Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1069: Falling Valley (2)

Chapter 1069 Falling Valley (2)

"It must be the adult of Yang Jun who is the door of my generation." The deacons of the dynasty decided to open their mouths. However, they were also very puzzled in their hearts. Why did they suddenly come to the valley of Yang Jun?

"Go, go to meet Yang Jun adults."

Immediately, everyone got up and walked outside the valley.


Outside the valley, Ye Qingyi stood in the distance, and he had come to the top of the Tiangu Valley and his disciples. The people stood by and looked respectful.

Yang Jun is the invincible power of this continent. Yang Jun’s visit is a great glory for Tiangu.

However, the high-level heart of the Tiangu Valley is extremely curious. Why do you have a strong Yang Jun, why come to the valley.

After a while, the disciples of the decisive door, Xuan Chenzhen and Wang Yuefeng, the main Xuan Yiyi and others, came here quickly.

Looking at Ye Qingyi, everyone in the Valley of Heaven was surprised. They could not have imagined that this Yangjun strongman was not only a woman, but also so young, looking at his appearance, but only a dozen years old.

Naturally, no matter who is younger, no matter who is going to despise a strong Yang Jun.


The deacons of the dynasty looked at Ye Qingyan, and looked different. This woman is not the adult of Yang Jun, but it is indeed a genuine Yang Jun...

In this continent, Yang Jun is one of the few, and that is a limited number. How can it come up with an invincible Yang Jun...

"I have seen Yang Jun adults!"

At this moment, Xuan Chenzhen and Wang Yuefeng and others immediately went to Ye Qing for a ceremony.

Ye Qingyi nodded.

"Dare to ask your name, where is it from?" asked the deacon.

"Who are you?" Ye Qingyi looked at the deacon of the door, cold channel.

"I am the deacon of the generation!" The Jedi Gate deacon is full of pride.

"Roll." Ye Qing's cold eyes glanced at him, quite an impatient frown.


Hearing the words of Ye Qingxuan, the deacons of the generations suddenly became angry. They were the deacons of the door of the generation. They went out and represented the whole door. This woman dared to let him roll? !

Even if it is a Yang Jun, what about it? They are the best in the door, with four Yang Jun!

"Yang Jun adults, this is the door to the door, the door to the generation, I believe you should not be unfamiliar... This is the only door, but there are four Yang Jun adults ..." Wang Yuefeng Xuan Yiyi looked at Ye Qingyi, Said the opening.

"You are another thing." Ye Qingying's gaze fell on Xuanyuan Yi.

I still remember that before leaving Tiangu, Ye Qingyi was chased by Xuanyuanyi. This account, she came back this time, has to count with Xuanyuan Yi.

Seeing Ye Qingyu, Wang Xuanfeng Xuan Yiyi is afraid to continue to say more. In terms of his strength, the Yang Jun, as long as he is willing, can take his life if he wants it. So, Xuanyuan Yi still dare to continue to say more.

Xuanyuan Yi intentionally or unintentionally looked at Ye Qingyi, his brows were deeply picked up. I don't know why. He always felt that this invincible Yang Jun was familiar with it, as if he had seen it in the past, but for a while, he could not remember it.

"Yang Jun adults, I don't know what Yang Jun adults are coming to fall into the valley."

Xuan Chen real people looked at Ye Qingxuan and asked,

"Just passing by here, it happened to come to you to look at Tiangu." Ye Qing said.

(End of this chapter)

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