Chapter 1221 Mainland (1)

Compared with the novelty of Xiaobaihu, Ye Qingyi is very indifferent to the rich aura of the Central Plains.

In the previous life, when she first came to the Central Continent, she was also shocked by the rich aura here.

The strength of the Central Continent is not only dependent on a high degree of martial civilization, but also because of the rich aura of this continent, which provides a better environment for cultivation.

"Speaking...what is this place?" Xiaobaihu looked around the canyon, and I don't know if it was its illusion. It always felt that Ye Qingyi was not very strange to the Central Plains.

From the moment he set foot on the Central Continent, Ye Qingyi seemed to know where he wanted to go.

"Dead Canyon." Ye Qing's faint opening.

"How do you know?" Xiaobaihu asked curiously.

Ye Qingyi had not come to answer the question of Xiaobaihu urgently, but suddenly heard a loud noise coming from afar, almost subconscious, Ye Qingyi raised his hand and smashed the little white tiger into his arms and flew. Hiding behind a boulder.

No matter what the voice is, it is not interesting to the present Ye Qingyi.

Just after Ye Qingqi took the little white tiger to hide in the next stone, several figures flew away from behind.

I saw a man with a thin body and a goatee. He was running forward quickly, but he had not waited for him to fly a few meters. A few gray fogs flew from behind him directly. Bounced on the grass in front of him.

In an instant, the man’s front was directly blasted out of a huge pit, and his life broke his front road. Several black figures appeared in front of the man.

Ye Qingying and Xiao Baihu, who were hiding behind the boulder, immediately saw the appearance of the black figures.

The figures were inhuman and human, and all of them were covered in black cloaks. Under the cloak, they were not human bodies, but a gray cockroach.


When Ye Qingying saw the cloaks in the cloak, the brows could not help but wrinkle.

The undead is one of the aliens of the Central Plains.

In the past life, when Ye Qingxi came to the Central Continent, he heard some rumors about the undead. The legendary undead was not the aborigines of the Central Plains, but came to the Central Continent 10,000 years ago.

They were brutal and stifled, and they had brought fear to the entire Central Continent thousands of years ago. Only in these thousands of years, the forces of the undead have gradually fallen, which makes the people on the Central Continent Slightly relieved.

Among the undead, the most prosperous force was the shadow temple that ruled all the undead.

Ye Qingying’s gaze swept through the cloaks of the undead, and he saw the totem of the shadow temple on the cloak.

Ye Qingyan never imagined that he would encounter the undead of the Shadow Temple.

We must know that the Shadow Temple is a nightmare for everyone in the Central Plains. Although it has disappeared in the past millennium, their terribleness has been passed down for a long time.

At this time, if they let them find themselves and Xiaobaihu, I am afraid that they both have to explain here.

Just as Ye Qingying observed it in secret, an undead yelled at the goat man:

"Bold people, dare to steal the treasures of my shadow temple. If you don't want to die without a place of burial, you will hand over the nine souls..."

(End of this chapter)

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