Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1099: I am guaranteed (1)

Chapter 1099 I am guaranteed (1)

One of the ancient strongmen looked up at Ye Qingyu and immediately sneered: "It is not easy to read you as a prince, and advise you to get out of here. This matter has nothing to do with you."

Ye Qing’s footsteps did not mean to retreat. She was a step forward, and her cold eyes swept over the bodies of the ancient people.

The snow gods are also good, the odd women, their things, originally had nothing to do with themselves.


I have witnessed all kinds of things between the **** of falling snow and the secluded, and Ye Qingyi can’t stand idly by.

Ye Qingyi was born again and again. He tasted the world warm and cold, knowing himself, between heaven and earth, and wishing to do it from the heart.

These two children, she is guaranteed!

"They are my children, you said, I have a relationship with me." Ye Qingyi alone faced a number of Yang Jun strong, but there is no fear of the face.

"Your pair of children?"

Immediately, several hidden ancient strongmen looked at each other and laughed.

"The boy and the girl are the fruits of the tree. You said, are they a pair of children?!" The golden robe sneered in the middle age.

Ye Qingying’s eyes were skipped from the two children on the side. A few days ago, the male doll was still alive and screaming.

At that time, Ye Qingyi was quite a bit crying and laughing, but nowadays...

She should have said the word of accident.

From today, she is their mother.

Regardless of the way forward, she is protective!

"Now is it." Ye Qing is not fluent, indifferent.


The middle-aged look of Jinpao suddenly cooled down: "In this way, are you determined to be against the ancients?"

Ye Qingyi has no intention of causing trouble, but...

She is never afraid of things!


At the same time, the **** moon, the blood moon temple.

A **** robes swayed in the wind, and the **** moon in the man's eyebrows faintly exudes the power of evil spirits, and the indifferent squats slowly open.

"Is it time to make a choice?" The man whispered softly in his mouth.

"The Lord... how to deal with it." The shadow of a young man is shown here.

"I have my own size." The blood of the Holy Lord's right arm waved, the whole person disappeared in place.


At this moment, fall into the valley.

In the face of several ancient strongmen, Ye Qingyi has become more and more powerful and has no intention of regressing.

"Today, these two children, I am guaranteed." Ye Qingyi looked at the golden robe middle-aged, indifferent.

I heard the words of Ye Qingzhen, and the look of the man in the golden robe suddenly cooled down.

Thinking of their ancients is the master of this continent. Although it is hidden in the world, the power of the hidden ancients cannot be surpassed by others.

"It’s really looking for death!"

At this moment, the men in the golden robe sang coldly. In an instant, the willpower of the martial arts swept through all directions, and they wanted to swallow the valley.

Feel the power of this Yang Jun, Ye Qingyi is not even a brow.

As long as it is not the old man of the ancients, the strength of the martial arts into the yin and yang ten heavens, she is not afraid.


Immediately, the Jinpao man pulled out his long sword and passed it toward Ye Qingzhen.

Upon seeing it, Ye Qingyi hugged the boy and the girl. If there was a breeze, it quickly retreated toward the rear.

A loud bang, "Swordsman" flashed past, and the palace behind Ye Qingyi was ruined.

"Go back first!"

Ye Qingyi swept over the people in the valley, and immediately opened the door.

The power of the Tiangu Valley is too great compared with the hidden ancients. The war between the princes and the princes is that Yu Wei is likely to shock the tops and disciples of Tiangu.

(End of this chapter)

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