Rebirth of the Peerless Waste

Chapter 967: Technology and Avenue

Ye Tian's approach to the sky, it took only an hour to condense the Taiyin Bingmo Shenzhu into a battle suit.

Ordinary, even the earth fairy, and even the golden dandelion, can't be so amazing and so relaxed. Even giving them ten days and a half months may not be able to sacrifice the sacrifice.

After all, Ye Tian is the reincarnation of true Taoism. Although his strength has not been restored, with the memory of previous lives, he can do many things that a monk stronger than him cannot.

The space in the enchanted small world is too small. Su Mengyao cannot display all the magical powers of the holy clothes. After flying for a while in the air, he falls down. As soon as the idea moves, the holy clothes disappear and merge into the body.

This is her destiny magic weapon, connected by blood, which can be hidden in the body and freely retractable.

However, although the holy garment of the ice soul is also called the holy garment, compared with the purple Phoenix holy garment of the purple phoenix fairy, it is not on a level at all.

Ye Tian also only sacrifice the holy garments of the Ice Soul initially, which has certain magical powers. He wants to exert greater strength to reach the level of the holy garments of Xiuxian Realm, and he needs to continue to worship and depict more Fuxu big array, as well as incorporating more natural treasures into it.

The natal magic weapon can grow together with the owner, has infinite potential, and it is even impossible to eventually promote to the level of fairy.

Su Mengyao not only got a holy garment of ice soul, but also awakened a magical power, an ice-based magical power, or an ice power.

Now her ice ability even surpasses Sima Xuankong.

Even if she does not call out the Soul Apparel, she can still play the icy cold chill, condensing into an ice wall, ice shield, ice spear, and so on.

The Taiyin Bingmu Shenzhu has not been decomposed and exhausted. In the depths of her Dantian, there is a small ice hockey ball rolling around.

This small ice hockey ball is the remaining part of the Taiyin Ice Spirit God Bead, and even the level of the holy product is gone, it can only be regarded as a spiritual treasure. However, the Taiyin ice and cold air contained in it are still like mountains and seas, all of which can release frozen lakes and freeze a city.

The spiritual product of the Taiyin Bingmoi Shenzhu can be completely controlled by Mengyao. Hiding in Dantian will not hurt the body. It can be used to supplement her dress and help her to show the coldness of the Taiyin ice.

When the Apparition of the Soul Apparel is incorporated into the body, it is fused into this spiritual treasure. It is like Ye Tianzang's Jian Wan hidden in Dan Tian, ​​using his body to cultivate.

"Teacher, what about my uniform? Is it also this style? Can I be more mad? I want the prestigious one." Zhao Tianlong couldn't wait to say, and made his own request.

After all, he is a pure-blooded man. If Mengyao's holy garment is worn for him, he will be embarrassed to see people.

"How mighty do you want?"

"Just like your Thunder suit," Zhao Tianlong grinned.

"Yeah." Ye Tian responded softly and said nothing.

The sacred material is extremely rare, and he is gone. However, he fought many times and fought fiercely. He obtained a lot of materials for the soldiers, including swords, halberds, and armors, which can be used together and mixed together to condense into an armor.

Crackling, jingle!

When seeing Ye Tian calling out a bunch of "broken copper and iron" from Qiankun Ring, Zhao Tianlong had an urge to cry.

The same apprentice, the treatment gap is too big, and there must be a bias?

After Ye Tian summoned these things, he didn't use them all, but chose several pieces of broken armor.

These armors are all from the Imperial League of Gods. They are a single-armed combat armor, which is very lethal, almost a science fiction weapon.

It is a pity that all the armor was shattered, and none of them was intact, and even many parts still had blood stains on them, as well as mixed pieces of broken bones, which filled a **** smell.

"Teacher, you ..., oh!"

Zhao Tianlong stopped talking and cried without tears.

In his opinion, Ye Tian clearly wanted to demolish these pieces and integrate a second-hand armor for him, which was too shabby.

The armor of the Imperial League of God is indeed overbearing, but compared to Meng Yao's holy garment, it is far worse.

"Look again, maybe the teacher will give you a surprise." Meng Yao said to Zhao Tianlong, let him not be discouraged.

Ye Tian took out the dragon pattern from the fire Baoding, urged the flame, and threw the broken armor material into it.

The armor is made up of many parts, and different parts use different materials.

What surprised Ye Tian was that almost all parts were mixed with very precious materials, including spiritual materials and even sacred materials, and some of them did not exist on the earth at all, or have not been found on the earth so far.

So, because of these rare materials, the armor is endowed with incredible properties.

Like high-frequency knives, the existing materials on the earth can't oscillate at a frequency of hundreds of thousands of minutes per minute. Among them, smelting iron powder, red copper crystals, black gold magnets, and other rare materials can only be seen in the immortal world. The quenching is more likely to use Taiyin Zhenshui, so the high frequency knife can be so sharp, it will shake hundreds of thousands of times a minute, and it will not break.

And more than that, when the armor pieces were smelted in the dragon pattern Lihuo Baoding, there were countless runes, and various legal arrays were stripped out.

It shows that the armor of the Imperial League of God is not only a scientific and technological weapon, but also integrated into the avenue, but the crystallization of technology and the avenue.

Technology and avenues do exist on the planet at the same time, but the two have not been well integrated. At present, the avenue of the earth is declining, and it belongs to a scientific and technological civilization.

In the past days, Ye Tian ran the universe, and when he was away from the starry sky, he had seen various civilizations, among them the civilizations combining avenue and technology. This kind of civilization is terrible. Often, technology and civilization have reached a high level, so we can combine technology and civilization well. ~ Often, the civilization that combines technology and the avenue has entered the starry sky. , Promoted to the level of starry civilization.

The spacecraft they built can sail across the stars and battle the universe.

The Imperial League of Gods actually has an armor that combines technology and avenues, and there are many precious materials on the armor that do not exist on the earth, which makes Ye Tian curious.

It was also for this reason that he collected these broken copper and iron.

"This is obviously a modern armor. How can there be a rune of magic on it? Is there an Eastern immortal in the Imperial League of God? Can you help them to make modern armor sacrifices into a magic weapon?" Real Life Realm was stunned.

He's seen the armor of Pure Avenue, like Ye Tian's Thunder suit, Meng Yao's holy garment, purely condensed from Fuxu magic array and Tiancaidibao. The armor of the Imperial League of God has a high frequency knife, as well as laser cannons, various joints, obviously not the armor of Pure Avenue. It surprised him that he saw this armor for the first time.

"Probably not. Avenue and civilization are not so well combined." Ye Tian said, lost in thought.

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