Tianmu Fa Wang reported his chest and feet, shaking his head again and again.

"The young demon king is too powerful, and the fight is so fierce that he has no blood or stains, but he is not lifting weight at all! I even suspect that he did not do his best."

"Is the young demon king invincible?"

"It's not the pinnacle, and that's not far from the pinnacle."

"I am the only person in China who can rule him up and down, I am afraid that he is the only one in the legend of Longhu Mountain."

"Not necessarily, not necessarily! The Dragon Tiger Mountain hasn't been out for decades, and has reached the limit of Shouyuan of Shenjing, and his blood has dried up. Unless the essence of the blood is burned, he will fight at any cost to play the peak battle. Power. And then, you will be more fierce, even if you defeat the young devil, what's the point? "

Uh ...

Many people looked at Tianji real people and saw that the old priest was sinking in water and his lips were shaking. I wonder if he was shocked by the power of the young demon king, or what was happening.

若 Li Ruochen, the chief disciple of Dragon Tiger Mountain standing on the side of Tianji real person, has a dark face and a ugly face. It is more ugly and ugly, and the mood is more like eating a dead mouse, uncomfortable.

The battle was over and the battle was clear, but some people did not believe the result.

"This is impossible, the Heavenly King Famu is invincible, I must be mistaken. The young man in the sky is the Heavenly King Faye, right?" Bai Wanshan, Bai Wanshan, was hysterical, and his brain and nerves were disordered.

Everyone laughed loudly.

"Brother, what should we do?" Bai Susu asked his brother Bai Songhai.

神经 Dad's nerves are not normal, and she can only ask her brother for an idea.

With a gloomy face and a black line on his mind, Bai Songhai suddenly said, "Sister, we still parted from this marriage, it's not the time yet. In this way, you can go to Ye Wenhua and say something good to ask him for forgiveness."

"What? Let me ask him? Go to you, anyway, I can't pull this face." Bai Susu resentfully, can't help crying.


Bai Songhai raised his palms, and a big ear melon called up and yelled, "Let you go, you go. When is my turn to be your master?"

Su Bai Su Su was suddenly snoring.

She's family is a group of white-eyed wolves, after all, can't be trusted!

"Win, we win!" Meng Yao cheered, and she was always icy, her flower-like smile bloomed on her pretty face, and two drops of crystal tears dripped from the corner of her eyes, crying with joy.

Gu Gu Xiaoman, Ning Haifeng, Zhao Tianlong, and Long Wei were all dissatisfied with joy. When they raised their hearts to their throats, they could finally put them down.

What kind of character is the King of Famu that day? The living Buddha is considered invincible in the world, and they are all worried about the extreme.

"After this battle, I Ye Shi is destined to be invincible." Zhao Tianlong grinned, and looked provocatively at a group of people in Longhushan.

一次 This time the people in Longhushan are honest.

Grandpa Ye Changqing had a lot of scenery at this moment, and a group of big men rushed in and surrounded him so that he couldn't communicate with each other.

"Father Ye, I'll follow you from now on, but you are the leader of the horse, but you are commanded to say nothing."

"Father Ye, I have a billion-dollar business here. I don't know if you can always see it."

"You're embarrassed to buy a billion-dollar business ~ ~ I have a billion-dollar one here."

"Nephew Wen Huaxian, I heard that you are divorced. My granddaughter has just returned from studying in Harvard, learned to be rich in five cars, and spend a lot of time. If you don't hate it, the two of us can find time to sit together."

Uh ...

In sharp contrast, the sadness of the Huangfu family group was extremely dismal.

"After all, lose!" Father Huang Fuliang breathed a long breath.

There was a lot of noise in the discussion, and the young man fell from the sky and fell to the top of the mountain.

But a group of guru still respect him very much.

"Meet Ye Tianren."

"Congratulations Ye Tianren for defeating Tianmu Fawang, who has reached the top of martial arts and is invincible in the world."

"It is a blessing for my country to have Ye Tianren in my country!"

Uh ...

Every grand master salutes.

Shen Qingyue's eyes widened, and she smiled like a flower. She wanted to say hello to Ye Tian, ​​but she saw Ye Tian as if she hadn't seen her. She went straight to Gu Xiaoman's group of people. Bitter.

In fact, Ye Tian just ignored him, all his masters were ignored by him.

"Mom." Young smiled.

Uh ...

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