Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 954: Back home

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Tianhai, Dongshan Scenic Area, Small World.

The small world is full of flowers, lush vegetation, and aura like smoke, forming a thin layer, floating above the sea of ​​flowers and plants, a fascinating scene of fairy tales.

The grass, trees, bricks and tiles here were laid out by Ye Tian himself. Every time I come here, I feel like I'm home and I feel relaxed and relaxed.


Suddenly, a tiger howl broke the tranquility in the small world. A white tiger that was comparable in size to an elephant stepped into the air, accompanied by the howling wind, blowing the vegetation in the small world upside down.

call out!

A huge flamingo with a wingspan of more than two feet flew up into the air, soaring and spreading the flames of the sky.

It is the White Tiger-style God and the Suzaku-style God.

These two deities are spiritual bodies, each of which was drenched by a drop of chaotic blood essence, gave birth to flesh and bones, and appeared to be no different from the real soul.

It can be said that these two deities are connected to his bloodline and already belong to his deities, and he is allowed to drive them.

He had just returned to the small world of enchantment, and the two gods felt his breath, and all flew in.

The white tiger was aggressive, and after running to him, he seemed to be a submissive kitten, and kept pacing around him, begging for mercy.

Suzaku also circled in circles above his head, making a cheerful tweet.

"There are still two gods. When Qinglong and Xuanwu are all together, I can practice my four spirits," Ye Tian thought to himself.

A few days later, in the battle between the East and the West, not only was he going to rescue the King Jinjia, but he also had to use the blue dragons and basalts of the Abe family.

"Is this the immortal realm?" The real person behind Wuya followed Ye Tian, ​​his eyes were horrified and he looked at the wonders of the fairy pie here.

Although this small world of enchantment has been built for a while, Real Life Realm came in for the first time.

Anyone who can enter here is Ye Tian's most trusted person. Ye Tian's introduction of the real person without boundaries into a small world shows that his trust in him has been further enhanced.

Boundless real people suffered in Longhu Mountain, but also blessed by disaster.

There is also a small enchanted world in the back of Longhu Mountain. The real person just came out of it, but it is completely different from Ye Tian's small enchanted world. The concentration of aura is several times lower.

In addition, there are many flowers and plants brought out from the hidden door.

The enchanted small world of Longhushan has a thunder mark, and Ye Tian's Dongshan enchanted small world has a thunder pond.

"How is it? The environment is good, will you practice here in the future to keep you improving fast?" Zhao Tianlong grinned.

"Okay." Realm Without End was hot with two old faces.

He thought that the mysterious realm would be his peak. After coming here, he suddenly felt that the divine realm was not so far away.

He can't wait to cultivate now, breathe and breathe in the aura here, just one at a time.

A white tiger and a suzaku are with them, and behind them are three disciples. Ye Tian walks towards a hall in the small world of enchantment.

"North Underworld Palace!"

Looking at the four big characters written on the plaque in the hall, Ye Tian's face showed a bitter smile.

Beimingxian Palace, a big signboard, but the hall is too shabby, it is just a small building, if rumors go out, people will be laughed at.

It is the world of Xiuxian who lived in the past days of Ye Tian. And dare to call the ancestral gate of the Emperor Zong, all of them are people who successfully crossed the calamity and ascended.

Ye Tian's previous life was only cultivated to the same state, and there is still a long way to go before the ascendancy of the crossing.

Therefore, he wants to carry forward this signboard, and there is still a long way to go. And this road is destined to be paved with blood and bones, full of ups and downs.

"Xiaotian, you're back, are you okay?"

A strong middle-aged man walked out of the hall and was surprised to see Ye Tian.

It was Ning Xiaoyu's father Ning Haifeng.

"Mister Ning." Ye Tian retracted his gaze from the plaque, looked at Ning Haifeng, a faint smile appeared on his face, and then asked, "What about my mother?"

"You know when you come in." Ning Haifeng laughed, but a bit mysterious.

If usual, Ye Tian returns, the mother must be the first to rush out and hug her baby son.

Now, it's abnormal.

With curiosity, Ye Tian stepped into the main hall and saw her mother meditating cross-legged in a training room. It was very pretty. Each breath was inhaled or vomited from the nose and mouth by a white line.

Ye Tian couldn't laugh or cry, he just taught a set of exercises to his mother the day before yesterday.

Ye Tian is now standing in front of Gu Xiaoman, she is still practicing.

"Your son is back." Ning Haifeng shouted.

"I see. I haven't finished it on a Sunday. Don't bark. I'll find you after I get into the magic." Gu Xiaoman complained, his eyes were still closed, and gas was constantly being refined.

Everyone laughed.

"Let ’s just let my mother practice." Ye Tian said, very pleased.

Mom is the person he cares about most in this world. He is willing to cultivate the immortal, and he will certainly take it with him. He dare not say that it is broken in the void, that he has risen to the sky, and that he can confidently do it when he reaches Jin Dan Yuan Ying.

"go with!"

Ye Tian took out a quencher Dan, crushed it violently, transformed it into pure medicine, and rushed into Gu Xiaoman's body. Suddenly, Gu Xiaoman's body was moisturized by medicine, his veins were unblocked, and there was a kind of reborn image.

The small world is thriving, thanks to Su Mengyao's care. Moreover, this incident encountered various accidents, and it was Meng Yao who worked hard the most.

This disciple was originally looked at by the poor, but he did not expect to be his most beloved disciple, but also the most trusted and talented disciple.

"Teacher, drink tea."

Meng Yao brewed tea and gave Ye Tian a cup ~ ~ Everyone seated in the lobby. Ning Haifeng asked Ye Tian about Longhu Mountain.

"Sit down, too," Ye Tian said to Su Mengyao.


The girl answered, and sat down beside Ye Tian.

"You take these elixir, so you can practice."

Suddenly, Ye Tian added more than a dozen pills of elixir, each of which was crystal clear, bright in color, exuding a strange fragrance, at first glance it was extraordinary.

The real person at the boundless glance looked straight, and his eyes were all straight. He recognized three capsules of Soul-Shaping Pill, four capsules of Dapei Yuandan, and a few other unknown pills.

Plastic Soul Dan he just took one capsule, the effect is very significant.

Dapei Yuandan he saw Ye Tian refining it with his own eyes, knowing that it can increase blood gas, repair body damage, prolong life, and so on. It is very precious.


Ye Tian flipped his hands and piled another pile of spirit stones on the table.

A total of one hundred spirit stones are also a reward for Su Mengyao.

This time even Zhao Tianlong and Ning Haifeng had eyes straight, eyes closed.

Elixir, spirit stone, these are all cultivation resources!

Compared to the aura in the air, the aura in the spirit stone is more pure, and it is of great benefit to cultivation.

"Teacher, isn't it too much?" Meng Yao was surprised.

"You worked hard during my absence. These are all you deserve."

"But, teacher, you need these more. You can keep it yourself."

"Rest assured, there are many teachers."

"Sister, take it for you," Zhao Tianlong said.

In the end, these things were accepted by Meng Yao Bar, and my heart was filled with joy.

The others Ye Tian naturally gave some rewards, but not as much as Su Mengyao.

Beiming Xianzong is still in its infancy and has too few staff. When it has a scale in the future, it is necessary to set rules and make clear rewards and punishments.

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