
"This report came out in a timely manner, but it was well grasped when it came to diverting international attention." At this point, Alfonso faced down and looked at Randy Orton on his left. Looking at him, Alfonso felt that now he had some truly powerful ideas.

Unlike other government cabinet officials, the two positions of president of the Spanish Media Association and president of the Spanish Film Association are arranged by the king. In fact, to be honest, if they are allowed to become cabinet members at this time, I believe the Spaniards may doubt the necessity of setting up this. After all, the media association can say that, but the movie is purely useless.

It happened that Alfonso could tinker with his own ideas without having to explain to the cabinet led by the prime minister all the way to the upper and lower houses of parliament, which saved a lot of effort. "Your Majesty, what should we do next?" Randy Orton is only 25 years old today, one year older than Louis Meyer of the Motion Picture Association. However, it cannot be said that it is not an astonishing thing to have the leader and helm of an industry in Spain at this age. Although it is not as important as the cabinet, it is still something that surprises the whole world. b Time travel novel:sj131netb

"Can you tell me about your overall plan? There are many words on the Internet." Alfonso especially likes to train people, especially the current two people, Meyer and Randy Orton. Speaking seriously, starting from this cabinet government Although Trini is considered a half-cultivated person, and there are other Elenalis, etc., after all, those people are much older than Alfonso, and their thoughts have definitely been framed. It is difficult to integrate Alfonso's thoughts, at least the Alfonsoism in Alfonso's heart.

Therefore, he started working a long time ago to cultivate some teams for himself that are closest to his own philosophy of governing the country. These teams can allow Spain to maintain social stability for at least a few decades, and then consolidate the pace of moving forward according to Alfonso's development direction. Move forward.

This requires like-minded people to follow up. You can force others to govern, but if you don't understand the meaning, the results will be greatly compromised.

Luis Meyer is a very creative talent, and he is also a person who can make a difference in a field on his own. As long as he is given enough space and resources, Alfonso absolutely believes that he can innovate for Spain. A world-class cloud appeared.

Compared with Maye, Randy Orton Alfonso appreciates Randy Orton more, because Randy Orton's personality reminds Alfonso of a person, that is, a person in WWE in the future. The show's on-screen namesake, Randy Orton, known as The Viper, The Legendary Killer and The Apex Predator, wanted to make it the Randy Orton known to the world's media. Orton, the true apex predator.

Randy Orton has naturally seen from the past few days that His Majesty the King wants to reuse him. He knows in his heart that there is really no way to show too much gratitude on his face because he feels there is no need to express his sincerity. To reveal it, just show it in action. This is his consistent principle of life.

"Your Majesty, I think we should integrate the resources of Spain. Of course, the radio and newspapers in the media can be used as a combination of information dissemination and information sharing. Of course, independence is needed. After all, this will not Let the reasons of dependence dampen the enthusiasm of both parties. This combination can allow us to reduce some waste of resources. At the same time, it can also make information more accessible and give people the same idea, which is to further confirm the authenticity of the matter.

The second is the integration of newspapers. I have already started to prepare for these. I want to unify Spanish newspapers. When publishing some sensitive things, such as Spanish secrets such as weapons, they should be approved by the authorities. Of course, this is based on the fact that if the information channels are legal, then permission is not required. Only in this way can we have press freedom, which can better improve our fairness and prevent the media from being biased towards the government to cover up government leaks. point of view.

Third, we should increase close cooperation with other organizations, such as the International Women's Organization, so that this international organization controlled by Spain can provide the international organization they need to declare to society and the world. At the same time, because this organization can be said to be the world's Many countries pay attention to the organization, especially women. In this case, we can realistically use some touching stories and other news and stories that will increase the goodwill of the world's people towards the organization and Spain. This will increase Spain's influence, because it is different from the impact of military and other hard-line measures. It relies on the people's spontaneous thinking, analysis and voluntariness. I call it soft power. "

Hearing this, Alfonso suddenly said something. It seems that this guy's political sensitivity is not generally high. Now he has brought up soft power. This is a term that only emerged in the world hundreds of years later. However, he thought of himself again. It seems that these have already been reflected in his actions, especially the control of the media and Friendships with countries around the world and charity work, etc., these are all things he has carried out based on soft power a long time ago. However, Randy Orton was able to come up with this word when he took over and combined these, which shows that he is still very not simple.

Seeing His Majesty's smile, Randy Orton knew that his views had been recognized by His Majesty, and he felt relieved. In fact, his face looked calm just now, but he was very nervous inside. This time His Majesty called them over and said he wanted to inquire about the latest work situation, and then asked ordinary greetings such as whether you are having a good life. Yes, but of course they understand the importance of this time to themselves, so he will never allow himself to mess up this opportunity. Looking at the situation now, he has already been recognized. However, he's not done yet.

"Your Majesty, I also think that the value of the Atlantic Ratings Company and the Pan-European Ratings Company you established are too poisonous and too brilliant. My heart is filled with admiration for me."

"Let's get to the point, you know, now is not the time to joke."

Randy Orton's pride at being recognized suddenly disappeared, and all that was left was frustration. However, he was not stable enough. It seemed that he needed to work harder.

"I think that the establishment of these two companies was actually to prepare for future world hegemony from the beginning. Their existence, just like the media, can affect people's judgment, especially those who invest in any country. Said, this will be a very reference. If every country and locality wants to develop first, then investment is definitely one of the channels for the rapid development of the country and locality.

Therefore, if our rating company is recognized by various countries in the world, even if their governments do not recognize it, as long as their citizens recognize it, then we can still influence the development of that country and region, and indirectly Say, we already hold the key to their development. The economy has actually been cut apart from ours. As long as we have reasons, we can divide them into several segments and let the other side develop. At the same time, if we are willing, we can also let the other side develop. Develop rapidly despite lagging behind. Therefore, I think rating companies should cooperate with our media association, and our media association can vigorously promote them, especially the ratings given by rating agencies that are better and more calibrated."

More accurate! Alfonso naturally understood the meaning of what he said. To be honest, rating agencies are not omnipotent. They also rely on a lot of numbers to analyze and determine the maximum guess value. Therefore, the kind of promotion Randy Orton mentioned is definitely a classic kind, and may even involve external help. However, it is not that Spain has never done such a thing before, but it is just that Most of them are not raised formally but the media keeps up with them on their own.

"Yes, resources should be properly allocated to maximize benefits. Orton, you should communicate with the relevant departments about this matter. However, the most important thing is that the newspaper should remain neutral in the world and not give people any clues." After the latter nodded, Alfonso looked to the right, where Louis Meyer stood drinking bitter tea.

I saw the way His Majesty came to look at me. He knew it was his time to work. b Time travel novel:sj131netb

"I have selected a piece of land of dozens of kilometers in Barcelona. I want to build it into a city specifically related to movies. I think as long as we build it, it will definitely be the only movie in the world. City, when people around the world talk about movies, they may first argue that the creation of movies was between the inventor Edison and the French Lumiere brothers. They don't know who was the first.

However, if we really want to talk about movies, then this will definitely not be the topic that gets the most attention. People can’t think about this forever. I think they will definitely think of the world first when they think of movies. The first movie city and the longest-preserved movie city in the world, as well as the most influential movie city in the world. "

He confidently said with a blazing look in his eyes: "As long as you give me 30 years, no, 15 to 20 years at most, I can definitely develop the shallows in the southern part of Barcelona into the most famous filmmaker in the world. Holy place.”

"You are so confident, is this a military order?" Net Bu jumped.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Louis Meyer said without fear.

"Well, I will give you the 20 square kilometers of wasteland around the southern estuary 50 kilometers south of Barcelona for use as a movie city. I hope you won't disappoint me. I look forward to the state of Barcelona in twenty years' time. A world-famous central city will emerge."

"Your Majesty means that you are going to let me build it into a city like Barcelona." Not only Meyer, Randy Orton next to him also looked at Alfonso in disbelief.

"I've already thought of a name." Instead of answering, he shifted to the name.

"what is it call?"


On June 28, 1909, there were still three days before Spain's Golden Cobra showdown with its South American allies. However, today's news is destined to attract everyone's attention, especially the wealthy social elites around the world and every parent who hopes that their sons will succeed and their daughters will succeed. Because on this day, "Time" magazine announced the latest world university rankings of their newspaper.

What is the difference between this world ranking competition and the previous World University Rankings of "International Connection"? Now, many people are wondering about the changes in the new college rankings. In particular, the presidents and management of the universities participating in the rankings, because this involves issues of the future operating model of the schools. Therefore, this issue has attracted much more attention than before, and even governments around the world are keeping an eye on it.

It's a bit late, hehe! But I finally finished coding. I have saved a few drafts in the past two days so that they can be published normally next week, so that brothers and sisters don’t have to stay up late with me. Finally, thank you for your support. Especially, the number of fans has obviously increased a lot in recent days. Thank you for your support. (To be continued. Welcome to () to subscribe, reward, and support.)

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