Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 962: Jiangbei Line 1

After eating and sending the two women back to school, Ye Tian went to Chuzhou, Jiangbei, and visited Lin Zimo to find out how the company is doing.

This time Ye Tian met Lin Zimo at the headquarters of Beiming Pharmaceutical Company. Although it was late, she was still working overtime, and she looked very hard.

Beiming Pharmaceutical is the largest private enterprise in Chuzhou. It once made one of the richest people in Jiangbei.

After Lin Zimo accepted Beiming Pharmaceutical, he carried out a drastic reform and showed his commercial talents to the fullest, which made Beiming Pharmaceutical's performance even higher.

However, Beiming Pharmaceutical also encountered crisis several times, thanks to Ye Tianli to turn the tide and choke the crisis again and again in the cradle.

Just a few days ago, Beiming Pharmaceutical almost changed hands and was recaptured by Jin Yongqiang with the support of Jin Donghai, the four-star Jin family owner. It was Ye Tian who took the action and regained control of the company by means of thunder.

This time he put down a heavy hand, not only slaughtered Jin Yongqiang, but Jin Donghai was also broken by him.

Jin Yongqiang was killed, the company left a mess, and Lin Zimo needed to deal with it, so she had to work overtime very late every few days.

Now, the entire business community in Jiangbei is intimidated by Ye Tian. Everyone also knows that he is the ultimate boss behind Beiming Pharmaceutical, and Lin Zimo is just a part-time worker.

In the spacious and bright president's office, Lin Zimo received Ye Tian.

Outside is the cold winter moon, the north wind whistles, and the temperature has dropped to below zero, but the air conditioner in the office is blowing hot wind, and the spring is generally warm.

Lin Zimo wore an exquisitely tailored outfit, which was decent, generous, capable, elegant, and perfect. She displayed her body to the fullest. Although Qian Li's face was a little tired, she could still be fascinated by thousands of people.

In front of the company's tens of thousands of employees, this woman who has always been high above him, unsmiling and frosty, is now facing Ye Tian, ​​transforming into a maid, pouring tea and pouring water into the dust.

It can be clearly seen that she faced some sincerity in the face of Ye Tian.

Just a few days ago, she made a mistake, fell under Jin Yongqiang's intimidation, and fell down at the foot of Jin Yongqiang.

Ye Tian didn't want to care about this, because Lin Zimo was just one of his helpers, a dug company CEO.

Moreover, at that time, he was rumored to have died in the Arctic, and Jin Yongqiang regained Jin's pharmaceuticals with the support of the Jin family. If Lin Zimo did not agree with the situation, the consequences would be difficult to imagine, and he would be killed.

Therefore, she served soft rebellion, Ye Tian can understand.

"Sit." Ye Tian said, pointing to a seat and let Lin Zimo sit down.

She has been standing, just like a child doing wrong things, and there is obviously another layer of separation from Ye Tian.

"It's okay, I'm not tired. Let me report the company's operation to you."

A lot of information is placed on Lin Zimo's desk, financial statements, income and expenses, equity, investment, etc., in all aspects.

Although Ye Tian is not interested in these things, it is his company, after all, it is better to know about it so as to be aware of it.

No one believed it, he didn't even know how much money he had.

Ye Tian asked Lin Zimo to make a concise statement that he had limited time.

The company's profitability far exceeds Ye Tian's imagination, especially its newly established Beiming Cosmetics Company. A production line is equivalent to a banknote printing machine that prints banknotes day and night.

In addition to domestic companies, Beiming Pharmaceutical also has a branch in Gaojing Hanjing, which is the compensation for the defeat of the four-star Jin family, and the scale is not inferior to the domestic headquarters. This branch was once taken back by the four-star Jin family, and now it is back in the arms of the headquarters.

After Ye Tian beheaded Jin Donghai, the four-star Jin family changed hands. The new owner not only fulfilled the treaty, but also expressed his sincerity to Ye Tian and expressed sincere regret for the previous mistakes of the Jin family.

"You did a good job, you worked hard during this time!" Ye Tian nodded and praised Lin Zimo.

It is an unexpected delight for Ye Tian that Beiming Pharmaceutical can have today's situation.

At the beginning, he and Jin Yongqiang made a bet and won 10 billion yuan. Jin Yongqiang could not afford so much money, so he used equity as a mortgage. Later, because Jin Yongqiang committed various faults, he eventually swallowed up the entire company.

Ye Tian naturally has no time to take care of the company, nor is this material.

At that time, Lin Zimo was abandoned by her family and was homeless. Ye Tian saw that she knew commercial business, so she accepted her regardless of her previous suspicions.

Ye Tian didn't expect her ability to be so outstanding, she was a business wizard, and she managed the company to become a cash cow.


Ye Tian took out a Pei Yuan Dan, crushed it violently, turned it into a surging medicine, and poured it into Lin Zimo's body.

Suddenly, the fatigue on Lin Zimo's body was swept away, radiant, energetic, and a spiritual charm emerged on the body, bright and moving.

Next, Ye Tian made a decision to teach Lin Zimo a method.

No matter how strong her business ability is, she is only a weak woman, not only a reward for her business, but also for the company to run better.

Shopping malls, like battlefields, are equally perilous.

If she is a master of martial arts, or a master of martial arts, the previous crises can be solved without the need of Ye Tian.

In addition, Ye Tian has a meaning to embrace her. It is impossible to use people all the time without giving some benefit.

Ye Tian simplified the gas refining chapter of Chaos Golden Body Technique and named it Bei Bei Refining Gas Technique, which was taught to Lin Zimo.

The real "Chaos Lianqi Jue" is the Supreme Immortal Method. Ye Tian cannot spread it casually, and even if it is passed out, non-Tianjiao disciples can hardly achieve success.

Although "Beiming Lianqijue" is a simplified version, after all, it comes from the immortal method. If you have the patience, it won't be a problem to practice innate.

Moreover, after simplification, the difficulty of cultivation is greatly reduced.

The gas-refining tactics taught by Ye Tian to Su Mengyao, Zhao Tianlong and others are also simplified "Chaos Gas-refining tactics", which can be passed down as missionary techniques in the future.

Ye Tianmei's heart glowed, and her heart manifested, turning into different characters, and imprinted directly on Lin Zimo's eyebrows. All the cultivation tricks are also there, you can practice without Professor Ye Tian.

The mind is imprinted in the sea of ​​understanding, but it can only be understood, but it cannot be said. Even if Lin Zimo wants to leak it, she cannot leak it out, unless she can thoroughly understand this mind.

"Well, practice slowly, with your qualifications ~ ~ practice to the inner strength will be unimpeded all the way, you will encounter some difficulties when breaking through the Grand Master's realm."

The Lin family was originally a martial arts family, and Lin Zimo's grandfather was a quasi-guru. Although she did not deliberately practice martial arts, she knew everything about martial arts, which is a good foundation.

"Thank you teacher for passing on your skills. Zimo will definitely practice well."

Lin Zimo was so grateful that he even knelt down.

How many people can dream of Ye Tian's teaching? Lin Zimo didn't dare to think. She thought that Ye Tian would reprimand her this time, or dismiss her position, but did not expect it would be the result.

"I pass on the power to you, to make you have the skills to protect yourself, to run the company better, and not to accept you as a disciple. So you do n’t have to worship me, and you do n’t have to call me a teacher.

"In any case, you pass on to Zi Mo. In Zi Mo's heart, you are the master, even if you do not want to accept me as an apprentice." Lin Zi Mo's eyes firmed.

Ye Tian left nothing.

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