Boom! At this time, the sky fox fingerprint produced by Huo Tingxiao finally hit out, but not to cousin Huo Tingxuan, but to Huang Xiaoxian.

His conspiracy was revealed, and everyone in the field had to die.

Among them, Huang Xiaoxian made him most fearful, and he was not much weaker than him, so he had to kill him first.

Rumble! The handprints are in the sky, blooming and shining, flying like a meteor, and the sky is astonishing. The space seems to be penetrated by this palm, and the sound of numerous airflow explosions.

Howling ... A fox's voice came out, as if it were a fox, howling, sharp, high-pitched, and long-lasting, like a magic sound, which stunned people's eardrums.

Above the fingerprint, the ghost of a fox became clearer, his fur was white, and he had five tails.

The number of tails represents the level to which the Tianhu fingerprints have been cultivated, and the five-tailed Skyfox represents the fifth level.

The sky fox handprints that Huo Tingxuan played just now also have sky fox manifestation, which is a three-tailed sky fox, but he rushed out and had insufficient mana, so the three-tailed sky fox manifestation was not obvious.

"Sky Fox Handprint" is just a supernatural power, "Sky Fox Nine Changes" is the real supremacy. It is said that it can be connected to Dixian Avenue, terrifying.

However, "Nine Changes in the Sky Fox" is only in the hands of the fox owl, only those who possess it can practice, and cannot be circulated.

"Huo Tingxiao, how dare you do it to me?"

Huang Xiaoxian Xingyuan stared round and looked at Huo Tingxiao suddenly.

"You shouldn't be here."

Huo Tingxiao's face sank like water.

"Afraid of conspiracy to be revealed, killing?

Huh, do you think you can kill me? "

Huh! At this moment, a sudden sound of sound through the golden split stone came, shaking the sky.

"That is?"

Huo Tingxuan's pupils shrank abruptly, and she saw countless thin goddesses flying like needles, like thousands of sharp swords, converging into a bucket as thick and murderous.

Huh! The sky fox handprints made by Huo Tingxiao were hit by Shenmang, just like a balloon being pierced by a needle, and it burst instantly.

"Dare to act on my little sister, I'm really impatient."

Accompanying a hoarse-like voice, a young man appeared, wearing a white robe, eyebrows and eyes, with his back squinting, his hands in his sleeves, a young man, but an old man.

However, although this gentleman looks a little different, his strength must not be underestimated. His name is Bai Zhan, but he is the sister-in-law of Baixian Baitang.

Baixian is a hedgehog, and Bai Zhan's appearance really looks like a hedgehog.

的 The method he just cast is Baixian's very famous killing magical power, the torrential pear flower needle, also called Wan needle returning to the school.

Huh! Then, a flash of void appeared, and another figure appeared. It was a man in a gray robe. It was more stubborn than a white cut. His eyes were as small as beans and small enough to gather light.

This monk also has a lot to offer. The gray sister's sister-in-law of the Grey House, Hui Xiu.

Then another man appeared, looking handsome, dressed in Tsing Yi, holding a folding fan, personable, as if he was a brother from the Jiangnan family.

Tadpoles willow fairy, the sister-in-law of the main house of the Liu family, Liu Xiao.

The foxes are yellow, white and willow gray, all five immortal families have all made up all at once, and they are all top young people.

Xi Baizhai, Huixiu and Liu Xiao were three-legged and surrounded Huo Tingxiao.

However, these three people's eyes were not on him, but Qi Qi looked at Huo Tingxuan.

The folding fan in Taeliu Xiao's hand opened with a click, and he pretended to fan it a few times, and said, "You are the spirit boy of Huo's family. It really is a talent, no wonder the little fairy sister will be obsessed with you."

"The good-looking skins are the same, and the interesting souls are chosen from afar.

Xiao Xiaoxian, do you really not think about me?

I can accept it at your doorstep. "

The white cut of Luo Guozi, which was bent into the waist, winked at Huang Xiaoxian.

"You die for me!"

Huang Xiaoxian was nauseous and scolded.

"Fortunately, we arrived in time, that nine-tailed fox has not yet been attached to the spirit boy, otherwise it will be difficult to clean up."

Wu Huixiu said with big bean eyes.

"Yes, the lingtong body is the genius of cultivation and the body most desired by Xianjia. Within five years, the current balance of our five families will be broken. Ten years later, our four families will not necessarily be Huo family opponents. Now. "

Yanliu Xiao said shaking a folding fan.

别 "Don't talk nonsense, kill first and then talk, so as not to have too many dreams at night."

He cut his face in vain, murderous.

Huo Tingxiao's words changed color.

The mantis caught his cicada, but there was no yellow bird in the back.

"Courageous, dare to hit my Huo family Lingtong's idea, aren't you afraid of my Huo family's revenge?"

Huo Tingxiao yelled loudly.

"We are just doing what you want to do. You are not afraid. What are we afraid of?

I say again, you have to die. "

Gray repaired a smile.

Huo Tingxiao snorted suddenly, and suddenly his body moved, accompanied by a burst of horror, five figures suddenly appeared in the heavens and the earth, each one exactly like him.

The five figures turned into five streamers, rushing away in five directions, trying to escape.

Phantom of the Sky Fox, a magic body supernatural that comes with "Nine Changes in the Sky Fox", cultivated to the extreme can transform into 981 phantoms, and even condensed avatars.

In the face of four strong opponents, Huo Tingxiao knew very well and fled without a fight.

Although the phantom body is not offensive, it is very confusing.

Only one of the five figures produced by Sunda is his real body. If he cannot recognize his real body, he may really be escaped.

At this time, the eyes of the gray beanie with a vein of rat fairy suddenly shrank. The pupil turned purple, and two purple awns burst out of the eye sockets several feet.

"Douguang Purple Eye!"

Huo Tingxuan was shocked.

He has heard, however, that the Douguang Ziyan of the Grey Family overcame their Huo family ’s Phantom of the Sky Fox. Once Douguang Ziyan appeared, no more Phantom of the Sky Fox appeared anywhere. ~ Which one is real body. "

Xi Huixiu suddenly raised his hand and pointed at the figure of Huo Tingxiao who fled eastward.

Huh! Accompanied by the sound of traversing the golden cracked stone, Bai Zhan swiped sideways, a blast of magical fire, turned into a dense needle rain, like a locust in transit, spreading over Huo Tingxiao.

Baijia kills the drunkards, torrential rain pear needles! Liu Xiao held the folding fan, swiped gently, and an arc-shaped sword broke through the air.

His folding fan is his weapon, which can cut gold and iron.

"Cousin, be careful."

Huo Tingxuan turned pale and yelled.

At this moment, he forgot that his cousin had just wanted to kill him.

"You are looking for death!"

Huo Tingxiao burst into a roar, crushed a jade charm in his hand, and a body of white light suddenly appeared on his body.

This is an amulet of amulet blessed by the maggot mana.

Huh! Just listening to the crackling sound, the blizzard-like needles of the mansions seemed to hit the steel, and they shattered.

Click! The knife slashed by the folding fan in Liu Xiao's hand was chopped off, and it was just a crack.

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