Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 965: Bodyguard

Tomorrow is the day of decisive battle between Ye Tian and Dongying Yinyang Archmage Anbe Shengming, but he is not in a hurry. Today he gave up practicing and devoted his time to the teaching of Gong.

Hundred-step magic fist, no shadow palm, exhale into a sword, condense into a breath, turtle breath, etc. He is almost a hand-to-hand teacher, not only Gu Xiaoman and Ning Haifeng, two beginners studying, Su Mengyao and Zhao Tianlong's two apprentices are listening carefully.

Usually, he is a dragon and he does n’t see the end. Even if he returns to the small world, he meditates meditatively. This is the first time he has passed the skill seriously, taught his experience, solved problems, and had a rare opportunity.

Su Mengyao and Zhao Tianlong each practiced the two outstanding techniques of "Purple Phoenix Nine Slashes" and "Taikoo Dragon Elephant Gong". They did encounter a lot of doubts during the practice, and now they are thrown out one by one and circled around him.

Hey, hey, hey!

Over there, Gu Xiaoman and Ning Haifeng were throwing punches and throwing one palm out. They were already fighting each other, and they practiced martial arts and martial arts in actual combat. They were extremely serious.

"Baibu Shenquan!"

"No shadow palm!"


In the sound of a terrifying sound, Gu Xiaoman stepped back and forth, almost falling, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

"Ning Haifeng, you dare to kill thousands of swords, really dare to shoot at me!"

"It was you who made me do my best. And I only played eight points. You are too weak."

"No, fight again. This time you are playing five points, oh no, three points."


Near noon, the real person from the Endlessness also came over.

His practice environment of Panlongguan is too poor. For one week, it is better to practice for one day in the small world of Dongshan Enchantment. In the future, as long as he is free, he will come here more often and be aura.

"Teacher, you'll go to the battlefield of Dongying tomorrow and bring me. It's too dangerous for you to go alone." Su Mengyao suddenly said to Ye Tian, ​​with a look of perseverance and decisiveness, and a little pleading.

"Sister, you stay, let me go with the teacher. You look so beautiful, so eye-catching in the crowd, I don't know how many people think of your idea, if you get caught, it will be very troublesome." Zhao Tianlong said so.

Tomorrow is the day of the decisive battle, the hearts of both apprentices also flew to Dongyu, and they could not calm down to practice. They all knew vaguely that this battle was not a trivial matter. On the surface, it was the battle with Amber Shengming, but behind it was a major crisis. One bad, Ye Tian might fall. Therefore, they all want to follow the past and fight the enemy **** together.

"what did you say?"

Suddenly, Su Mengyao's fierce eyes stared at him. Cold electricity bloomed in the water's eyes. Zhao Tianlong felt hairy and his spine was cold.

"Just a joke, huh, just a joke, Sister Don't be angry. I believe that Sister has the ability to protect himself and will not be taken away."


As soon as Zhao Tianlong's words fell, Su Mengyao's purple electric yin thunder knife came out of the sheath, and a ray of cold mansions, together with murderous spirits, made a void feel cold.

"If you feel better than me, try a match with me. If you win, you go, I stay. If you lose, shut up!" Su Mengyao said aggressively, seeming to be really angry.

"Sister, is this really the case? I may not lose to you."

This time, Zhao Tianlong did not commit counseling, but was eager to try.

He has always been the defeat of Su Mengyao's men.

But now, he has become much stronger, his mana has been motivated to the extreme, and even the two great beasts of the dragon and the giant elephant can be manifested behind him. "Taikoo Dragon Gong" entered the room and thought he could compete with his sister.

"Okay, don't be noisy. Listen to the teacher's meaning, I believe that the teacher already has a win." The real person from the endless walk came to the round road.

Hearing Su Mengyao that they were discussing the battle between East and West tomorrow, Gu Xiaoman and Ning Haifeng also stopped discussing and came over.

It was shocking that Ning Haifeng, who was clearly superior by force, was so stupefied that his face was swollen.

Gu Xiaoman, like a master of martial arts, has a high toe and an air of hope.

"Mister Ning, it's a man!" Zhao Tianlong patted him gently on Ning Haifeng's shoulder, holding back a smile.

Ning Haifeng shook his head like a mad little daughter-in-law.

Ye Tian gathered a blue aura in her palm, and applied it to Ning Haifeng's face. The bruise soon disappeared, and even some minor injuries in the body healed quickly.

This is Otoki Reiki, which has the effect of hair growth and healing.

Regarding tomorrow's decisive battle for Dongyu, Ye Tian originally planned to pass alone. He has enough confidence to deal with various crises.

Now the apprentices Su Mengyao and Zhao Tianlong can not rest assured that it is not impossible to insist on following up.

Ye Tian doesn't expect them to do anything for themselves, but wants them to accumulate experience in actual combat, and realize some of the true essence of martial arts and killing techniques in the thought of life and death.

They are now like flowers in a greenhouse, lacking discipline, looking bright, but can't help but be windy.

In the world of cultivating immortals, every power can grow from stepping on the endless bones. It has never been heard that someone can build a car behind closed doors.

However, it is too dangerous for them to follow. Their martial arts can be used as war masters, but they cannot protect themselves against heavy firepower such as artillery and missiles.

"Neither of you has your own magical powers of defense or defense, and your life lacks a guarantee." Ye Tian eyes solemnly.

"Guardian magic? I have a guardian who can hold my breath, but I can't get it right, isn't it okay?" Zhao Tianlong said.

"If you can't get a gun, what if you encounter artillery? How about missiles?" Ye Tian sneered.

Zhao Tianlong suddenly sweated on his forehead. Although his physical body was very strong and made of steel, he could not withstand the power of cannonballs and missiles. Even the large-caliber sniper rifle was able to penetrate his body's breath and damage his physical body.

Unless his "Taikoo Dragon Elephant Gong" has been practiced to Dacheng, and he has developed a Taikoo Dragon Elephant body, he can hardly resist artillery and shake missiles, but this is too difficult.

The same is true of Su Mengyao, there is no high-level body protector, and no deep body magic.

"Teacher, do you mean to reject us?" Su Mengyao frowned, and her two white fists were also clenched tightly.

"That's not it. Since you are determined to follow, let me build a protective suit for you."

While speaking, Ye Tian flipped his palm, and a small transparent sphere was summoned from the ring of Qiankun and appeared in the palm of his hand.

Seeing this small sphere ice crystals like jade, the glass is generally transparent, shiny and shiny, with a pale blue color.


Once this small sphere was called out from the ring of heaven and earth, the cold wind whistled for a long time, and countless roads of ice and cold enough to freeze people's souls emerged from it. In the empty space within a square of a square, even a small ice crystal condensed. .

Gu Xiaoman and Ning Haifeng both froze with their bodies, like falling in an ice cave.

Zhao Tianlong is strong in body, made of steel, and cold enough to goosebumps.

Su Mengyao is okay ~ ~ The body even absorbs the cold air overflowing from the ice hockey.

This is the goddess of Taiyin Bingmo, which overflows with the cold and cold air of Taiyin, and she is born of Taiyin and is born with the cold and cold of Taiyin.

This Taiyin Ice Spirit God Bead is naturally the one that Ye Tian got from the Arctic Oasis small world. It is a rare treasure. The entire Arctic ice sheet has been bred for thousands of years to achieve one.

However, because this Taiyin Ice Spirit God Bead has been consumed by a lot of ice cold, now there is only the sacred material level.

Of course, it is the sacred material. The ice and cold air contained in it can freeze a large lake and freeze a city in a blink of an eye.

Ye Tian prepared to sacrifice the Taiyin Bingmoi God Bead Sacrifice into a suit of armor and gave it to Su Mengyao.

How precious is the sacred material, which is comparable to a sacred medicine. Looking at the entire earth, it is countless and invaluable.

If it was not the closest disciple, Ye Tiancai would not be willing to send it out.

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