Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1162: Aura delivery (2)

Chapter 1162 Aura Delivery (2)

Next second...

The rich aura above the void, immediately rushing into the valley of the sky!

Ye Qingxuan and Xuanchen real people saw the intense aura that suddenly came, and the eyes could not help but flash a strange look.

It’s just that I haven’t waited for the two to understand what’s going on.

The rich aura that rushed down was actually shrouded in the real thing!

The aura wrapped in Xuanchen's real body, suddenly flooded into his body at a very fast speed.

Aside, Ye Qingyi looked at a lot of aura into the body of Xuan Chen, and could not help but widen his eyes.

With the influx of a large number of auras, but between a few breaths, the realm of the martial arts of Xuanchen real people is rapidly increasing at an unimaginable speed.

Xuan Chen’s real face looks stunned and his face is incredible. “I... broke through... How is this possible?!”

In the three-day period of Yin and Yang, he has been immersed for many years. As early as many years ago, his own martial arts realm has already fallen into a bottleneck. In just a few breaths, he has broken through to the third day of Yinyang Zhenjun. The fifth day of yin and yang Zhenjun!

However, it has not yet been waiting for Xuan Chen’s voice to land for a long time, but his face is a shock.

"Yin and Yang Zhenjun... Sixth Heaven... How is this!"

However, in the twinkling of an eye, his realm has actually increased a heavy!

Xuan Chen real people are more and more unbelievable, it seems to be in the dream, however, the breakthrough in the realm is really true.

With the realm of Xuanchen's real people breaking through the yin and yang of the yin and yang dynasty, Ye Qingying was keenly aware that the face of Xuanchen's real person began to appear pale, and his body began to tremble fiercely. It’s up.

"Small clouds... first stop." Ye Qingyi immediately flew to the side of Xiaoyunyun, and quickly began to speak.

Xiaoyunyun looked up at Ye Qingyu, and immediately nodded very well, and shrouded the aura of Xuanchen’s real body.

Just in the moment when Xiaoyunyun dissipated the aura, Xuanchen’s real person rushed back, and after a few meters, this only slightly stabilized his figure, but at this moment his face is already white, and the bean’s sweat has fallen. .

"Master, can be a big problem?" Ye Qingyi looked worried to Xuan Chen real people.

"It's not a big problem, just..." Xuan Chen really shook his head and gasped. "Aspirating absorption of aura... is already the limit..."

I heard that Xuan Chen’s real person said this, Ye Qingyi only slightly lowered his heart.

But now it seems that Xiaoyunyun does have the aura that can control this continent.

And Xiaoyunyun can completely transfer the aura into the body of the warrior, so that the warrior can greatly enhance the strength in a short time.

Because this continent has a curse of the clouds, the realm of the warrior can only enter the real world of yin and yang.

The breakthrough of Yangjun Jiuzhongtian and Shizhongtian has nothing to do with Aura, but to open an "iron gate" in Dantian. Therefore, the limit of Xiaoyunyun is to control the aura, so that the warrior can break through to Yinyang. Eight peaks.

However, the affordability of the warrior is limited. Not all warriors can bear it in a short period of time, impacting the aura of the yin and yang.

The body of the warrior is like a container, and the aura is like the water in the container. If the degree of aura transmission can be controlled, the warrior can quickly extract its own strength in a short time.

However, if the aura of transport exceeds the limit that the body of the warri can bear, the consequences are unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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