Rebirth of the Spanish Empire

Chapter 376 Global Condolences (borrowed first, modified on August 12)

"However, as far as I know, most of the Far East in Russia are desolate and sparsely populated places. Except for the places in the south, such as those close to the Qing Dynasty, these places are the most fertile land with many rivers in the Far East. location, so that is what everyone hopes for most. In this case, I think the eyes of the four countries have already set their sights there."

Franco can imagine that the area where the Amur River exists is definitely what the four countries want to win most. Therefore, he believes that that is what the four countries want most. Therefore, the four countries may face difficulties on this issue. The decision may even cause huge disputes of interest.

However, the matter is obviously not something he can understand, and it is not something Compus can control after he truly understands it. Because the people in Spain who really know the inside story of this matter are just those few people. As for him, although he is the Minister of Army, don't forget that there are two big bosses in the military above him, so, Some secrets are still held by the people above, not him.

But he still knows what he should know. For example, he can answer Franco's guesses: "Wrong, completely wrong. On this issue, your thoughts have deviated from something, such as The thoughts of the head of state are just in your thoughts. These are your own imagination. Because, the result of the matter is that, in fact, we have completely solved the problem of dividing the spoils. And everyone is very mny ."

"What, is this possible?" Franco asked in disbelief. mny’s share of the spoils? This result really surprised him. Is this really possible? [

"What, is this possible?" Franco asked in disbelief, mny's share of the spoils? This result really surprised him. Is this really possible?

"There is nothing wrong with it. Don't forget where the land under our feet came from. Sometimes, some difficulties are not really as difficult as they appear on the surface, because they have multi-faceted solutions. The Philippines, Cuba and other places Exchanging Western Australia and New Zealand is a very typical special case." Comps said in a teaching tone. This made the other people a little surprised. At this time, they could not tell that the Spanish Minister of War attached great importance to Franco. If they knew, [Franco]’s “background” was actually more than that. It was the words of their king, Alfonso XIII, who told Compos to "take care of". Absolutely believe it. They will be even more shocked by then.

Franco thought, he was definitely not stupid, on the contrary. His thinking was very sensitive. From the beginning to the present, he guessed something from the impatient tone of Lieutenant General Compos. At the same time, he also understood his situation and took a secret look. From the look of surprise on Nickerson, the boss of his boss's boss, Franco saw his opportunity. It was his life's purpose to seize every opportunity to climb up. Therefore, although he did not know the reason, in his heart The desire has already driven him to think about the next job issue. Of course, he wouldn't ask directly. That would be too inconsiderate. He could only make insinuations and let the other party say it.

"Well, Marshal, since it's a mission, I think I'd better find out where I will be arranged next."

"Sure enough, it's straightforward enough. Okay, let me just talk about the territorial division of our four countries. First of all, after everyone's discussion, the Primorsky Territory, except for the initial doubts of the United Kingdom, the four countries unanimously agreed that this place will allow To the German Reich.”

"What, the German Empire, I thought it was us. Why did His Majesty give them this strategic location?" Many people in Primorsky Krai may not know this, but in this fertile land, there is Vladyros Toka is Vladivostok, the most important [port] in the Russian Far East. Who would be willing to give up so easily? But now, as Comps said, Britain agreed after hesitating, and Spain and Spain Japan obviously showed no dissatisfaction, which made Franco have to wonder if he had heard wrongly.

But what Compus said next made him dispel his doubts and feel relieved.

Compus paused: "It is true that the Primorsky Territory is a very fertile land and a strategic location. However, it also has certain limitations. In fact, our king also has the idea that the country wants to go there. But in the end, we gave up, because one of the largest armies in the Russian Far East is stationed there, and because it is too close to Japan and the Qing Dynasty, it is easy for a war to get into trouble, so we chose It's understandable to give up there.

After that, the British acquired part of the Khabarovsk Oblast south of the city of Lybar III.

This is the final solution for the four countries to obtain a solution to Russia this time. "

Except for Lazarev, the others are all in colder places in the north. As a captain, according to the current Spanish military rank system, a captain can lead up to 200 soldiers, so what tasks should he have? After all, what can such a limited force do? He knew he still didn't have a clue.

However, Comps today seemed to be the source of his surprise, and this time was no exception. Comps brought him another surprise, but this time it should be a surprise. Because Compos’s original words were: First of all, congratulations to you, Franco, because after our detailed consideration, we finally decided that, in view of your performance in previous wars, if you agree to accept our new mission, Then you will be promoted again. If nothing goes wrong this time, our military department will actually be within the inspection period. If your performance is good and you pass the inspection within six months of accepting the mission, then you will Obtained the military rank of Major and the position of [Major]. The mission this time is that if we capture the enclave on the south bank of the Amur River estuary and the western part of the Tatar Strait, we will give you a reinforced battalion with 1,000 infantry battalions similar to the current Japanese military. . If in a few years. If you can still perform well, the position of lieutenant colonel will be yours by then. "

When talking about the latter, several other major generals showed envy. After the climb of these moving averages, they know how difficult it is to rise in these positions. Now each of them is over 35 years old. Even among the four of them, the other two have reached over 40. It can be said. If you really want to ask them what their biggest wish is now. Then if they remove the modesty and leave the directness behind, then they will definitely say that they can be promoted to lieutenant general. This is their biggest wish, but what they don't know is. From now on, you and all of them will be Spanish five-star generals with great prestige. Even Franco is oh

London. Inside Buckingham Palace.

"Prime Minister. If we join forces with the German Empire to deal with Russia, will this cause strong dissatisfaction in Russia and lead to tensions in Northern Europe?"

King George V was a little worried. It has to be said that this does have hidden worries. You must know that Northern Europe has always been Britain's backyard to prevent other countries from moving south. As long as Northern Europe is stable, Britain will be worried about the consequences. This shows how much Britain attaches importance to this. It is precisely because of this that for many years Britain has been dissatisfied with the German Empire and Russia's interference in Northern Europe, and the two countries are also afraid It aroused the anger of the British and did not dare to expand their power excessively in Northern Europe. It is precisely because of this that Spain was able to gain a presence in Britain's backyard as an outsider. In fact, seriously speaking, the reason why Edward VII did not react to Spain's actions was actually because the existence of Spain could relieve the pressure brought by the German Empire and the Russian Empire on Britain.

There is the current balance, but if Britain now joins the Tao in plundering Russian land, can Nicholas II, who is often violent, accept it? George V was very suspicious of this. As for the consequences of the outbreak, it seems that the most injured among the four countries should be the United Kingdom. Next is the German Empire. However, it is not a big deal for the German Empire to have too many debts. After all, the German Empire has completely fallen out with Russia. At this time, it will not take an additional debt to heart. However, Britain was still an ally with Russia before, although it was a loose alliance. That kind of thing, but after all, it is better than being an enemy. If Britain joins it now, the final result will be that the relationship between the two countries will be miserable.

"Such a price seems a bit exorbitant."

Asquith, as an old man in British politics, naturally sees these clearly, but he also has other concerns and worries about other issues. [

"Well, your Majesty, haven't you noticed?" Seeing George V's serious questioning expression, Asquith sighed and said: "I originally thought that Spain really wanted to bring the three countries together this time. However, I had figured out the territorial issue before. I have to admire that Alfonso XIII is worthy of the title of a generational hero. No wonder Her Majesty Queen Victoria praised him when he was still young. To put it bluntly, this man really makes us unable to look down upon him at all."

George V was shocked. He looked at Asquith in surprise. The latter had always given him the impression that he took everything lightly and took nothing seriously. There is an easy way to solve it, but now it seems that his praise of Alfonso XIII shows nothing but his solemn mood.


So he couldn't help but ask: "Does Spain have other conspiracies?"

Asquithnin said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, please think about why, in the past, Spain almost always acted alone to extract profits, but why do they want to drag us along this time, and even bring the German Empire?" Pull them all up, why is that?"

King George V thought for a while and then said: "No, wasn't it the last time in the Dutch colony of Indonesia that we cooperated with the German Empire and Japan? Is it because that cooperation went smoothly, so Spain got the sweet spot? I want to use this as an example to continue to develop such a cooperation mechanism around the world, and because Tsarist Russia is too powerful and is far from being comparable to the Netherlands, so by the way, we, the British Empire, can be involved. It will be easier for Russia to finally surrender like the Netherlands."

The more he talked about it, the more correct George V felt that this statement was. I am increasingly certain that this should be the case.

After hearing this, Asquith paused, shook his head, and said: "Your Majesty, if you think so, you are absolutely wrong."

George V's expression changed and he said: "No way, is it because of other reasons?" He was not dissatisfied because Asquith said that he was wrong. He was surprised because of the content. Looking at him questioningly. Awaiting further explanation.

Asquith sighed and said with a hint of meaning: "The reason why I say this is actually because His Majesty and I were in love before, and we were thinking of Spain's expansion pace. I thought that His Majesty Alfonso XIII also followed We in the UK really want to develop the colonial economy. However, when I knew Spain’s bottom line, I suddenly realized that we had all been deceived by Spain.” When he talked about deception, his face was filled with emotion. wry smile.

George V did not speak, but the hope on his face showed that he was waiting for Asquith's further statement.

After Asquith smiled wryly at himself, he said: "In this war, Spain only asked for Magadan Oblast, Kamchatka Territory (the previous one was written incorrectly), Chukotka Autonomous Region, and the south bank of the Amur River. Didn’t Your Majesty notice something about that enclave?”

George V hated this kind of question and answer method. He wanted to get the answer at once. However, he suppressed his dissatisfaction in his heart. The British Prime Minister was not the Spanish Prime Minister. In the UK, the Prime Minister was actually more important than in Spain. With power, the government can be said to truly fall under the jurisdiction of the prime minister. It is very difficult for the king to intervene, and it is easy to cause dissatisfaction among the members of the House of Representatives, especially the House of Commons. Therefore, when Asquith faced himself, he did not need to be as cautious about the king's feelings as other countries, especially Russia. Of course, except for kings as powerful as his great-grandmother Queen Victoria.

George V: "If we really want to talk about qgu, then except for the land on the south bank of the Amur River, the rest of these places are marginalized places covered with ice and snow. It is precisely because of this that when Spain made a request for the south bank of the Amur River, , we all agreed with them. Could it be that the problem lies here, is there anything weird on these lands? Probably not. If there are gold, iron ore and other minerals, and the Russian government knows about it, we should also know about it. But, we haven’t heard of it.”

Asquith chuckled, "No, I'm not talking about the land itself, but its significance. Spain did not choose those fertile lands this time but chose remote areas, even though the Kamchatka border area has strategic significance. , but the total number of people is said to have not reached 500 Russians. It is said that the number of troops stationed there is only 1,000 soldiers in Petropavlovsk, the central city of the state. Magadan Region is similar to here, Even worse, the Chukotka Autonomous Region is so sparsely populated that you don’t know anyone there.

The three states add up to more than 1.7 million square kilometers, and the total population including the military is less than the population of our small town of 10,000 people. This shows how harsh the living conditions here are. Even if Spain should face them, they will definitely look at our southern lands. Even if the 30,000 square kilometers of land on the south bank of the Amur River are included, compared with us, the United Kingdom, the German Empire and Japan, , and also suffered a lot. Spain was really kind-hearted and gave us a big share, but they only got that kind of benefit.

At first I didn't understand how Spain could give us this fat meat, but now I understand." Asquith glanced at George V, "My guess is that Alfonso XIII's purpose is , Japan and Russia have formed a monopoly in that area. If the United States is added, then these three countries occupy the entire North Pacific region, and Spain has always been with us, wanting to leave Spain’s footprints all over the world. in every corner. But these three countries are all big countries. Since they are big countries, it is difficult to get involved, so"

"We understand, so Spain deliberately uses land interests to influence Japan, so that Japan can take the initiative to bring in our three countries, Britain, Germany, and Spain. In this way, it can break the balance currently formed by the three countries, and our three countries are the world's top three countries. The third, second, and largest countries, the United States, Japan, and Russia can only be regarded as regional powers connected by land. In this way, we can indirectly muddy the waters there. Finally, when Japan wakes up, they will I found that at that time, Japan was no longer the largest force in Nitto, and it would no longer do whatever it wanted after Japan defeated Russia as the dominant force. With the three major world powers also having territorial interests here, Japan at that time We will also find that there will be checks and balances on their territorial expansion. Perhaps this is Spain's purpose, which is to frame Japan and prevent it from becoming a dominant force in the Far East."

I will borrow 5,000 words first, revise them tomorrow, and everyone will read them again. No one will suffer a loss. Please be assured that 10,000 words will be updated today and 10,000 words will be updated tomorrow including modifications. By the way, let’s take a guess, where the protagonist Alfonso will be drifted by the sea water. ()

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