Rebirth of the Strongest Female Emperor

Chapter 1516: Ten dead without life (1)

Chapter 1516 Chapter 10 Dead and No Life (1)

But when he stepped into the thick fog, the white and black cotton wool in the thick fog suddenly poured into his body from his seven gongs. In front of Ye Qingying’s eyes, the man was completely cracked. The man swelled and exploded, but the flesh and blood splattered the ground.

"..." Just like Ye Qingyi who had just returned from the original road, this time it was completely gone.

Before, she felt that the fog was very strange, and now it seems...

There is nothing unusual about this fog, but if you want to step inside again, you are afraid that it will kill you.

Ye Qingyi is not sure if this is true, but she does not have a second life to confirm this speculation.

The void above the head has been covered by thick fog.

The sound stone also didn't work. There were three monsters in the front, and Ye Qingyi only felt that he was walking into a dead end.

At this moment, the **** family who had spit blood was finally suffocated and stood still on the ground. Perhaps death is a relief for them.

But just after the few people broke their breath, they were swallowing the three monsters of the internal organs, but it seemed to have lost all interest in the dead food in front of them, directly dropped the internal organs that had not been eaten in their hands, and squinted around to find new ones. prey.

Their gaze is finally locked in the two living creatures in front of them.

Ye Qingyi, Xiaobaihu...

Ye Qingying looked at these fierce monsters, although they did not play, but Ye Qingyi clearly felt the strength of these monsters, I am afraid that it is above the holy...

After all, the strength of a creature that can survive in such a terrible place as the forbidden land is naturally self-evident.

Playing with the monsters above the three holy places?

Ye Qingzhen really does not have that strength.

Just when Ye Qingxi felt that she and Xiaobaihu might have died here, the three monsters, as she expected, suddenly walked in her direction.

A drop of cold sweat from the depths of Ye Qing's forehead, she quietly urged all the power in the body, looking for a possible lifeline.

A spurt of hot air in the nose of the demon, just before they went to Ye Qingzhen, Ye Qingzhen was preparing to fight a dead battle, but the three monsters surrounded her, and there was no attack on her. Meaning, just smelled back and forth on her.

Like a temptation, it is like a perception.

"It won't be because of the big demon blood on our body. They recognize us as the same kind..." The little white tiger looked at the three ferocious monsters and did not attack them immediately. The moment they whispered.

Ye Qingyi did not dare to relax his vigilance, but he also raised the same thought in his heart.

When the black lines didn't attack her before, she felt a little strange. Now these three monsters don't even mean to attack her...

Ye Qingying looked at himself and Xiaobaihu, full of big demon blood, and thought that Xiaobaihu’s guess might be right.

The big demon and these monsters should be of the same kind. It is necessary for these monsters to smell the atmosphere of the big demon and treat her as a kind.

With these speculations, Ye Qingyi took a tentative step forward.

The three monsters still didn't mean to attack and block her, but they still followed her feet, wrinkling their noses and smelling.

Ye Qingxi sighed with a sigh of relief and tried to walk forward.

The three monsters followed her behind her, her limbs on the ground, and her head scented the smell of her body.

(End of this chapter)

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