Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1199: Bloody battle (1)

Chapter 1199 Blood War (1)

"Big... Missy... Thank you... Thank you... guardian... This continent... I... The most admired... is Missy... Missy... I tell you a... secret... ...we...we are Ye disciples...a lot of people...likes...big lady...all said...after that...hey...big lady doing...wife..." Ye cold’s weak mouth, he’s like I want to laugh, but I can't even show a smile.

"Big... Missy... I, lied to you... I... I’m so scared... I don’t want to die...” Ye’s emotions were so excited, and when he spoke, he spewed a large piece of blood from his mouth: “Save me... otherwise... my grandfather, my grandfather... will... hurt... hurt... heart..."

At this moment, Ye Qingqi hugged the upper part of Ye Leng tightly, a pair of strong cockroaches, full of fog, until the leaf cold can no longer open, always close the eyes with tears.


Ye Qingyi stood up and the whole person turned into a residual image and entered the crowd of the ancient family of the ancients.

"Small cold..."

Not long after, the elders of the white scorpion all the way to kill here, after seeing the cold half of the body, the whole person was in the same place.

"I want you... powdered bones!!" The elders of the white pheasant screamed in the sky, and with Ye Qingyu, they entered the camp of the ancient Aged in front.


The elders of the white scorpion smashed out, and when they were about to get a future defense, the prince Yang Jun broke off.


Seeing that a strong Yang Jun was killed, the remaining Yang Jun were shocked, and immediately became furious and went to the white elders.

"I want you... to accompany my younger generation!!"

The elders of the white pheasant faced the Yang Jun strong of several ancient ancestors, but they did not mean to retreat.

"White elders... fast retreat!"

At this moment, Ye Qingzhen was fighting with several other Yang Jun, unable to withdraw, looking at the elders of the day, shouting loudly.


However, in the face of several strong Yang Jun, the elders of the White Emperor have lost in an instant.


A prince Yang Jun, holding a longbow, full of bows, dozens of feather arrows are reaching the limit, and at the same time shot toward the already scarred white elders.


The sound of a series of sharp weapons piercing into the flesh echoed.

The elders of the day, the corners of the mouth overflowed with blood, and they stood upright, and a dozen feather arrows were passed through the body.

"Unfortunately, I can't... continue to fight with Missy... Missy, this time... Thank you for your care..." The elders of the day decided to succumb, the power of destruction, emerged on their own.

"He wants to blew?!"

Feel the power of destruction of the elders of the day, and the power of the Yang Jun strong is horrified.


One of the Yang Jun strong people opened.

The self-destruction of a strong Yang Jun, its power, is enough to pose a great threat to Tai Xuan Zun, not to mention the Yang Jun in the same territory.

"Feng Tian... surgery!"

Seeing that a few Yang Jun are going to escape, the white elders have their own palms printed, and they must be separated by a golden barrier, and they are locked with themselves and the number of Yang Jun.

"you wanna die!"

One of the princes was furious and had a long sword in his hand.


The head of Elder White is instantly isolated from the body, and at the moment of separation, the power of destruction reaches its limit.

"Booming rumble!"

Inside the golden barrier, there was an earth-shattering explosion between the moments.

(End of this chapter)

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