Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 931: Fall into the wind

Hey, hey, hey!

Another shocking footstep came from the depths of Tianshifu. In the empty space, an old man with a bright golden mask was coming out of the air, approaching.

Like Elder Jiu Xuan, this old man was also carrying his body with a wrinkle on his face, his white hair fell to a few strands, and he was panting even when walking. He was very old and felt that he might die at any time. However, the breath in his body is extremely thick, like a hidden volcano. It looks like an ordinary mountain, but it flows undercurrents. Once it erupts, it will be shocking.

Another **** in Longhu Mountain is too high, the old master of the refining medicine hall, Nanming real person.

It is not easy for Nanming real people to enter the Tao with Dan and achieve the status of the divine realm.

He devoted his life to Dan Dao, and was the highest achiever of Danshu in Longhu Mountain after Dao Ling's ancestors. He tried to recreate Long Tiger Big Dan many times, but all failed.

At this moment, he made a strong shot, sacrificed another heavy weapon of Dragon Tiger Mountain, extinguished the furnace, absorbed the raging thunderfire, and saved Tianshifu ’s hall and hundreds of lives in a single shot.


South Ming Tai burst into a thunderous voice, screaming like a thunder and thunder, shocking the world.

Dading, like a mountain, fell from above Ye Tian's head.

Ye Tian was trapped in the mysterious yellow qi of Tianhuagai, and his actions were greatly restricted, and he was suddenly covered by the silencer.

However, when the Dading hood fell three inches above his head, he settled down and couldn't make any difference.

A big golden hand lifted up, blocking Dading's fall.

This is really the chaotic golden light magical power used by Ye Tian.

Xuan Tianhuagai's dazzling yellow energy restricted the physical movement, but his mana was not affected.

"Your Dragon Tiger Mountain is somewhat capable, and it is worthy of being the first ancestor of the world. But just because of this, you want to kill me. It's a long way off." Ye Tian's voice sounded, calm and steady, without any confusion.

These two divine realms are only the initial cultivation of the divine realm, that is, they rely on two Supreme Masters, and they are only comparable to Xiao Qingtian. Even Tianmu Fawang can't compare. Ye Tian is afraid of it. Have?

"Students are arrogant!" Taijiu Xuan was furious.

"go with!"

Then he gave a finger and gave orders, and the blue dragons, white tigers, Suzakus, and basalts that were distributed in the four corners of Wu Tianhuagai turned into four streamers, and slammed Ye Tian below, to besiege Ye Tian.

Each of them has the size of a house or two, huge enough to make people tremble, coming out of the air, as if there were thousands of horses, and the void is shaking violently, and the sound of rumbling is horrifying.

"Is the spirit body condensed by the power of faith?" Ye Tian raised his eyelids and glanced at the four ferocious spirit beasts.

I saw these four spirit beasts condensed into substance and glowed all over the body. Although they are still very different from the real flesh and blood body, they are absolutely impossible to imitate.

Like the twelve-type gods of Amber Ching Ming, these four spirit beasts are also spiritual bodies condensed by the power of the beliefs of all beings, but compared to the twelve-type gods, these four spirit beasts are much rougher, and the power of faith may not be pure enough , Or the power of faith is not sufficient.

In order to support the twelve-style deities, Ambei Ching-ming has constructed twelve shrines, each of which enjoys incense offerings. Until now, the twelve shrines still exist.

The four spirits and beasts in the Longhua Mountain's Tianhuagai are clearly mixed with the collected faith with large mana, and their beliefs are mixed, which is completely incomparable with the twelve-style gods.

Like the twelve-style god, if you enjoy the sacrifice of incense for tens of thousands of years, the style **** may even give birth to a bleeding body.

However, the power of faith is mixed with the four spirits and beasts, which is also very scary. The peak master has the combat power, and the combination of the four peak masters has almost the power of the divine realm. How terrible.

I saw that the four spirits and beasts shone softly with Jinhui, all of which turned into substance, snarling at Ye Tian with the power to destroy everything, as if the four ancient beasts came from the flood and the alien world. To swallow Ye Tian clean.

At the moment, Ye Tian, ​​trapped in the fascinating Wanhua Xuanhuangqi, was hung with a mountain-like pot on his head, and was almost unable to fight back effectively.

If he releases the golden palm of chaos, it is likely to be devoured by the furnace of silence.

In the dying furnace, many disciples in Longhushan know that there is a huge amount of karma.

Those devotees who worshipped at Longhu Mountain dedicate themselves to their faith. At the same time, some evil karma has been left here, collected by the furnace of extinction, and burned to become karma. .

How terrible karma is, once contaminated, bones can burn to ashes.

"The history of Dragon Tiger Mountain is too shocking."

"Yeah, the legendary Zhenshan Thunder Seal has not yet come out, the mountain guard team has not yet opened, and the old palm has taught the Oriental Crane before it appears, and the young devil is about to finish his calf.

"It is said that the depth of Dragon Tiger Mountain is so deep today. It is indeed the case. It is worthy of being the first ancestor of the world. The young devil is really very fierce!"


There were bursts of exclamation from the onlookers, some marveled at the mighty Dragon Tiger Mountain, and some lamented that the young devil might be finished.

The disciples of Longhushan were astonished like frosted eggplants, but now they are cheered up again.

But when everyone thought that the young demon king Qian donkey was so poor that he might be finished, the abnormality suddenly appeared.


Hearing a sword screaming, a small golden sword flew from the heart of the young devil's eyebrow.

This sword is small and exquisite, less than half a foot long, and there is a golden villain looming on it, just like Ye Tian.

It is Ye Tian's Yuanshendao sword!


Almost at a speed invisible to the naked eye, Ye Tian ’s Yuanshendao sword went around empty and brought a dazzling golden light ~ ~ Passing through the bodies of the four spirits and beasts, without any obstruction, it seemed to pass The four invisible bodies did not even leak a drop of blood.

But the amazing scene happened, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, 嘭, four spirit bodies and beasts, as if being hit by a heavy cannon, burst into succession, turning into countless golden glow, spreading across the world.

The Yuanshendao sword is dedicated to cutting the soul. The four spirits and beasts are condensed from the thoughts of countless individuals. It is another form of the soul. The Yuanshendao sword is exactly its nemesis.

The golden glow formed by the spiritual body and beast exploded was just the mind of all beings, peaceful and sacred.

As soon as Ye Tian's thoughts moved, a celestial sacred bone flew out of the ring, and all these sentient beings' thoughts were collected, and they will be useful in the future. After all, sentient beings are not so well collected, they are precious.

"Small beast, dare to break my four spirits and beasts, you are looking for death! Elder Nanming, you and I joined forces to refine him." Mrs. Jiu Xuan immediately became furious, and fire was about to burst into her eyes.

He shuddered and shook Tianhua Gai, and all of a sudden the wind was blowing like a knife, screaming out, slashing away at Ye Tian, ​​and a thunderous thunder blasted to Ye Tian.

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