Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1054: Kill me, kill you

Chapter 1054 kills me, kills you

Bei Ming Zhuang is one of the top three forces in this continent. How can this be understood?

Ye Qingyi nowadays, although he has become Yang Jun, but the self-knowledge of this kind of thing, whether it is her past life has become the body of the sacred, or today's own, Ye Qingyi has never been missing.

This continent is detached from the top three forces of the mundane forces. The Yang Jun strong is not lacking, but it is very powerful. Today, she wants to fight against any of the top three forces. Very difficult.

However, since Ye Qingyu became Yang Jun, these three top forces will never sit idly by.

Ye Qingying joins the influence of any party, and the other two parties will join hands to destroy the forces that Ye Qingyi has joined, and even the forces that Ye Qingyi has joined will be guarded against Ye Qingyu, who wants to Concealed to death, in this way, there is no loss of balance.

But if Ye Qingyi does not join any party's forces, the three top forces will be jealous, for fear that Ye Qingyi has already discussed with the other two forces.

Because the strength of the three top sects of the mainland is too balanced, they definitely do not want to see another Yang Jun. Even if Ye Qingyi does not join any forces, it is absolutely impossible to develop his own power.

That is the case, there is only one way, Ye Qingyi and one of the top forces are enemies, and the other two top forces, naturally, will sit on the mountain.

Especially for Beiqianzhuang, the Tianqi dynasty appeared to think that Yangjun would inevitably lead to the suspicion of the Jedi Gate and the Ghost Valley. Or, Ye Qingyan joined them in the North Mongzhuang to see the owner’s meaning. Qing 棠 棠 为 , , , , , , , , 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶 叶There is no other choice!

"Hey, the will of the North Miaozhuang, you can resist!" North Mingzhuang Jinpao messenger stared at Ye Qingyi coldly.

Hearing this statement, Ye Qingyi stared at the messenger of North Miaozhuang, his mouth slightly raised, and outlined a sneer: "It is even the owner of the North Mingzhuang, I have not put it in my eyes, what are you?"

Bai Yu and Zi Jin Dao, etc., can not help but coldly see the North Miao Zhuang messenger, if this person does not represent the North Ming Zhuang and Ye Qingyi talk, then he is already a dead man.

"Well well... no loss is Yangjun, the tone is indeed arrogant!" North Mingzhuang messenger screamed coldly: "I am North Zhuangzhuang, has been passed down on this continent for thousands of years, you are the first to dare to violate the North Molde will People, in this case, North Myeongzhuang will officially start a battle with your Ye family... Although you are a strong Yang Jun, but your ethnic group, you can not have the strength of yours..."

The North Mt. Zhuang sneer, the meaning of the words, has already shown that if Ye Qingyi wants to escape, they may not have the means, but there are so many people in Ye Family, they can kill at will!

However, Ye Qingxuan said coldly: "What you said is really good... But... you have tens of thousands of people in Beimingzhuang, isn't it... everybody is also dead."

When Ye Qing’s words came out, the smile on the face of the North Mingzhuang messenger suddenly collapsed.

The meaning of Ye Qingqi is also very obvious. If they dare to move the Ye Family in the North, then she will kill the North Mt.

"Northern Chuangzhuang inherits the millennium, and there are also a lot of people saying that Beimingzhuang killed me Yejiabai people. I will kill the people of North China. I have to see, you can dare to move me to Yejia, from today. At the beginning, even if I had a disciple who died in Ye Family, I was counted in your North Mongzhuang. Ye Jia died a disciple. I want you to die in the north of the village." Ye Qingyi shouted .

(End of this chapter)

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