Chapter 1184 Attack (2)

"Ye girl, do you have any questions?" After seeing no opinions from everyone, Gu Yu nodded with satisfaction and immediately looked at Ye Qingyi.

"No." Ye Qing said.

Hearing the words of Ye Qingyu, the ancient feathers looked a little, and originally thought that Ye Qingyi could not be willing to go to Longxiang City. He needed to waste some of his tongue and even might have to move out of his commanding identity.

However, what Gu Yu did not expect was that Ye Qingyi promised so simply.

"Well, Ye girl is very comparable. The task is arduous. Ye girl is going to pretend to be an army to attack the Dragon Elephant City. At that time, the ancient people of the Qing family who are besieging Qitiancheng will return immediately... At that time, As long as the leaf girl withdraws, the task is completed." Gu Yu smiled.

It is extremely simple to say, and who can safely retreat from the surrounded by the ancient Gus strongman...

"I tried my best." Ye Qingyi looked at Gu Yu and said.

"Ye girl can choose 100 warriors from Qitiancheng. As long as it is not Yangjun, Ye Qingyi likes it." Gu Yu said again.

"No, I can do it alone." Ye Qingyi refused.

Ye Qingyu did not want to bring people, right in the heart of Gu Yu: "Well, that leaf girl is ready to go, tonight."

After the meeting, Ye Qingyi turned and left the hall.

Until late at night, Ye Qingyi left Qitiancheng, and the whole person turned into a residual image and flew away in the direction of Longxiang City.

When there was still a hundred miles from Longxiang City, Ye Qingyi stopped.

"Everything comes out." Ye Qingyi whispered.

The next second, the people who should have appeared in the Valley of Heaven, but they have come out of the darkness, the huge body of the **** elders, the most eye-catching.

The fundamental problem of Qitiancheng is that the strong man is understaffed. Therefore, Ye Qingyi has already informed the people in Tiantian, and originally intended to let them all go to Qitiancheng and hold Qitiancheng.

However, Gu Yu today is letting Ye Qingzhen make the posture of attacking the Dragon Elephant City. In this case, she would rather take the Tiangu army and take the Dragon Elephant City in one fell swoop.

"Mother... pro..."

At this moment, Xiaoluo Xue ran out of the crowd and immediately hugged Ye Qing's calf.

Ye Qingyi smiled slightly and held the small snow and the small cloud in his arms.

Falling in the valley is no longer safe. If the ancients want to get the power of the gods completely, they must first get a small cloud. Ye Qingyi will not let them stay in the valley, and stay with them is the most stable. A sound method.

"Missy, we received your letter today, and did not go to Qitiancheng, but waited at the command of Missy, waiting here." At this moment, the Zijin Dao came forward and said to Ye Qingyu.

"Good." Ye Qingyi slightly decapitated: "With me, capture the Dragon Elephant City!"


Immediately, the strong people nodded and nodded.

At this moment, a strong group of people, stepping into the air, flew toward the Dragon Elephant City.

However, for a moment, Ye Qingyan took the crowd and came to the top of Longxiang City.

The strong elephants of the Dragon Elephant City came out and surrounded the Qitian City. Today, in the Longxiang City, the number of strong people is not too large. To win the Dragon Elephant City, it is not too laborious for Ye Qingxuan.


At this moment, the elders of the white singer screamed and rushed into the city of Longxiang.

Dozens of Yang Jun strong, plus blood and blood elders, how powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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