Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1081: Eternity is loneliness (2)

Chapter 1081, Eternity is loneliness (2)

"I want to leave this continent... I have to get the Shenfu..." Old Valley Lord looked at the real people of Xuanchen, and there was no joy or sadness in the eyes.

To get the shrine, he only turned this continent into nothingness.

In order to obtain the Shenfu, the old valley owner must start from the nine-night dynasty... let all the things on this continent be born, and the souls will be coated with charcoal...

In terms of the strength of the old valley owner, it is not difficult to do all this.

Thinking about what the old Guzhu is about to do, Ye Qingyi immediately squats, and the Xuan dynasty scorpion scorpion stalks instantly squirts and falls into her hands.

At the same time, the power of the blood of Shenhuang broke out, and a huge red fire phoenix appeared behind Ye Qing’s body, and it sounded as if it made the world tremble.


At the moment, Ye Qingyi waved the blade and smashed it toward the old valley master.

She doesn't care what the old Guzhu thinks, but on this continent, she has her relatives and friends. No matter who she is, she will never let her destroy it.

Of course...

The old valley owner is standing still in the same place, without the slightest dodge.


Under the eyes of the public, between the lightning and the fire, the moment when Ye Qing’s sword fell, the old man’s right arm was slightly raised. It was actually two fingers, which instantly intercepted the blade of Ye Qing’s scorpion.

The 弑天刃 was fixed, and Ye Qing’s brow was slightly wrinkled.

I saw, behind the old Valley Lord, there is a pattern of the sun and the moon and the yin and yang interlaced, a long-lasting Wei Li, like wearing a nine-story, to come to this world.

This situation, let the people in the valley of the valley completely stagnate, Ye Qingyi, seeing the sun and the moon behind the old valley, is also full of horror, unbelievable.

"Yin and Yang Zhenjun... Tenth Heaven!"

Ye Qingyan slightly widened his eyes and looked at the yin and yang behind the old valley master.

As everyone knows, the yin and yang true kingdoms are divided into ten heavens.

However, in today's era, Ten Heaven has become a legend, and it is the ninth heaven of yin and yang, and it is almost extinct.

The yin and yang Zhenjun martial arts, the martial arts strength into the yin and yang Zhenjun eight heavens, is the bottleneck. In the past thousands of years, rumors of yin and yang martial arts are rarely heard. The martial arts strength can enter the ninth heaven, almost all The martial arts of the yin and yang dynasty, the strength of the martial arts reached the yin and yang dynasty, and they began to try to attack the Tai Xuan Zun...

Even if Ye Qingyu became a yin and yang dynasty after the eight peaks, he also wanted to try to see if he could touch the legendary realm and want to attack the ninth day of the yin and yang dynasty. However, for three years, the leaves Qing Yu is not a clue, it seems that in this world, there is no yin and yang, nine heavens and ten heavens...

In the end, in desperation, Ye Qingxuan can only break through from the yin and yang Zhenjun Eight Heavens to the Tai Xuan Zun.

Ye Qingyi was a human being, and this is the legendary realm of seeing the tenth heaven of Yin and Yang.

"You are young and become Yang Jun, it is really good." Old Valley Lord looked up at Ye Qingyi, muttering in his mouth.

"You remind me of the fact that among my disciples, there were also young warriors like you... The little guy was only eight or nine years old, but he has become a great denomination..." It seems like something is remembered.

Da Yan Zun... his disciple? !

Ye Qingying stared at the old valley master and looked very different.

Still not waiting for Ye Qingyi to continue to say more, the old valley owner's right arm slightly raised, an unspeakable smashing weather, but it is Ye Qingyi's instant earthquake.

(End of this chapter)

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